Eleven- Exposure.

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"Dean get off!" Tyler whined as he struggled to over power her, he smirked as he pinned one of her hands above her head

"Oh birdie I plan too, and you're gonna help" he mocked as he shoved her back, her head bouncing off the couch.
"C'mon Ty, you enjoyed yourself last night." He reminded,
"Don't try to forget how you screamed my name. Although you were pretty out of it that last round, just I'd planned." He straddled her, his weight crushing her abdomen,
"Don't make this any harder than what it already is" he smirked at his pun,

"Dean stop!" She groaned, she fought against his grip, she managed to sit up before he flung her down again.

"Oh c'mon Tyler" he laughed as he pressed his lips against her collar bone, he bit her causing her to stiffen.
"You really don't remember how great of a time you had last night?"he taunted, he slid a hand between her thighs patting them before he slipped between them.
"I'm was more than sure that all that screaming you did said otherwise." He pushed her dress up

"Nothing happened!" She groaned as she pushed up on his chest again, he easily shoved her back down again, she could hear as he drunkenly struggled to unbutton his pants

"Bird I'm hurt, either you're choosing to ignore all the carnal pleasure I provided you with or you simply can't remember" he muttered into her ear as she felt his bare almost clammy skin through the fabric of her dress
"Either way it seems I'm going to have to make you remember" he whispered. He pressed his lips on to hers and it's like everything from last night came rushing back hitting her like cold water.





"Aw does the birdie feel sick?" Dean mocked as he kneeled in front of her, his arms wrapped around her and she found herself being lifted off of the chair. She pushed against his chest weakly, his lips pressed to hers. Forcibly, his tongue darting into her mouth, staking it's claim as he carried her up the stairs. For a second. Instinctively she kissed back, stopping herself from pushing on his chest,
"Thats right bird" he snickered into her mouth
"Give in", she felt herself get dropped and half expected herself to fall on to the hard floor but instead found herself landing on a soft bed, she fluttered her eyes open her surroundings blurry. The sheets on the bed she was on were a dark grey, slick as if made from silk. The bed itself was huge, black four poster with a canopy. She felt a shift on the bed, her head felt heavy as she turned to find Dean creeping toward her, his bare chest seemingly gleaming in the dim lighting of the room. She tried to sit up, he pushed her back easily with a single finger, seemingly amused with how helpless she was. He was like predator toying his prey. Her skin felt cold, she could feel her skin prickling with goosebumps, she shivered slightly. Dean smirked as his hands seemingly hovered over her threateningly, she found his face floating inches above hers as she connected the dots that he was on top over her, his hands gliding up from her ankles
"I think I'll fuck you with these on" he smiled smugly as he left her heels on before his hands went up further she felt his hands on her bare stomach and over her breasts, that's when she realized her clothes were off.

"W-w-what d-did you g-give me?" She stuttered afraid, she felt his finger trail across her lips

"Sssh bird" he said in an eerily soothing voice
"Relax" he kissed a necklace of wet sloppy kissed across her chest,
"We're gonna have a good time" his lips fell on hers again. She didn't remember much after. Aside from small bits and pieces, Dean on top of her, grunting, groaning. Her on too of him, her head thrown back in pleasure as she rode him. His hands all over her, his nails digging into her flesh, his teeth grazing along every inch of her, his skin rubbing against hers, sleek and cool, then she remembered the last round her tired as he continued his relentless speed. She was barely participating at all when Ruby had walked in. What the hell had he given her to make her so hungry for him?! She felt his hands inching up her thighs again. She snapped back from the memory.
"Stop!" She pushed forward surprising him as he fell back, he looked shocked
"Don't touch me!" She warned,

"Or what? Just what makes you think I'd do anything you say?" He smirked as he started to move in on her again,

"I'll-" she looked around helplessly,
"I'll tell Ruby! She'll kill you" she told him. He laughed shrugging,

"Maybe she will but if I'm going down then I rather it be for something than nothing Dollface" he closed in on her finally unbuttoning his pants as he pinned her down again. His lips began to brush against hers before there was a crash and Dean went limp. He collapsed onto the ground, Tyler looked around confused until she saw Lía looking out of it, a bloodied lamp in her hand.

"Lía?! What did you do?! Oh my gosh. Shit!" Tyler shrieked as she kneeled over Deans motionless body
"He's not breathing! Fuck what do we do?!" She panicked as Lía continued to look as if she were lost in a memory of her own.

