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You're afraid like I make my deals with the devil
You've been at it for years but couldn't reach the next level
Let's keep it real, this is no competition to me
Even if everyone around you acts like they don't see

Is anybody else listening?
Out of sight, out of mind is what you'll always be
I hold my cards to my chest
I laid my life on the line, so I expect nothing less from you

I speak the truth, and everybody else knows it
So set your ego to the side and just get the fuck over it
Can't waste my time on hateful people like you
So keep wishing you were me, and I'll keep making you have to"

Her music filled the arena, sending chills down everyone's spine as it had the first time. She appeared at the top of the ramp, no longer in her shield clothes but in an all black version of her ring gear, the shorts seemed to have gotten tighter and shorter, her corset like top was now transparent and laced up in the back showing her back, she wore a black choker with a small fox, phoenix, and hound of justice on it, her hair and blood red lipstick the only color on her, she stood smirking with each of her WWE title on her shoulder, she held her Phoenix title by the corner as if it were dirty or disgusting before she started walking to the ring, not allowing anyone to touch her. She bent over, dangerously slow, as she got into the ring, handing both her titles to her the referee. Punk sat frozen watching. She was defending her Phoenix title first. Backstage he had tried to talk to her again,

"Rue" he called, it felt like so long since he had called her that, she turned surprised for a moment. She stopped, the Shield looked at her tentatively as if asking if they should attack or not. She waved them off,

"Give us a second. Phil and I here...this conversations been a long way coming" she explained rolling her eyes. They nodded and retreated. Finally! He could find out what the hell was going on!

"Rue" he repeated, she glared at him, he sighed "Ruthless..." He wanted to ask so many questions.
Where've you been?!
Why are you in the Shield?!
Why didn't you call me?!
Who took you?!
But he asked the first thing that mattered to him,
"Are you ok?" He asked tenderly, she scoffed,

"Obviously I am" she laughed "I'm the new WWE champion. I'M the best in the world." She mocked, he smiled

"Where've you been? Why didn't you call me?....did you leave?" He asked, she shook her head

"Phil, Phil, Phil. Let me just make this clear. I don't answer to you anymore, I'm back now. So it doesn't matter" he looked at her surprised, she hasn't talked to him like that in a while...

"Uh ok...well as your husband I just thought I should know...and why'd you give me your ring back?" He asked confused.

"Phil, I know you're brighter than this" she answered annoyed

"Obviously I'm not! What the fuck is going on?!" He asked exasperated, she rolled her eyes

"Look I don't have time to draw you out a fucking diagram. I have two matches to prepare for where I'm going to defend MY titles. I'll explain it to you tomorrow at the Smackdown taping" she sighed, he blinked

"Well...are you coming home? Lionheart missed you! I missed you!" He reached out to stroke her face, she moved.

"Of course not! What kind of a leader abandons her group like that?! As for that fat cat, he'll be fine without seeing me" she laughed, he looked at her shocked. The old Ruby would never talk about her precious Lionheart like that...

"Rue...are you ok?" He asked again, her eyes shot daggers

"Of course I'm fine. Now leave me alone! I don't need distractions!" She hissed before retreating into the locker room with the Shield, she shut the door on his face leaving him there shocked...maybe she was gone. But he didn't want to believe that. He wouldn't, he would bring her back if he had to. Now he sat watching her match, he knew she didn't like anyone at ringside, not even the Shield was there. She wanted to prove that she could fend for herself. Lía was already in the ring, she had come out to the song Lost in the Stereo by All Time Low, her ring gear consisted of tight black pants and a cropped sequined shirt. She looked nervous, as anyone who was debuting against their trainer and the current WWE champion would be. Ruby patted her on the shoulder as the bell sounded, Punk expected Ruby to be on her immediately but instead she lay down on the canvas, smirking as she motioned for Lía to cover her. Lía looked at her confused, Ruby kept motioning for her to cover her. She was disrespecting the title. Everyone booed, Ruby laughed continuing to motion for Lía to cover her, finally Lía got close, and went for the cover, Ruby lay motionless beneath her, the referee counted

