Fifteen- Mother Knows Best.

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Punk sighed sitting as he sat on his couch as he answered his phone, Esmeralda sat in her own home nervously
"Sorry..." She muttered,
"I never would've bothered bothering you unless it was important..." She sighed twisting a napkin anxiously. He raised an eyebrow confused, his heart beat speeding up slightly

"Is everything ok?" He asked,

"I don't know that's the point. You tell me. I haven't seen Ruby in weeks, usually she calls but..." She looked up from her napkin, her caramel eyes filled with worry
"I'm scared, I was hoping you could tell me where she is."

"I haven't really...we aren't exactly on speaking terms" he muttered uncomfortably wondering if she was aware of a the bad blood between him and her daughter. They were both quiet for a moment

"I remember the first time she beat me at hide and seek" she told him quietly, he scowled even more confused
"She was only 3 years old...I looked for her for hours and when I finally found her...she simply smiled at me" she smiled, Punk pursed his lips not knowing what to say.
"You know that Ruby smile...the one that says 'you don't know don't know me at all, never have and you never will'." He nodded in agreement
"She's so good at hiding things, concealing, avoiding...but I do know her...we both do. We both know that she has got so much love in her much that I think the thought of letting it out, showing her cards, scares her to death"

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked quietly,

"Because..." She sighed,
"I want my daughter to be happy...and I know that after everything she's experienced with you, she'll never be able to be happy without you. I'm not here to fight her battles...she would hate that. But I just want you to loved her too...if it was just once. You two have the chance to have for the rest of your lives something most people can only dream'd be a shame for that to go to waste." She muttered quietly before hanging up Punk stared at his phone screen slightly irritated, before throwing it on the the couch. It bounced slightly before he threw his head back in frustration. He swiped his keys off the coffee table, grabbing his phone again. He had to make a trip across town.






Ruby walked into the house irate as hell. She sat on the couch,
"To what do I owe the honor Ruby?" His mother asked sardonically. Ruby gritted her teeth, knowing she was most likely the source of his sarcastic nature.

"I thought the last time I was here that I had made it crystal clear, and I mean pristine crystal clear that in exchange of the money I would provide for you that you were to leave Phil alone" she growled, Harriet shrugged,

"He's my son I have every right to-"

"You have no right, by law you are forbidden from even being within 100 ft of him. You use him like some sort of ATM machine and still have the audacity to treat him like the black sheep!" Ruby hissed, Harriet looked at her amused, almost the same look Punk used to give her,

"And to my knowledge,you have no right either. You're not even my daughter in law" She smirked,
"Or are all the kinks of the divorce still being worked out?", Ruby glared

"Harriet, this isn't about me! This is about Phil and the fact that I forbid you from contacting him! I don't want you to speak to him unless he wants to speak to you!" She told her.
"I gave you enough money last time to keep you away and unless you honor our agreement I will take every penny of it back.", she said nothing and stared and popped a pill like it was candy and washing it down with a sip from her cocktail, then went to light another cigarette, the first apparently having been reduced to a stub.

"So you're really divorcing huh?" She asked, blowing out smoke.
"I thought you were doing this whole thing for him or whatever, to keep him out of harms way." She stated more than asked,
"You must've done something really bad for him to not take you back...he really loved you. I could tell." She took another drag,
"The few times he told me about you his eyes would light up the way they only did when he talked about wrestling." She sighed,

"Yeah well that's over" Ruby muttered
"And it's all my fault" she tried to refrain from crying,
"Looks like we're both on his shit list" she laughed slightly, Harriet nodded and she took another drag,

"Let me tell you one thing Ruby" she blew out the smoke
"My son loves deep...hates deeper. It's in our genes. Betrayal is unforgivable. What you did, whatever you've done, what you were planning to do, there's no coming back from that. The best you can do is ask for forgiveness, then leave him alone."

"I will never do that. I love him. He may not accept it anymore but he still loves me" she told her, Harriet raised her eyebrows seemingly amused

"You seem like a nice girl." She blew out more smoke,
"Very pretty, young, you can do much better than my son." She smirked,
"Tell me dear, how does it feel to have everyone want you?" She asked maliciously, Ruby said nothing but glared as Harriet stubbed out her cigarette. She shook a finger at her as she lit another,
"Too pretty for your own good" she puffed
"That's why you destroy everything you touch"

"Look who's talking" she growled

"I'm his mother sweetheart" she mocked

"You're not his mom, not really, and you know it"

"And you're not his wife, not really. You're gonna break his heart, in fact you already did."