"No one should be taken like that, no one" Lía continually repeated under her breath,

"Lía! What do we do?!" Tyler yelled, finally she seemed to snap out of it, she looked at the lamp in her hand before dropping it shocked. She gasped

"Oh my gosh what did I do?!" She asked nervously

"He's not breathing Lee what do we do?!" Tyler asked, Lía nervously pulled at her hair, she searched her pockets for her phone, but instead heard jingling. She pulled out the keys, they were identical to Ruby's keys but had a different keychain on it. It looked like small plaque. She squinted to make out what it said, her eyes widened. She pulled up Tyler.

"We have to go! He'll be fine but if we're still here when he becomes conscious we won't be!" She told her as she tugged her out of the apartment,

"Lía where are we going?! We can't leave him like that!" Tyler practically sobbed, Lía stopped in her tracks, Tyler's head jerked back and she realized that Lía had slapped her.

"Stop it! Ok?! He was going to rape you! AGAIN! He had it coming! Now pull yourself out of this Stockholm like state and pull it together! We have to get out of here! Roman is looking for me and pretty soon Deans going to be looking for you! We have to get out of here!" She told her, as she pulled her into Seth's car.

"Where are we going?!" Asked Tyler rubbing her cheek,

"You'll see, I think I have it all figured out. But first we have to ditch this car." Lía shook her head.







"What the fuck?!" Ruby gasped as she climbed off of Punk. She stood her ear perked as if trying to find the source of the crashing sound. Punk began to flail as if trying to catch their attention,
"Oh shut up" Ruby rolled her eyes. She picked up her shirt pulling it on as she strode toward the door. She pulled it open and stepped out into the brightly lit hallway. It reminded her of a hospital corridor, she looked from side to side, before going to the elevator and taking it down to the lobby. She found Astrid reading a book.
"A!" She calls as she stepped out, her head snapped up immediately,

"Yeah?" She asked nervously,

"Is someone else here?" She asked her eyes narrowed,
"I heard something on the 3rd floor, a crashing sound" Astrid shook her head wished eyed

"No! Of course not! No one but you and Sterling and the people who reside in the facility are allowed in!" She stuttered,
"There's no way in without a key!" She reminded, Ruby thought for a second before a smirk played across her face,

"They found me. It's about damn time" she laughed, Astrid looked at her confused,

"What?" She asked,

"Nothing. It's ok, see you in a bit" she shook her head before turning on her heel and stepping back into the elevator. She'd deal with them later. She fluffed her hair before stepping into the room with Punk again. He lifted his head and once he saw it was her he dropped it again, seemingly angry. She laughed,
"Expecting someone else cookie?" She laughed
"Tsk tsk, you should know better."
Ruby lay beside him again, snuggling against him. She sighed,
"Have you ever considered how different things would've been, how everything would've changed had I just said yes that first time you asked me out? If I had just let you fuck me?" She mused looking up at the ceiling,
"I'm more than sure that you would've forgotten all about me after that. Never thought of me again. I probably would've ended leaving or something. Maybe in TNA with Jeff...maybe even become his mistress." She sighed
"Everything would've changed...had I simply changed a no to a yes" she sighed before sitting up,
"Because the chase is really what made us fall in love isn't it? My constant rejection, your relentless pursuit. We wouldn't m have given each other time of day any other way. We wouldn't have caught each other's interests. We would've bored each other. I would've just been one of those girls you toyed with and you would've been what to me? I don't even know" she shrugged.
"I'm glad I said no" she mused,
"I'm glad it sparked something in you" she bit her lip in thought,
"I'm sure you were glad for a whole too weren't you? But all that changed..." She rolled over and propped herself on her elbow.
"Back to business anyway" she shook her head,
"Now that I mentioned Jeff I guess I should tell you what really happened between us...why he just disappeared after Summerslam." He looked at her confused, she took a deep breath.
"I'm more than sure you remember the calls. To Danny, to Shannon, to PJ. Not too soon after I called Jeff and I told him that if he really loved me...that if he was really sorry he would take care of you since I couldn't. That's why he showed up to your bus and that's why he took care of you. I don't think he knew I was Ember...but he knew I was close." She sighed,
"Although shit did get a little complicated with Danny getting arrested and me trying to get him out, funnel money to Scarl. It was hard not to come back and just fix things. It would've been so easy. But instead I had to keep up my facade all with the big picture intent of keeling you safe." She shook her head
"I may have not been where you could see me but I was always with you. I watched from afar. I knew about the crying. The nightmares. I had them too. I saw you in the strip club, praying for love in a lap dance. I saw the hope in your eyes when you thought Scarlett was me. You don't know how hard it was for me to not just burst in and come back to you. But every time I reminded myself that if I went back to you..." She took a deep breath her voice quivering,
"If I went back to you...they would try to hurt you. They would realize that everything was a lie. I couldn't let then hurt you Phil" she cleared her throat.
"Remember that night at the bar? Where I tried to seduce you as Ember?" She reminded him,
"I was so proud of you. The way you defended me. Said that no one could scratch the surface of how amazing I was. I fell in love with you that much more. Phil I wanted to more than anything in the world at that moment to go back to you! To hold you again, kiss you. Tell you I love you. But I couldn't, they were watching me. They're always watching me!" She took a another deep breath.
"Phil without you I was dead in flesh. I was like a zombie, just walking around a shell of a woman. Especially when I found out about...well I didn't even just find out. Damn it Phil I fucking saw" she managed to say through clenched teeth.