"1....2" what in the hell is she doing?! Punk thought, but right before the referee got to 3 she kicked out, shocking everyone. The moment she got up she was on Lía, swinging like crazy. She had retreated to her monster heel self, if she kept this up the match would be over within minutes. Lía could barely get her arms up to stop the blows before she managed to wriggle out, she got to her feet immediately. She managed to get a few punches in before Ruby was on her again, Punk winced. She was embarrassing this poor girl. She pulled her up by the hair,

"You really thought it would be that easy?!" She taunted before shoving her face back down into the canvas, she hoisted up Lía up, she went for a spine buster but she countered, elbowing Ruby in the face, Ruby dropped her, Lía began attacking as ferociously as she could, trying to somehow win the match. But Ruby had too much stamina, she fought back as if the match had just started, before Lía knew what was happening she found herself in the same submission hold that Ruby had used in her sister. Ruby's legs were wrapped around her neck as she began to cut off Lía's breathing, Lía began to choke, she didn't want to tap...she began to feel light headed from the lack of oxygen as Ruby tightened her grip. She tripped to get to the ropes but Ruby had her in the center of the ring, she tried to fight her way out to no avail, she would have no choice but to tap. With tears in her grey brown eyes she raised her hand trembling as tapped the mat, once, then again, and again. She heard the bell ring, as Ruby's arms were held up in triumph. She mockingly blew Lía a kiss. Before she could react Wade's music came on, apparently Brad didn't believe in breaks, Punks fist tightened. He wanted so badly to interrupt, to help her, to intervene on her part but he knew that if she found out she'd kill him. He could do nothing more than sit back and watch as Wade Barrett got in the ring with his wife, Wade was a malicious one, he wouldn't take it easy on Ruby just because she was a woman. In fact he'd probably even be more aggressive, since she wasn't as strong...he promised himself that if it got too bad he would run down there himself and stop the match. She shook out her hair nonchalantly, and rotated her shoulders, stretching seductively in front of him as he got into the ring, he watched...he couldn't help it, he was a man. She raised her eyebrows amused at him, her beauty was an even more lethal weapon than her strength and she knew it. The bell rang, she stood staring at him, challenging him to take the first punch. Punk was on the edge of his seat watching, he wished that she would just hit him with a stunner and then her finisher before he could react. Wade and her seemed to have a silent conversation as they stood staring each other down. In the blink of an eye her foot was making full blown contact with his chin as she kicked him, his knees buckled as he fell to them, she smirked as she walked over to the turnbuckle ever so slowly, and climbed it seductively, she blew the crowd a kiss before she dragged her thumb against her throat and executed a picture perfect Nightmare, soon she was covering him,

"1...2...3" the be sounded as she retained her title. She held them both up in triumph, the lights flashed off and flashed back on, and then she was gone. Punk shut his eyes...he just had to hold on until the next day, then he would find someway to convince her to come home...he could do this...he had to get her back



He had just got to the arena to record Smackdown when he was told to go to the ring, it was still the opening segment, they had some sort of contract signing table out there...he walked out confused as his music blared, Ruby sat on one side of the table, looking bored but determined. He got in the ring and she motioned for him to sit.

"Baby...what's this about?" He asked her confused, she put the mic to her lips,

"I want a divorce. You keep your shit, I keep mine, or you can take it all I don't care. I just want this over with, so don't make it difficult than it has to be and sign the papers" she told him as if she were just talking about the weather and not something completely serious.





Here we goooo. OMG Noooo! I know how ya feel! Idk what the author is thinking I mean Jeez. Lol but uh yeah what did I say about heels? "you have to make them love you before you can make them hate you. It's really Shakespearean if you think about it, you gotta kinda stab them in the heart" did I stab y'all in the heart?! Comments! And don't rush me on updating its REALLY annoying! Cut that shit out!

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