Forty-Five- Last Resorts.

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Dolph. Dolph Ziggler. Nick Nemoth made his way down the ring after months of absence. After disappearing, and the look on Dean's face was priceless. Punk couldn't help the smug look that came upon his face. This was the last thing he had expected. Punk would've paid to see Ruby's reaction but he didn't have to Ruby was sitting ring side along with the rest of the Shield as they awaited their matches. She showed no emotion, only a slight eye brow raise and a shrug, she seemed indifferent. Reminiscent of the calm and patience of a surfer after a storm. It made his hate her for causing him a slight feeling of admiration. She had complete and total confidence in her group, a true leader, but he had always known that. It was a bitter thought. Paul Heyman sat to her right holding her titles like a proud father. She hugged his arm, his hand rested chastely on hers. Punk hadn't noticed when that had happened but it was another slap in the face. Dolph hopped into the ring, cockier than usual as he began bouncing around. Punk was sure that the same question had to have been burning on everyone's mind as well as his, where had he been?! Punk wasn't sure if The Shield was playing off the fact that they had taken him OR if in reality they weren't behind the abductions. Punk didn't have much time to think it over because as soon as the bell rang Dolph was a fury of power, jabs and kicks, he had Dean on the mat within seconds. Wherever he had been had made his tougher....ruthless. He went for a pin, Dean managed to kick out at the two, Ruby clapped softly, almost bored. Dolph let out a growl of frustration and began stomping mercilessly on Dean before he began with the elbows, he didn't stop at 10, no he went on to 20 before backing Dean into a corner and kicking him repeatedly in the face as he barely managed to out his arms up. The referee managed to pull him back Dean had a busted lip and or nose, blood streaking down his face as he tried to register where he was, he stumbled to his feet, before throwing himself on top of Dolph, acting furiously as if he had never been on the mat within an inch of unconsciousness. Dolph threw him off easily smirking as he wiped some of Dean's blood off of his face. He drop kicked Dean straight in the face before he went for the pin, Dean once again kicked out at two, Dolph let out that growl again before getting to his feet he ran to the ropes as Dean got up and managed to catch him as he made the last ditch effort to got for his signature DDT, there was a thud on the mat as they registered that he had managed to hit it. Dean rolled him up,


"2", everyone was on the edge of their seats


"And still your United States Champion, Dean Ambrose!" He got up smiling slightly as he looked over to his leader who gave him a nod of approval before yawning. He rolled out the ring as Seth and Roman got in, they had a simple easy match against Zack Ryder and R-Truth. Everyone expected them tonwkn it and they did, easily in a 5 minute squash match. Ruby then proceeded to get up daintily kissing Paul Heyman on the cheek as she got into the ring. She was first up to defend her Phoenix divas title. She had chosen her own opponent, and had added a stipulation. It was to be a Lumberjill match. It was clear to everyone that she planned to make an example of her opponent who she had yet to announce. She had a mic in her hand. The divas surrounded the ring wondering just who she would pick,

"I knew you're all quaking in your boots as to who will have to be decimated by me" she smirked,

"As you very well should be, but I've chosen my opponents very carefully and yes you heard correctly I said oppnentS, plural." She smiled down at the divas who looked confused and slightly terrified.

"I've chosen Alicia Fox" she smiled as she motioned for her to get in the ring

"And Eva Marie" she smiled as Eva tried to mask her horror as she climbed into the ring

"And lastly I choose someone who apparently has been making a name for herself in NXT, someone that in my opinion seems overhyped and overrated but I'd like to find out, if you haven't figured it out by now I'm sure you won't so I'll just tell you, I've chosen Paige" the crowd erupted as Paige made her way down the ramp, Ruby sat on the turnbuckle looked bored as she looked at her manicure. Finally the bell rang and she hopped down, the 4 divas looked at each other before the 3 opponents turned to face Ruby, she looked unfazed they began to close in on her. They had her cornered but she looked cool and connected before she drop kicked Alicia in the face and performed a textbook perfect double clothesline. She smiled and dusted herself off, before yawning again. She picked up Alicia and looked to Tamina cocking her head before performing a Samoan drop. The. Strolled over to opposite side where she blew a kiss at Roman as Eva began to get up before Ruby winked at Kaitlyn and hit Eva Marie with a spear. She looked around to see Paige coughing as she got up before she charged Ruby, knocking her down, she began to punch her repeatedly and Ruby made no effort to get up. Finally after a minute she shoved off Paige powerfully as she smiled sadistically before she roundhouse kicked Paige right in the face. The rest of the divas looked on with dark looks on their faces as she hoisted Paige up on her shoulders and slammed her down on to Eva and Alicia, she climbed the turnbuckle slowly, mockingly as she blew a kiss to the crowd. She looked up the ceiling, pointing,

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