"Look Scarlett don't worry. I have the funds to pay for Danny's lawyer and your rent and utilities. You have nothing to worry about. You're my family and I take care of my family" she assured Scarlett who had just out Iris and Camilla to bed. Scarlett sighed and nodded

"I just...it miss him so damn much." She sobbed, Ruby offered a sympathetic smile.

"I think I know the feeling" she patted Scarlett's shoulder,

"You know he thought I was you" she told her sniffling,

"I know, I know everything" she sighed, there was a knock in the door. Ruby looked at her, she knew full well it was Punk, Jeff had told her.
"It's Phil" she told her quietly, Scarlett looked at her intently,

"What do I do?" She whispered,

"Let him in. Make small talk. I'll go hide, we still have to talk about other shit." She told her before getting up and heading for Danny's small office she knew that they wouldn't go to. It was right next to their bedroom. She say bored at his desk as she heard him. Once again she had to deal with having him so close yet so far. He was within reach and all she could do was watch him go by. She began to go through Danny's sketch book to distract her mind when the lights flickered off.
"Fuck. Scarlett I told you to pay the light bill" she muttered. She stood and walked toward the door, she heard as they walked, it almost sounded as if they had walked into the bedroom. Ruby walked toward the sliding door that lead to the balcony. She stepped out into the cold night air, looking around. She knew she shouldn't but she took the few steps forward and peeked through the window, she could see them through the curtains. Her hand clasped over her mouth, he was on too of her kissing her. She wanted so badly to look away but couldn't tear her eyes away. Until finally he collapsed on top of her seemingly finishing. She wasn't even angry, she was hurt, she was devastated, she was disappointed as she looked away finally and looked for a way to get out of there before finally deciding to climb down the balcony. It was a 2 story drop she had landed worse, and at the moment she couldn't care. She jumped, landing mostly on her feet but tripping forward and hitting her abdomen on the railing.
"Shit" she muttered clutching her ribs. She ignored the pain as she dusted herself off and got Into her car. It was a identical to her black mustang except this one was cherry red. With shaky hands she managed to put the keys into the ignition before tearing out of the lot.






She sat up and looked at him. His eyes wide,
"That's right Phil I fucking saw with my own eyes as you fucked her!" She spat smacking his chest. She placed her hand on the tape on his mouth, her other hand in his hair as she pulled him forward by his hair,
"And let me tell you something, I was never EVER in any form intimate with anyone from the Shield until after I won my title and kissed them. I did it because in my humble opinion I was entitled to some revenge!" She hissed, she ripped the tape from his mouth,

"Fuck!" He yelled as she pulled it off.
"Ruby I-"

"Shut the fuck up!" She yelled,
"You're going to fucking listen to me! You cheated on me before I had done anything wrong! You made me feel like I was the one who wasn't good enough! That's why I as Ember began to mock myself! You cheating on me made my title won mean nothing! And then to make things worse it didn't end with you fucking barley legal stripper! You still went on to mess around with that psychotic two faced detective!" She yelled,

"I never touched-"

"And let me tell you something about your little detective friend! She fucking knew who I was! She knew Ember was Ruby!" She yelled.



Small update, big revelations lol. Comments people, comments mean faster updates not this Whole week wait shenanigans! Just please comment.
PS follow the twitter account for the series @shadesofpunk

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