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She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled away, nuzzling his neck and biting his ear, his chest was heaving from the intensity of the kiss. Her dark brown eyes stared into his for a moment, sparking his hopes that she was telling the truth. She had said it with such tenderness, such care that it incited the memory of the first time she had said it. She loved him, she did, he knew she did, or so he thought until the evil gleam came into her eyes again as she wrapped her arms around his neck again and kissed near his ear,

"See how easily I can manipulate and control a man?" She laughed beside his ear, he pulled away shocked,

"You're a fucking demon, satan himself" he hissed pushing away from her, she smirked running her hand up his chest and pulling him closer by his shirt,

"A demon of which many men, including you would like to but cannot tame" she taunted, nuzzling is face with hers before pushing him away. He glared at her,

"No" he shook his head "not anymore" he looked at her decisively "I'm done!" He announced. "I'm done with this, with us, and more than anything I'm done with YOU" he turned away as if to leave, he looked back her one last time, she mockingly waved at him

"I'll be the judge of that" she cooed, he glared at her.

"I hate you" he hissed, she cocked her head and smirked before letting out a scathing laugh.

"Good" she shrugged, a smirk spread across her face, "I prefer your hate to your indifference. Hate is one of the great passions in life, you know that?" He glared at her, he knew what she was going to say next "It's a thin line, between love and hate.." She sang mocking him, "I believe you taught me that didn't you?" He felt himself trembling with anger, he tried to control himself, he could not and would not allow her to get to him, he took a deep breath, she continued to sit on the table amused before hopping off and sauntering over to her suitcase, "if you're so done with me?" Her voice dripped with teasing, "then do us both a favor and sign the papers and I'll be on my merry way" she suggested placing the divorce papers in his face. He snatched them from her and grabbed a pen from the desk, he went to sign them, she stood beside him expectantly. He looked at her, she looked excited as the pen touched the paper, he signed extravagantly, she clapped excitedly,

"Here, now get out of my face" he held them out to her

"Finally!" She cooed happily, reaching out to take them, he pulled them away quickly,

"As if I would make it that easy for you" he smirked looking them over before ripping them up to shreds. She looked at him shocked,

"You son of a-" she growled before he cut get off kissing her hard on the mouth, causing her to fall back on the table again, she tried to push him off but he pinned her arms down on her sides with his forearm as he used his free hand to unbutton their shorts. He pulled off her shorts in a swift movement, he shrugged his off as they fell to his ankles. She continued to struggle against him, he pulled away smirking, she raised her hand to slap him but he caught her hand.

"You can't leave a mark on the champs face" he mocked, pulling up his shorts "I may not want you anymore but I'll make sure to use this time to get my revenge"

"If you think you can scare me you're dead wrong" she crossed her arms as she reached for her shorts, he kicked them away.

"I'm not trying to scare you. I'm warning you," he shrugged. She glared as she finally got her shorts and started to put them back on, he took the opportunity to grab her suitcase,

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She yelled as she shimmied into her shorts, he smirked at her as he opened it up.

"Making sure what you have here is ok with me" he shrugged, he began going through her clothes, he held up her bra and panties "acceptable" he threw them to the side, he continued to rummage as she tried to stop him, "no heels?" He clucked, she glared at him, he threw most of her things back into her suitcase

"What're you doing now?" She asked trying to grab it back, he walked out to his balcony, she looked at him her eyes wide, "you wouldn't dare" she hissed, he held it over the edge, "Phil" she warned he smirked,

"Oops" he dropped it, she almost jumped after but he stopped her, they watched her suitcase fall into the dumpster below. "Don't worry you'll get it back later" she pushed him off, and walked back into the house, he rolled his eyes and followed her back in to find her frozen in place, she looked shocked. He looked at her confused and looked to where she was looking, she fell to her knees,

"Well, well,well, long time no see" she cooed, he was still confused, she held out her hand, finally a mound of orange and white fur moved toward her, emerging from a crevice. He blinked his large yellow green eyes at her as if examining her, as if checking if she were real. He sat in front of her, cocking his head to the side he let out a pigeon like coo that Punk had realized was the reason for her calling him pigeon. "Did you miss me?" She mocked, he blinked at her before turning away and walking toward Punk, he cocked his head toward at him before rubbing himself against Punks leg, Punk scooped him up causing him to purr loudly.

