Thirty-Three- Patch Over

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When Corazon's caramel eyes fluttered open she found herself propped up in an infirmery. Her head hurt like hell as she sat up, she took a deep breath gripping her head as she remembered what had caused her to pass out in the first place. She found the picture od Kayden still in her hand, looking at it reminded her what she had seen when she looked out that window, or rather who. Right there in the window, watching her from a distance seemingly amused with a cigar hanging out of his mouth was Xantos Montoya. She couldnt help but scream, shre had felt so afraid but now that she thought about it...if he had followed her she was then he was far from Kayden, very far. She found slight comfort in the thought, she looked down at the photo of Kayden, She smiled, even if he was his father it didnt matter, it had been stupid for her to think that it did. Kayden was the light of her life, not even the dark shadow known as Xantos Montoya could extinguish that, she took a deep breath and  rubbed her temples before hearing a soft knock on the door. She looked up to find Dr, Andrews leaning against the doorway, he smiled politely,

"You doing ok?" he asked softly, as she walked over to her and felt her forehead,

"You seem alright," he noted

"But how's your head feel? You bumped it pretty hard"

"It...hurts a little but I'll be fine" she muttered, he nodded sypathetically

"If I may know...what scared you so much that you passed out?" he asked looking at her, concern spread over his chisled features, hie grey eyes searching hers trying to ensure trust. She looked away shyly,

"I...just thought I saw someone..." she squeaked meekly, his eyes widened,

"Who?" he asked,

"Is it someone that we should be concerned about?" he asked, she ran a hand through her blue black mane nervously,

"I dont know..." she muttered, she felt his hand on hers,

"Is it Xantos?" he asked, she looked at his stunned

"How do you-how do you know that?" she asked terrified, he squeezed her hand assuringly,

"Its standard to know about our patients here, dont worry Corazon" he told her smiling as he brushed her hair off her face,

"You're safe here", there was another knock and he jerked away as the pretty black nurse who had showed her to her room, she led someone in,

"Corazon Rojo-Beckett you have a visitor" she announced smiling as she admired the handsome guy who folloed her in. His face scrunched slightly as he heard the name,

"Beckett? That simply will not do" he teased,

"But that will change soon, hi doc, I'm Paul Lloyd-"

"Yeah I know who you are" he sighed as he stood, he extended his hand

"I'm Dr. Andrews we met at the hospital", Pj nodded

"Right" Pj muttered as his attention shifted to Corazon who didnt look too happy to see him,

"Hi" he smiled as he walked over to her, before she could react he had picked her up and wrapped his arms around her, unlike at the park this time she let him. She had forgotten how good in felt to be held in his strong arms, her head resting on his chest, she could faintly hear how his heart rate had picked up and now she noticed how hers had done the same.She didn't want to let go it felt good to have a little piece of home with her here...Dr. Andrews cleared his throat, she looked up from her momentary bliss,

"Just a reminder that all visits are supposed to be in the visitation room."  he reminded from the door way, the nurse cocked an eyebrow at him,

"Well Alex," her green eyes gleaming with sarcasm,

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