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Punk watched as the Shield interrupted the match between Bryan, John, and PJ. He was holding an ice pack to his chin to keep it from bleeding more after being attacked by Brock. He should've seen it coming but his thoughts were too distracted by Ember. How had she gotten the ring?! And why did she make his heart beat so quickly whenever she was around, even just in the same room? He thought of her and how talented she was in the ring, how ruthless she truly whenever she turned too quickly her hair flicked around her like onyx flames, how she always seemed to have a look of jaded disdain on her face, she always looked so bored in the ring, the way her amethyst eyes sparkled before she did something completely evil...the curves of her mouth...she was probably extremely beautiful beneath that mask. He often found himself wondering how beautiful...he wanted to know...he wanted to know a lot of things about her...including what that mouth tasted like... He shook the thought from his mind as he watched the Shield triple power bomb Bryan, Graves then grabbed John snd tangled him up in his finisher, 13th step. They went for Pj but Ember stopped them. He looked confused as he simply walked up the ramp, unscathed.
"That was the weirdest thing..." PJ muttered behind him as he walked into the locker room.
"She stopped them from attacking you" Punk muttered confused
"I know" PJ pushed the sweaty hair off his face.
"Maybe she didn't take you as a threat...since you're not part of the match..." Punk muttered "and attacking you would just be injustice..."
"I don't know. I'm just glad I didn't leave on a stretcher." He sighed, he grabbed a towel, "I'm gonna go take a shower," he told him before disappearing into the showers. Punk watched the screen, she was smiling in triumph as she had her foot on the pile of bodies like a conquistador, the the screen cut to black. A thought flashed into his head, as he quickly grabbed pen and paper and scribbled things down, he thought back to his conversation with Bryan and John,
"Look, all I'm suggesting is that PJ and I, maybe Jeff hover around the back during your match, if anything goes down, we'll be there to even out the numbers! We can't let the Shield get a hold of that title, with it comes too much power" Punk told them, John shook his head
"They already have all the power, don't you see how easily Ember got Graves into the match?!", Bryan nodded his head agreeing
"You're right John, but Punk has a point too. We need a back up plan, I don't know about you but I deck stein don't want to lose the title seconds after just winning it." Bryan told him, John thought for a moment
"What's in it for you?" John asked Punk,
"Not much, but I'm more than sure that those bastards have Ruby. An with loss comes desperation and with that comes weakness. I think we can take the Shield down...somehow, and when we do I'll have my wife back" Punk told them, they looked at him shocked that he would do all of this for a girl "just imagine if it had been Nichole or Brie they took..." They thought for a moment...
"Alright you've got a deal" John said finally, Punk looked at Bryan,
"You already know I was in!" Bryan shook his hand,
"What's that?" Asked PJ drying his hair as he looked over Punks shoulder, breaking Punks flashback.
"It's a list of all the superstars who have disappeared after Ruby and Vince." Punk explained, he was about to read it off when he heard a phone ring,
"Hold on that's me" he answered his phone immediately as he saw the name on the screen. He left to another room, as Punk looked over his list, he didn't even hear as the door creaked open and a red head walked in, quietly, stealthily




"Lía you called back!" PJ sighed with relief, after seeing how Roman treated her that night, he felt extremely guilty and had been trying to contact her.
"Yeah" she muttered, "what do you want PJ?" She asked sounding tired, nothing like the bubbly girl she once was.
"I...I just wanted to make sure you're ok" he managed to say, she sighed she wanted desperately to say
I'm not ok! I'm married to a man I don't love and I live with him and 3 other guys and their leader. I'm practically a maid when I'm not a sex object. But she didn't instead she gathered her strength and lied
"Of course I am"
"You don't sound like it" he muttered
"I am." She lied again, "how are you? Any leads on Ruby?"
"No" he sighed, so she had found out that's why he had left.
"Well keep your eyes peeled...she may be closer than you think" Lía suggested "things are always where you least expect...that's the way or usually works doesn't it?" She asked
"You're right" he agreed knowing she was talking about them, and how they had fallen in love only for him to leave her. "Lía..."
"Yeah Peej?" She asked softly
"I'm sorry" he muttered, her heart skipped a beat
"For what?" She asked softly, she waned to hear him say it
"For everything, for leaving when things got too hard, for leaving you in general...I'm sorry...I...I should've FOUGHT for YOU..." His voice broke.
"It's ok..." She muttered her voice breaking too, "I'm sorry too" she whispered,
"For what?" he asked
"I'm sorry, I couldn't wait for you...that I couldn't keep my heart waiting for you..." She whispered, his heart felt as if it stopped beating for a moment.
"Can...I...know who?" He asked softly,
"It's best if you don't" she whispered, she took a deep breath "I guess this is..."
"Bye,'ll always have a special place in my heart"
"You'll always have one in mine too Lía, you can be sure of showed me I was still capable of loving...thank you"
"Bye" she whispered one last time before she regretted it and the line went dead.




"First it was Ruby and Vince, then it was Stephanie, then it was Triple H, then Mark Henry, then Dolph, then the Uso's, Big Show, Sheamus, Randy, Natalya....there has to be a pattern of sorts!" He muttered as he tried think of things that connected then other than them being wrestlers. He felt someone sit beside his and turned to see the red haired girl who had snuck into his room, before he could stop her she was kissing him.



Bam. Tomorrow will be the Summerslam chapter! No worries my children! Number 20 will reveal all! Comment and vote away! And please better comments that "nice update" those irritate me. As for the copycat issue it had been resolved maturely and I appreciate the efforts from you guys and the author of the book for deleting it:)

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