Three- Not the Only One

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His heart beat faster in the way it only did when Ruby was around, he walked shakily to the door and opened it half expecting to see Ruby there but instead found someone he least expected,

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He growled, even Lionheart hissed at him,

"I'm here to help you find the woman we love" he told him, his southern drawl muffled by sadness.

"She's not yours to find" Punk growled as he began to shut the door, Jeff stopped it from closing with his foot.

"Phil don't be a kid" they glared at each other for a moment, hazel green blazing into yellow green

"What's to keep me from thinking you took her?!"

"Do you think if I took her that I'd be here right now?" He scoffed, "get real. I love her too and I'm here to help you find her, you can't do this alone."

"Get in line with the other schmucks! I didn't accept their help and I actually like them what makes you think I'd accept yours?!"

"There's a line?" He asked surprised, Punk scoffed

"You're not the only man to have loved Ruby Redfox" Punk told him, they were quiet for a moment.

"And you're not the only man who wants to find her...She called Shannon..."

"What?! Why would she call him?! What did she say?!" He was grabbing Jeff by the shirt now,

"I don't know! I figured she'd call you or me or maybe even that PJ kid"

"What did she say? When did she call?!"

"2 weeks ago, he said all she said protect him..." Punk looked at him confused

"Protect him?"

"She obviously wasn't talking about I'm here, I'm gonna protect you," Punk laughed

"I don't need you to protect me"

"Well that's not what Ruby thinks, and I'm honoring her wishes until she comes back" Jeff growled barreling in and setting his bag in the bus,

"What the hell?!"

"Shut it punk I like this less than you!" Punk opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by another knock on the door,

"I swear to Jeebus if this is another 'protector' I'm gonna vomit" Punk growled, he opened up to find PJ with in bag in tow, "don't tell me-"

"I'm hereto help you find Ruby, you know what she means to me...and after we lost..."he looked around, "just let me help."

"I don't need help!"

"I talked to her...3 weeks ago," he muttered as he looked up through cloudy eyes


"I called to ask her advice to get with Lía Reiher and she sounded fine, completely normal...then 3 weeks later I find out she's been missing for a month! I have to help you find her!"

"She answered your call?!"

"Yeah she sounded fine...I don't know what's happening but we have to get her back"

"Why is she calling everyone but me?!" He cried he felt weak, he didn't understand, PJ pushed in surprised to find Jeff there,

"I'm here to help find her too" Jeff shrugged, "now who's the other person you've lost?" He asked curiously, PJ sighed,

"You wouldn't understand..." He didn't much like Jeff either, he was the reason Ruby couldn't love him. Punk sat across from them in thought.

"Maybe he does..."

"What?" Jeff and PJ asked surprised at the same time,

"Paul...I've been thinking this for awhile..." He got up and dug out the pictures of Ruby and Corazon, and then the one that he had printed out that Colt had edited, he laid them all out side by side, immediately Jeff picked up the picture of Corazon,

"Where'd you get this picture of Ruby?" He asked surprised, PJ and Punk looked at him shocked,

"Wait what?!" PJ asked confused, Punk grabbed the picture of Corazon and laid it next to the one of Ruby,

"Its like they could be twins..." He said

"No this is Ruby" Jeff assured,

"WAIT! WHAT?!" PJ continued to say

"This is a picture of a girl named Corazon Isólee that Paul and I know," Punk explained, "this is obviously a picture of Ruby, and this is a picture of Ruby that Colt edited and she looks just like Corazon..."

"You think they're the same person?!" PJ gaped, "but Corazon she...she died"

"Maybe she didn't..." Punk muttered, he looked up at Jeff, "how old was Ruby when she began training with you?"

"Probably like...18 or so" he shrugged confused

"That's how old Corazon was when we met her...wasn't she?"

"I think...she just looked older because of all the drug use."

"Wait drug use?! Ruby would never use drugs!" Jeff told them

"We know!" PJ and Punk told him,

"The first time she left me...she said she ended up in North Carolina where she trained...but before that she had disguised herself as someone else with a red wig, called herself Rose..."

"This doesn't make any sense!" PJ groaned

"But it does! What are the odds of another woman just happening to be with both of us again?" Punk asked "Corazon and you had something before I nipped it in the bud and her and I were in love...then Ruby dates you and then me..."

"Is this was Ruby looked like when you first met her?" Asked PJ holding up the picture of Cora,

"Yeah, then a few months later she came back with red hair, she had a few tattoos, I never knew why she left and came back, I figured it was family problems..."

"Did Ruby have any birthmarks or something that you noticed on her?" Asked Punk, Jeff thought for a moment,

"Well there's that cute little mole next to her left eye...kind close to her lashes and very light, you can't really see it..." He muttered, Punk nodded remembering, maybe he had just never noticed it on Corazon...."oh I think a few times when she put her hair up into a ponytail I saw this little red birthmark, kind of looked like a heart...."

"That's the same birthmark Corazon had! She said that's why her foster parents named her Corazon!" Punk told him,

"So you're telling me...Corazon and Ruby are the same person?!" PJ looked surprised,

"Everything points to it, now the real question is who took her?" Punk asked, PJ's brow furrowed

"There's only one man who wanted Corazon badly enough...Xantos Montoya." PJ muttered





Ohhhh ominous! What do you guys think? Comment fan and vote:) what do you think of the 3 men who love her looking for her?


PS. Im at like 1.5 readers and over a 100 followers so thank you! I'd it weren't for you guy I probably would've given up on this story a long time ago and definitely wouldn't have gotten this far so thank you

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