"And you've done it everyday of his life" Ruby snarled

"He's an ungrateful little brat. Dan and I took care of him his whole life and how do we get paid back? With shame, a restraining order. A sob story about how we never loved him, how we're leeches. You don't want that" she shook her head
"I sure as hell wouldn't."

"He doesn't owe you anything. It was your duty as a parent to love him and take care of him. Support him unconditionally! And don't give me that bullshit about taking care of him! He moved out when he was fifteen. You never treated him like he belonged in this family. And you wanna know something? I do want that! I want all of him for the rest of my life because he is the most amazing man I've ever met, no thanks to you." Ruby sprang to her feet
"I came here to remind you to leave your son alone. Unless for some miracle he calls you and wants to actually talk to you, I want you to forget he even exists. Which I'm sure you've already done." She pulled a check out of her pocket,
"Here's a check for $40 grand, make it last this time." She thrust it at her before letting herself out. She stepped outside taking a deep breath as she shook out her hair, she heard the door open behind her again.
"What Harriet?! I'm not giving you more money-" she spun around to glare at her but instead found herself face to face with Punk.







Dean once again found himself outside of the building. He was smoking a cigarette against the hood of his car, wondering if she could see him from her suite. He knew he wasn't about to leave things as they were. He loved her. She was going to be his no matter the cost. She already was his, it was just a matter of reminding her. But as always his questions seemed to answer themselves as she came out of the building looking furious,
"What are you doing here?!" She shrieked as she crossed the street toward him, he smirked

"I'm more than 100 feet away" he shrugged as he flicked his cigarette into the street. He stared at her for a moment, savoring her presence. She looked uncomfortable,

" I need you to get the hell out of here and leave me alone!" She growled, he looked her up and down causing her to squirm

"You know if you were my girl, I wouldn't let you out my site" he mused, his eyes lingering on her lips
"I'd handcuff you to the bed and all" her cheeks burned and she turned to leave but before she knew it she was pulled into his chest, he was pulling down her sleeve to expose her left wrist,
"What are you doing?!" She asked trying to get free, he raised his eyebrows at the jewel encrusted wristwatch she was wearing

"A gift from the fiancée I assume?" He asked amused as he loosened it and pulled it off, dropping it in his jacket pocket as he turned her wrist over. He smiled in triumph
"I knew it." He muttered,

"Let me go!" She growled as he pulled her toward him more his fingers softly trailing the hundreds of small scars,
"Let go" she replied weakly,

"I knew you still loved me" he whispered as his fingers trailed back up to trace the tattoo of an anchor with wings that matched one he had.
"Or else you would've gotten rid of this a long time ago"

"Jon let go" she pleaded, her voice breaking,

"No, not until you admit it." He pulled her in by the waist, looking into those deep dark brown eyes that he had missed so much.
"Tell me, I want to hear you finally say what you denied me those years ago." He whispered his hand caressing her face,
"Say it." He nuzzled her face,
"Just say" he pleaded as he pressed his forehead to hers, his lips as always were magnetized to hers, drawing closer and closer until they touched. It was like being dragged back in time, back to the first time they had ever kissed, in his car, after he had saved her from being date raped. It was like being back at 17, young, dumb, and in love. She was unresponsive as his hands clutched the sides of her face, he pressed harder, just when it seemed her lips had began to move, they heard,

"Dahlia? Honey is the you?!"






In her dream she was running. He was chasing her, hunting her down like prey. He kept calling to her
"Come here little birdie" he taunted, then she would feel his weight crushing her, as if he were on top of her all over again. She could feel his hot breath on her neck as she tried to flail beneath him. But she couldn't move, she couldn't make a sound. She felt as if she were suffocating the weight on her body getting heavier and heavier, she fought to open her eyes, she wanted desperately to wake up. Finally her eyes opened and she managed to crane her neck up, she spotted a shadowy figure at the end of her bed. It's not real, she muttered to herself, it's not real. But it was there, the shadowy figure of a little girl.

