Thirteen- What Should've Been.

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If its not obvious this is what should've been had Ruby picked PJ :)
"Bye Nero, love you too" she hung up
"Who do you love?" Asked he asked behind her, she turned and looked at him surprised after hanging up
"Justin it's not what you think..." She stuttered nervously.
"Is this why you don't want to be my girlfriend?!" He tried to keep calm, but he couldn't. He was already halfway in love with her!
"Just-" she looked like she didn't know what to say
"Were you just stringing me along?!" He asked, he wasn't exactly angry, more disappointed, he didn't expect that from her.
"Justin...I would never..." She tried to touch his shoulder but he pushed her hand away.
"Do you love him?" He asked, he didn't exactly want to know hit he asked anyway, she looked up at him biting her lip.
"It doesn't matter he's married and I'm with you, I wouldn't be with you if I didn't want to be" she sighed, trying again to stroke his face, that wasn't what he wanted to hear...
"I think we need time apart" he said, it was the last thing he wanted but he felt they needed it.
"Time apart? We just got that what you really want?" No! No it's not!!!! His heart shouted, he took a deep breath,
"Ruby, I'm fully in this, I care about you a lot already, and I don't want this to go any further unless you're fully in this too. I don't want half of your heart or just a piece, I know what I want, I think it's you who needs to figure out what they want" he kissed her softly on the lips, before leaving her there stunned. He stepped out his heart pounding. This wasn't what he wanted. He saw Punk approaching the locker room where Ruby was. He was going to let him, he was too wounded to care, they brushed shoulders as they passed, he was going to go back to his hotel room and wallow. But something in him told him no. Don't let him talk to her. Go back. He tried to ignore it, Punks hand was on the door knob. He couldn't, he ran back and shoved him out of the way, Punk looked at him surprised as he watched him go in the door and lock it. Justin took a deep breath and turned to find Ruby sitting on the bench, her head buried in her hands as if she were thinking deeply, he smiled at her radiantly, he held out his hand clearing his throat again "hello madam, my name is Paul Lloyd Jr. , I am from Capetown, South Africa" she looked at him confused,
"Explains the accent" she smirked playing along, he smiled
"I wrestle in the WWE, under the name Justin Gabriel, I answer to Justin or Paul, even PJ" the corners of her mouth twitched up.
"Pj? That's adorable" she giggled "tell me more", she looked angry, but intrigued
"I used to be a model, uh I was a 3 time Tag Team champion and once had the honor of calling the most beautiful girl in the world my girlfriend" she looked down blushing, remembering for a brief moment why he had dated him,
"What happened with that?" She asked quietly.
"I'm idiot and let my jealousy get the best of me...I did very stupid things. But if given the opportunity, I will make her the happiest girl on earth. I want her back, and I want to work for her love. I want to win her heart," he got down on one knee, "Ruby Redfox, will you give me the opportunity of winning your heart, PLEASE" she looked at him conflicted, then at the door as if she expected someone else to burst in at any moment, but no one did. She looked back at him, her dark eyes penetrating his, she reached out and stroked his face.
"Ok" she said finally, he looked up at her actually surprised before hugging her.
"Thank you, you won't regret it, I promise"
"I hope so" she muttered, he pulled away,
"You won't, you wanna head out?" He asked, she looked at him,
"You don't want to stay and watch the fatal fourway?" She asked,
"Do you?" He asked, unsure, perhaps she wanted to watch Punks match and that made him uneasy, she but her lip tentatively,
"All the divas were supposed to be there to song happy birthday to Mae Young..."
"Oh...we can stay then..." He agreed, she sat pensive for a moment,
"No you know what? Lets skip out! They won't miss me anyway! Lets hang out!" She announced, he looked at her surprised before smiling,
"Whatever you say", she smiled back, her single dimple in her left cheek showing.
"So obedient, I like it" she teased, he pouted at her, wow that's incredibly attractive, she thought, he leaned forward beside her ear, he twirled a piece of her long red hair around his finger playfully
"That might be true" he whispered,"but you'll just have to find out" she shivered slightly, surprised at his words
"Why Mr.Lloyd, I must say your fowardness surprises me" she gaped a little, he stopped back instantly,
"Uh sorry, it won't happen again" he stuttered, she looked at him and smirked,
"I never said I didn't like it", he raised his eyebrows surprised,
"Well then" he laughed softly as he pulled her closer by the waist, his lips had barely touched hers when it became a flurry of hands in hair, and groping, they end up against a wall, he hoisted Ruby up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, he felt as she raised his shirt slightly, her hand trailing his zipper, when the door burst open, they pulled away slightly annoyed, it was Punk and Aj, they quickly fixed their appearances.
"Hey you guys gonna with us to the club later?!" Chirped Aj oblivious to what she had just interrupted, PJ discreetly zipped up his pants, but Punk saw him and looked at him shocked. PJ couldn't help but smile smugly, that's right he thought, stay away from her, I actually care about her, unlike you, you're just trying to win a bet.