"Even he knows you've changed" Punk told her, she said nothing and stood dusting herself off. She shrugged

"Easily replaceable, like you" she said simply, he looked at her shocked

"What the hell happened to you? This cat used to be your life! You used to call him YOUR son!"

"Things change, people change, it's the way life works. You know it's called evolution" she sat in his couch and began looking through her phone, he glared at her and snatched it out of her hand. "Excuse you!" She yelled, he saw who she was texting, she tried to get it back

"Texting all the members of your little group are you? So how exactly does that work out? Do they fuck you all at once or do they take turns?" He mocked, she slapped him, he simply smirked "maybe I like it rough too" he whispered pulling her close, she pushed him off

"You disgust me" she hissed,

"And you fascinate me" he told her simply, stroking her face and retracting his hand before she could swat it away "you're one hell of an actress you know that? Makes me think this is all an act, you're trying SO HARD to make me hate you, TOO HARD."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" she scoffed, walking away from him, he pulled her back, pressing himself against her, his lips trailing her neck

"No tonight you're helping me sleep"

"In your dreams!" She pushed him off again, he pulled her back again, pressing against her harder, he was groping her roughly, he could tell she was trying to hold back a moan as his hands traveled up from her knees up to her inner thighs, he let his thumbs circle and massage as they made their way higher and higher until he knew they were

"Don't forget I could easily take what I want" he whispered into her ear, pulling his hips toward his roughly "without a second thought, right here, right now"

"You wouldn't dar-" she started to growl trying to push him off but he cut her short

"I could hold you down and rip all your clothes off, I could force myself into you and use you as many times as I want, and you wanna know something? You'd love it because I say you would because unless you forgot, this weekend you belong to me and you will do anything and everything I fucking tell you" he growled, she pushed him off and cocked her head at him amused

"We both know that's not going to work out, I don't do well with authority" she sang "it's one of the many reasons you fell in love with me. Because I'm a challenge, I'm interesting, because I match you in every way possible, thats exactly why you fell for me." She smirked "I'm the spark that ignites your passion, I'm the intoxicating flame and you're nothing but another poor little moth, you along with the others"

"Keep testing me and I'll put out that flame" he told her, she sat down shrugging, she crossed her arms bored

"So this is all you wanted me for?" she asked unimpressed "to argue with me and make rape threats? To attempt to control me? To have bipolar fits of wanting me then hating me? Or was it to try to doctor me back into the starry eyed breath of fresh air I once was?" She asked he say across from her aggravated,

"What exactly are you asking? For once can you speak clearly" he sighed

"You put yourself through hell to win a weekend with me and so far all we've done is argue. We could've done this anytime, and especially without me having to spend a whole weekend with you"

"If you're asking if I have this whole weekend planned out I don't. Not necessarily"

"Figures" she shrugged, he got up and went the pile of clothes he had approved and picked something throwing it at her. She unfolded it and looked at it confused, it was one of her tighter, more revealing articles of clothing.

"Put this on" he demanded, she looked at him like he was crazy,


"We're going out and I want you to look amazing" he told her, she looked at what he had thrown at her,

"I can't wear this!"

"Then why was it in your suitcase?!" He rebutted, she sighed,

"Well I'm wearing a sweater and pants with it" she informed him very matter of factly. He laughed,

"For a girl fucking 4 to 5 guys at once you're quite modest", she stood menacingly, he held up his hands. "May I remind you that you have to do as I say!" He told her, she looked at him amused

"And If I don't?" She challenged, without warning he grabbed her and threw her on the couch, he pinned her down and began ripping her clothes off, "stop! Get off of me!" He ignored her and stripped her down until she was in only her bra and underwear before grabbing the short tight revealing dress she had refused to wear and pulling it over her head, he flipped her over and zipped it giving her ass a slap for good measure. He let her go as she sat up and fixed herself,

"Next time I won't just change you" he warned smirking as he kissed her lips softly, she pushed him away,

"You disgust me" she snarled, he laughed,

"And once again, you fascinate me" he shrugged "now freshen up we're going out" he told her as double bolted the door and locked it with a key to ensure she wouldn't leave and disappearing into his room to change, leaving Ruby to wonder where the hell they were going




Guesses on where they're going? Good update? No? Comments please! And good ones like on the last thing!!
PS thanks for the suggestions! I'll take them into consideration!

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