"You're not real" she tried to choke out, then the figure began to grow taller and taller until it seemed to reach the high ceiling the of the room.
"Not real, not real" she began to hug herself rocking back and forth.
"YOURE NOT REAL!" She shouted at the figure, it's head snapped to look at her, rising slightly more before collapsing and disappearing like smoke. She sprang to her feet and as soon as her fingers touched the door knob she felt the weight on her chest again. She realized her eyes were will shut, she was still painfully asleep. No, no, no, she began to sob, wake up you have to wake up. She could feel her body trembling, the weight increasing on her chest. She felt so afraid, she'd never felt more afraid in her life. She was terrified, she was afraid that if opened her eyes the figure would be there again. She took a deep breath and went to open her eyes again, there it was, at the foot of her bed, staring at her. This time she wasted no time, she sprang to her feet, once again to her dismay as soon as she touched the door knob she realized she was still asleep. It happened again, and again, going on for what felt like hours. She was sure she was going to be trapped in this dream forever. Finally after what felt like the 100th time, she woke up gasping for air in a cold sweat. She was so relieved, she felt as if she had been drowning for hours. The first thing she did was turn the light on, before hugging herself and seating herself at the foot of her bed as she looked around. She prayed she would not find the figure, she pinched herself to make sure she was awake as she tried to catch her breath. As her breathing slowed down she noticed she was alone...physically alone...but couldn't help but feel that someone else was in the room. She felt a presence...not a good one. The little flame of fear in her grew. She got up and pulled on her shoes and a hoodie, she knew she wasn't supposed to leave the room, but at the moment she didn't care. She wiped her eyes and walked out of the room shutting the door behind her. She memorized the number as she realized they were in what seemed like an old hotel. She never had figured out why they had picked this place in particular to hide out in. She walked the hallways, the building seemed abandoned, she didn't even know where to go. She only she that they were somewhere on the 3rd floor, she blew her hair out of her face as she stared at the elevator. Did she really want to be locked in such a small place? What if it got stuck? In all honesty she didn't know how old the building was...she was better off...her eyes trailed to the stairs. Was it stupid? Probably. Would she regret exploring an old hotel? Most likely, but she preferred anything over being locked away in that evil room. She pulled back the door. Now she was faced with the choice, down or up. Down called for her probably ending up at a dark, scary parking garage. Up probably meant an open roof where she would have a view of the city, fresh air. The choice was obvious, she began to ascend. Finally after 3 flights of stairs she found herself at a heavy door which she pulled back before being hit with the cool night air. She took a deep breath feeling relieved as she stepped out and walked toward the edge. She sat there admiring the view, the twinkling city lights, the refreshing cool air. The Palm trees rustling in the wind slightly. It was relaxing, until she looked down. She couldn't explain it but she was overtaken with the overwhelming urge to jump. She stood and overlooked. It was a 6 story fall onto the mostly empty street below. Why was she considering this? But still as much as she tried to push the thought out of her mind it would creepy back up. She crouched on the edge, sitting, dangling her legs over the edge. Then she heard the soft strumming before it was mixed with the a voice that was slightly high pitched yet deep.

"Here in this world,
I'm awaked with mistakes,
But it's love that keeps fueling me, fueling me.

Pretty little lady with your swollen eyes,
would you show them to me?
I know I'm not that perfect,
but you stay a while, baby then you will see.

Miles away I could still feel you lay
your head down on my embrace.
My embrace, far away.

Pretty little lady with your swollen eyes,
would you show them to me?
I know I'm not that perfect,
but you stay a while, baby then you will see.

Don't give up baby,
I know that it's shaky.
Just let love consume us,
Consume us.

Here in this world,
I'm awaked with mistakes,
But it's love that keeps fueling me,
fueling me to love you.

Miles away I could still feel you lay
your head down on my embrace.
Be not afraid to love me.

Pretty little lady with your swollen eyes,
would you show them to me?
I know I'm not that perfect,
but you stay a while, baby then you will see."

She knew the song, she'd heard it before. It made her heart feel as if it were going to burst from sadness. She couldn't take this feeling, it kept growing stronger and stronger and she didn't know why. It was overwhelming, possessive. She went forward, shifting her weight to cause her to fall forward but instead she found an forearm on her abdomen as she dragged back.

"Whoaaaa, easy there. My singing can't be that bad" a guy muttered as he pulled her, they fell to the ground with an umph as she landed in his lap. She turned confused to see who was holding her. He had very chiseled features, slicked back dark hair, and green eyes that made her...tingle.

"Sorry...I don't know what I was thinking" she muttered, he looked at her and scoffed, slightly laughing

"You obviously weren't", she looked down ashamed. He sighed running a hand through his hair,

"Wait who are you? I've never seen you around the facility" he asked looking at her trying to recognize her.

"Uh..." She played along,
"I'm new...just came in a few days ago"

"Oh...Ruby brought you?" He asked, she nodded.
"Cool...I'm Corey" he struck out his hand, she took it tentatively shaking it.

"I'm Tyler."






Small but in my opinion good update! A lot of insight from their moms! Lol here's a question! Who do think is right Esmeralda orrrr
anywaaaaay comments pleaaaaaase.
PS the nightmare in this chapter is actually based off a nightmare I actually had. It was horrible.

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