"Peej!" Ruby waves a hand in his face, "you wanna go?" She asked again,
"Uh if you want" he shrugged, she scrounged her nose
"I don't dance," she turned back to Aj "no thanks, I think PJ and I are staying in tonight", Aj pouted,
"Fine! But you guys are coming next time! C'mon Punk!" She pulled him as he looked at Ruby, but she had already turned and adjusting PJs shirt for him, he glared,
"Hey Ruby, you shown wolfboy here the mean ass Hickey yet?" Punk asked maliciously, she stiffened immediately, PJ looked at then confused,
"What?" He asked calmly, trying to keep him cool,
"Yeah it looks just like this one!" Punk rubbed off the make up that was on his forehead to reveal a hickey on his forehead, "check her neck" he demanded, Aj looked confused but continued to try to pull him out of the room, but he pulled away from her, "show him Ruby!" She looked up at PJ, her eyes filled with regret,
"It's not what it sounds like" she whispered so only he could hear, he shut his eyes to think for a moment.
"Show him Ruby." Punk demanded, he reached out and yanked her hair back revealing the barely covered Hickey, before he could react she caught him on the jaw with her right fist.
"Don't ever fucking touch me again!" She hissed. Aj and PJ looked at her shocked, as did Punk for where he laid on the ground clutching his jaw. PJ felt her hand on his arm as she pulled him out of the locker room. "You have to hear me out! It's not what it looks like!" She sighed, he bit his lip, before taking a deep breath.
"Look we started over back there alright? So it doesn't matter. All that matters is you and I" he sighed, she looked up at him surprised,
"Yeah really" he nodded, she pursed her lips and sighed,
"Why so you have to be so damn perfect?" She asked, he looked at her confused before she smiled, "you're awesome you know that?" She told him,
"Thanks" he laughed, "you're awesome too, now what so you say we get back to the hotel and watch a movie?" She raised an eyebrow at him, "what?" He asked
"That's usually guy speak for having sex" he looked at her confused
"Don't be coy with me! But let me just tell you now Mr. Paul Lloyd Jr. I am not easy and I won't just-" she was cut off by him softly putting a finger to her lips,
"Maybe that's most guys but that's not me. I actually wanted to just watch a movie" he laughed, she blushed, "but fine if you don't want to-" this time she cut him off by putting her hand to his lips,
"A movies perfect then" she whispered embarrassed, he smiled against her finger tips before kissing them.
"Good" he smiled, before she knew it he had thrown her onto his back, she laughed,
"What're you doing?"
"I'm your noble steed!" He faked neighed before trotting off.
"Lobito," (little wolf, cute wolf in Spanish)Ruby whispered sleepily from Pjs lap where her head currently rested, they were in his hotel room watching a movie, he paused it,
"Yeah liefde?" (cariño, sweetie in Afrikaans) he asked looking down at her, she turned and looked up at him admiring the fact that he was shirtless, the v on his hips beside her cheeks. "liefde?" She snapped back to attention, she smiled at him,
"Te quiero mucho" (I care about you a lot in spanish) she smiled, he pushed the hair off her face,
"Ek is lief vir jou" (I care about you a lot in Afrikaans) he whispered back kissing her lips, she sighed happily against his lips,
"This has been an amazing 3 months" she sighed, "and I owe it all to my Lobito"
"I couldn't have done it without you" he laughed, she got quiet, what's wrong?" He asked, she looked away, biting her lip unsure.
"I have something to tell you" she whispered, he sat up concerned.
"What is it liefde? You can tell me anything, you know that" he assured, she had already told him about her father, her relationship with her mother and family. She nodded her head,
"I know...but I've never told anyone this before" she whispered, she sounded afraid, ashamed, he began to feel uneasy. He tangled his fingers with hers before kissing her hands.
"You can trust me, but log you're not ready we don't have to talk about it now..." She shook her head,
"No, you've been so patient with me, so sweet. You've tamed me with your love and deserve to know..." She trailed off her voice breaking,
"Ok, whenever you're ready, she nodded her head,
"Ok...uh" she took a deep breath, she looked on the verge of tears. "The reason I don't drink, and I'm not as...intimate with you is because" she began tremble, as if fighting the urge to cry, "When...when I was a teenager...I used to be really into drinking...I never said no to what they offered me...and a few times when I would get really drunk i would uh...end up making out with guys and sometimes they would try to take things further but even drunk I wouldn't let them." PJ squeezed her hands assuring her it was ok to continue, she looked at him grateful, "and when I was 17 I went to my best friends birthday party and there was this guy...Travis...who I had rejected once before, there and he kept encouraging me to drink and well I didn't want to look like a wimp so I did...and then the next thing I know I'm kissing this random guy...and I closed my eyes for what I swear was a second and the next thing I knew" her voice broke as she cried more, his heart broke as he pulled her into his chest, he didn't like where this was going, "I was pressed up on some car with Travis' tongue down my throat and our pants were down but I don't think we had...yet and then I tried to push him off but I blacked out and when I came to...I was on my friends couch still kissing Travis but fully clothed...and I still don't know if we..." She sobbed, as she went back to that time, "the scariest thing was everyone told me I was acting normal but I don't remember any of it! It's like my body was on autopilot, I was depressed for weeks, that was last time I ever drank and I haven't been able to be intimate with anyone since then..." She cried "so there you have it. I was a teenage slut, and I don't even know if I'm a virgin or not" she sobbed into her hands embarrassed "you can break up with me if you want, I would" he looked at her completely surprised " he held her tightly to keep her from leaving,
"Why would I ever break up with you for something like that?" He asked softly, "you know I care about you too much. Ruby that would never ever matter to me, I don't care if I'm first or second or hundredth, as long as I'm your last, I won't care. It definitely wasn't your fault. That guy is a coward for taking advantage of you, and if I ever see him I might be capable of killing him with my bare hands..." She gasped shocked
"PJ no, I've never heard you talk like that!"
