One- Departure.

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Months prior.

Ruby entered the booth and kneeled crossing herself.

"Forgive me father for I...well I have sinned but..." She

"What is my daughter?" Asked the priest, she bit her lip

"I don't only want forgiveness for the sins I've committed, but more so the ones I'm going to commit" she sighed rubbing her temples as she thought back to just a few hours before







Hours before

She found herself in Vince McMahons office after watching the man she loved almost die, she threw everything off of Vince's desk, he looked at her outraged, she beat her fists on the desk,

"You need to get rid of the Shield" she demanded, he looked at her like she was crazy

"I can't do that" he told her firmly, she growled angrily throwing more things around,

"Then this has been a long time coming Vince" she growled, shoving his desk into the wall, he looked at her shocked as she grabbed him by his suit jacket.

"Miss. Redfox put me down" he stuttered nervously. The flames in her eyes burned fiercely,

"Why would I do that if you're just going to let my husbands attack go without consequences?!" She growled, shoving him against the wall.

"If you would just allow me to explain-" he muttered afraid she raised him an inch off the ground

"Please!" He yelled, she dropped him

"What is it?!" She growled sitting in the chair across from where his desk used to be,

"You have 2 minutes, explain."

An hour late found herself standing over Vince's tied up body. She didn't know what to do or where to take him. But she was glad to know his office had no camera, probably due to it being the place he chose to cheat on his wife. She pushed her hair off of her face before she knelt climbed up on his desk and moved a ceiling time to reveal the cords above. She trailed them softly with her finger before she figured out which ones were connected to the security cameras. She rummaged through her purse and pulled out her nail scissors as she snipped all of them. She looked down at Vince and smiled amused,

"This is just what you wanted huh? Making me be the bad guy? You never liked me Vince. You made it too obvious," she shrugged

"And now you've got me exactly where you want, being the bad guy. But don't worry Vince I'll do exactly as you want. I'll make everyone hate me. That's what you wanted isn't it? For everyone to hate me? Just hate my guts! Boo me off stage? I'll be the best heel you've ever had, but let me tell you something Vince." She hopped down and to his eye level.

"No matter what I do, they won't hate me. Because I have something a lot of wrestlers lack. I have, no I pretty much AM charisma in flesh." She smirked,

"But now, we gotta hide you don't we?" She smiled, and with that she began to drag him out of the office.






She left the church with order for a lot of prayers and a slightly lighter conscience. She drove to her apartment where she packed only what was necessary. She felt something furry and warm against her leg and looked down to find Lionheart looking at her expectantly beside his cat carrier. He already knew the drill. She sat and hugged him,

"I'm sorry baby, you can't go where I'm going." She sighed petting his head as he purred.

"Your dad will take good care of you...mommy has to go find herself. I'm sorry" she sighed,

"I love you" she offered, but he walked away indifferently. She sighed and grabbed her keys before heading back to her car. She had one last place to go before she left. She found herself in from of her mothers house. It was clear no one was home, but nonetheless she went inside and sat. She had to say goodbye to her mother. She got up and took a moment to admire all the family pictures. She came across a picture she'd never seen before. It was one of her mother and father, smiles on their faces as they hung off of each other. They were maybe in their mid twenties, and it was clear that it was a Christmas morning. She felt a tear stream down her face as she realized how much that exact picture looked like her and Punk and the picture they had taken of them at his house.

"I'll make sure we have what you and Mom couldn't dad" she promised quietly to the picture.

"Ruby?" She heard someone call behind her, she turned to find Amber having just come home from work in the doorway of the living room. Ruby wiped her tears and sniffled,

"Hey, do you know when moms coming back?" She asked her voice trembling

"Maybe a few hours? Where are you going?" She asked as she noticed the bag on her shoulder,

"Uh...I'm going to be gone for a while and I wanted to say bye to mom"

"Why are you leaving?" She asked confused, she noticed the tears

"Is it because of him?!" She asked

"I..-" Ruby didn't know what to say,

"Oh god Ruby really?! Is this about your obsession to have a relationship like mom and dads?!" She asked annoyed

"What?" Ruby asked confused

"Everyone knows that you're obsessed with somehow making up for what they couldn't have!" She rolled her eyes, Ruby looked at her disgusted

"Just because you were scorned doesn't mean that we're all going to be bitter and not believe in love!" She growled

"Ruby get off your dream cloud, mom didn't love dad!" Amber yelled, Ruby looked at her shocked,


"She never loved him! That woman is incapable of loving a man. She loved the lifestyle he gave her."

Amber told her, Ruby looked at her through watery eyes,

"Shut up" she whispered her voice trembling,

"She loved that he married her, that he gave Opal and Sterling a last name, that he bought her a house and she didn't have to work anymore, she loved that he worshipped her, but she NEVER loved HIM."

"That's not true" Ruby whispered, she felt like her world was crumbling around her,

"She lost faith in love after Opal's dad broke her heart. Don't you see how she is now? She talks about love like its a myth. She's a bitter old woman...This is why WE, the Rojo's as a whole are incapable of loving." Amber kneeled beside her sister, talking softly "It's not our fault, We were made this way"

"No...she...she..." Ruby muttered as she remembered everything her mother ever told her about her couldn't be true...but she thought back and realized that it had always been about how comfortable a life he had given her...

"Why are you doing this to me?" Ruby sobbed, her sister looked at her hurt

"I'm only warning you..." She sighed, Ruby got up

"Thanks sis" she spat

"Tell mom what I said." She told she before gathering her things and getting back in the car where she held her head against the steering wheel where she cried for a moment before wiping her tears and finally starting to drive.






Here we go! If it isn't clear I finally started Ruby's side of the story tell me what you think!



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