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Jolie stood taking notes of what people saw at the crime scene where Bryan and John were taken. It was a day later, the Raw after Summerslam, Punk hadn't spoken to her since she kissed him. He avoided her at all costs, plus he was too busy looking for Ruby. He had searched the whole arena to no avail. He assumed they hadn't arrived yet, but he knew they would. She would come to show off her title and probably give some sort of speech, that was just the sort of girl she was. So he saw patiently awaiting for her to appear on the screen with her two titles. He felt the couch shift next to him as he watched the screen, there was just some dark match. Zack Ryder vs Yoshi Tatsu, it wasn't important, but he didn't want to be distracted as his thoughts churned in his mind.

"Phil" he heard a female voice say, only Ruby called him Phil, he turned in hopes of seeing Ruby but instead found Jolie. She had her newly red hair, half up, half down. Her pale green eyes searched his hard face,

"Only my friends call me Phil" he growled. She blushed,

"I'm sorry...Punk...can we talk about...yesterday..."

"No" he answered and went back to watch the dark match, his jiggled his leg to try to keep from exploding

"Please....I just want to apologize! I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have kissed you...if you'd just let me ex-"

"Do you know what your little stunt is gonna cost me?!" He exploded on her "you stupid-my WIFE won't talk to me! Do you think I give a flying fuck as to why you kissed me? I don't! I have other things on my mind!" She looked on the brink of tears,

"I'm sorry...I-I-" she began.

"Come to think of it, you're probably one of the reasons she's not talking to me! Get the hell out of my face!", her other personality took over, she pulled herself together and smirked,

"Oh really Punk? We're playing the blame game? Are you sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you stuck your dick in a barley legal stripper who looks like your wife? Hm maybe that's it!" She told him, he looked at her shocked, "you wanna know what I think? I think the reason you treat me like shit is because secretly you liked me kissing you. You liked me on top of made you feel more alive than you have in the past few months. I think that deep down you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you. I think that you're just holding on to this 'love' for Ruby because you're too damn scared to know what it's like to love me" she challenged, he looked at her shocked for a moment before laughing.

"You must be some sort of crazy to think that." He told her, his face returned to seriousness "now get the fuck out of my face, you pathetic psychotic bitch" he growled, he stood and grabbed her by the arm and shoved her out of the room, he shut the door locking it. He sat back on the couch just as the Shield makes it's entrance into the arena, walking down ramp with the grace of royalty, causing Punk to wonder if they practiced. Finally he spotted red amongst all the black. She walked out last carrying both her titles, one on each shoulder, she smiled widely as they held the ropes open for her, the camera panned first along her new Phoenix fox title, the divas title remade just for her, and then her new WWE title with a Phoenix fighting a fox on one of the little circles and the on the other, 4 hounds of justice led by a fox. She was handed a mic.

"Two things define you: your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything!" She spoke, slowly, slightly low so everyone hung on to every word "I've been a great Diva's champion, respectful, and all but that's over now, I've realized that this title isn't worthy of me, it's not worthy of my greatness, because I got it so easily. There was no competition, not as Ruby Redfox and not as Ember. I don't want it anymore, anyone who knows me knows I hate things that come easily," she threw her Phoenix title to the ground "so I went for the biggest challenge of them all. I went and I climbed the biggest mountain there is to climb here, the Mount Everest of championships. For those of you people who are a little slow, that means that I achieved becoming your WWE champion...I hope you're ready for the era of justice that will follow" she smirked. She was interrupted by Wade Barrett's music, He stood at the top of the ramp, mic in hand. He wasn't stupid enough to walk into the ring of wolves ready to tear him apart.

"Darling you're little game is over, I say you give the title to a man who can actually defend it. We all know you didn't actually win it" he mocked, the crowd booed,she looked at him amused,

"Oh really Wade then how did I get it?"

"It's obvious you had your henchman Graves win the briefcase for you, then you simply pretended to be him to cash in, see but the problem sweetheart is, the person who wins the briefcase has to be the one to cash it in! Therefore that title isn't yours." He was cut off by Brads music as he walked out nonchalantly

"Actually Wade, it is" he smirked, the crowd cheered "see at Money in the Bank I said Kane was to be replaced by a member of the Shield, I never said which. Now it's clear Ruby, er Ruthless as she goes by now, chose herself to compete in that match. She won it fair and square and she also cashed it in fair and square" he explained, she salutes him with two fingers, he nodded,

"Thank you Brad, now as I was saying, I have big plans-" she smirked

"Not so fast Ruthless, since you've proven yourself as a worthy opponent, and see yourself too good for your Divas title. Well I say that you can AND WILL defend BOTH of your titles tonight. First you will defend your Divas title against a newcomer, someone you've grown fairly close two these past few months, you've even gone so far as to train her and taker her under your wing, she'll be making her debut tonight for your Phoenix title, Lía Snuka" he announced, the crowd went wild, "and then later tonight you'll defend your WWE championship against none other than Wade Barrett." He announced to more explosive applause, Wade cheered also. "Good luck Champ" Brad sang "you're gonna need it"

"Lucks for losers" Ruby spat back angrily.






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