Twelve- Hindrance.

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*Day Before*

"What do you mean?! Of course you know me! Dahl!" He yelled although it sounded like he was whining. She shook her head,

"No I don't...who are you?" She asked, her eyebrows knitting together as she studied his face.

"It's me! Princess it's me Dean!" He shouted, he sounded insane and she seemed afraid for a moment.

"I don't know a Dean..." Her eyes widened

"You must have me confused for someone else..."

"No no you know me! It's me Jonathan Good from high school!" He shook her by the shoulders,

"Look I'm sorry but I put high school behind me a long time ago...I don't remember much from it..."

"Dahl don't play these games with me! You know not to play these games with me!" He warned.

"Look my fiancé is gonna be here any minute. I think it's best of you-"

"Fiancé?!" He shouted before laughing,

"Oh that's gold, fiancé?! Doll does your little fiancé know I was the first one to fuck his little bride to be?" She slapped him harshly

"Don't you ever talk about me like that!" She warned,

"Well look at that my princess has gone and grown a backbone"

"Look! I'm not your fucking princess! I don't know who the hell you are but you better get the hell out of my office!" She snarled,

"Nah I don't think I feel like it, maybe I want to see what parts have you have matured-" he began to say but she went to slap him again he caught her hand and pulled her in,

"Oh this reminds me of the good ole days. Our little spats, you always did love to argue with me." He teased as she wriggled against him.

"Let go of me!" She demanded,

"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing, trying to force me to remember?" She spat, he looked at her and smirked.

"Doll I think I might just have to plead the 5th on that one" he inhaled her scent only for a second before she knocked her elbow back into his ribs causing him to fall over in pain.

"I don't who the hell you think you are but the next time you come around me you're getting a restraining order!" She warned before snatching her purse and huffing out of the room. He got up instantly following behind her, almost shadowing her as she was picked up by an older familiar looking man. For a second he thought it was a colleague of sorts until he saw her lean over and kiss him. That hurt. It had to be the infamous fiancé. He got into his car and followed, they ended up at some bar. He followed them in, fighting the urge to run up and part their hands. He watched from afar as she laughed, drank, kissed him, laughed some more, drank some more, until finally he saw her rise to use the bathroom. She walked into the bathroom knowing full well that she had to check in with Ruby soon but her encounter with Jon had left her unnerved. She walked out of the stall, sighing as she washed her hands. Staring at her reflection, pushing her bangs out of her face. She went to grab a paper towel from the stack by the sink when something caught her attention from the corner of her eye.

"What are you doing in here?" She gasped at the tall lean figure resting against one of the stalls.

"Did I scare you?" He asked smirking, his blue eyes dancing with excitement and the slightest hint of mischief.

"Yes." She muttered as he began to walk toward her

"Alright, I gotta go." She said flustered walking toward the exit, he held out his arm to block her path

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