"Ruby I'd do anything to protect you, Ruby Rojo...I love you, I always have, from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, as cheesy as it sounds it's almost as if I Imprinted on you, as if you were made for me. From the moment I saw you haven't even thought of anyone else...and I know this is really soon and this might freak you out, but it's true. I love you with all my heart, and the fact that you trusted me enough to tell me this..." he smiled at her as he pressed his forehead to hers "well it lets me know that this relationship isn't as one sided as I thought" he smiled as he wiped her tears, she sniffled as she states into his warm chocolate brown eyes which seemed to have flecks of gold and green,
"PJ...I think I love you too" she whispered, he looked at her completely surprised but what she said,
"Really?" He whispered, she nodded biting her lip,
"Yeah...really...", he couldn't believe his ears
"Say for me" he pleaded, "please" she smiled,
"Paul Lloyd jr, I love you" she whispered, he shut his eyes and savored every word,
"I love you" she whispered into his ear, he turned and pressed his lips to hers,
"I love you too" he murmured against hers lips, he pulled away nuzzling her neck, "and I'll wait forever for you to be ready if I have to" he assured her, she got up and sat in his lap, resting her head in the crook of his neck, she took in his scent,
"The way things are won't be long" she assured, he smiled.
"Maybe after you win your title? A nice little celebration?" He suggested
"Maybe after you win yours?" She suggested, he pouted,
"You know I don't have a title shot", she smiled,
"Yeah but you should and since Vince and I are on such good terms, maybe I could-"
"No Ruby, I want to earn a title shot on my you and Vince aren't on such good terms" he laughed, "plus I've been getting some good wins on Main Event," he shrugged, "it's got to count for something"
"Ah yes! That beautiful springboard 450, how could I forget?" She sighed, "alright Lobito, we'll see..." She settled in against him but stopped immediately, "oh yeah my mom wants to meet you."
"Oh really?" He asked surprised, "should I be afraid?" He asked nervously,
"No I'm more then sure she'll love you, you're everything she wants for me, educated, sweet, good values and morals, no tattoos or piercings, a perfect gentleman, hell you're even multilingual" she laughed, "you have nothing to worry about Lobito" she assured kissing his cheek, she ran her fingers through his soft silk like brown hair, "she'll love you as much as I do"
"I hope so" he whispered pressing his forehead to hers, he kissed her again, "lets head to bed yeah?" He suggested, she nodded, even though they weren't having sex they were sharing hotels to save on money, she trusted him enough to sleep in a bed with him. He scooped her up and carried her to the bed, he dropped her softly on one side, she snuggle underneath the covers in just his Tshirt and her underwear and socks, and turned to face him and watched as he dropped his basketball shorts and climbed into bed beside her in just his boxer briefs.
"I just love the view" she smirked, he smiled, his dimples showing, as he climbed into bed after turning out the light,
"I think mine is better" he told her as he pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her her, "you know it's hard to imagine my life before you" he confessed "it seemed so empty, and then you came along and just made it better, you lit up my world.", he could see the outline of her smile in the dark,
"And what about you? I didn't know so much kindness existed in the world but here you are. You were so patient with me, so loving. You tamed my bad attitude, with your soft words and gentle touch, you're amazing.", he swore he felt like crying, he bit his lip to keep from crying,
"I love you Ruby" he whispered,
"I love you too Paul" she whispered back calling him by his first name like she only did when her was serious.
"Don't be nervous, she'll love you, everyone else doesn't matter" Ruby assured him as he fixed the collar of his shirt nervously, "c'mon Lobito" she pulled him inside the house, it was instant hellos and kisses and hugs, he could immediately sense the tension between Ruby and her oldest brother and her sister Amber, everyone else seemed happy to see her,
"Mama...el es Pj" Ruby announced happily, her mom looked over him, circling him like a shark, finally she stopped in front of him, and smiled
"Bienvenido!" She announced opening her arms and giving him her stamp of approval. Ruby looked relieved as they sat to have dinner, it was slightly awkward with the hostility of Amber and Sterling hit overall went well, it was when they were in the living room that he gathered the courage and stood, he cleared his throat nervously, everyone was so busy talking they didn't notice him until Ruby's oldest sister noticed him,
"Everyone shut up! Ruby's boyfriend had something to say." She yelled, everyone shut up and looked at him, he swallowed nervously,
"Uh well since you're all here...and Esmeralda I know this is my first time meeting you but uh...well I really love Ruby and uh...I knows it's Hispanic tradition to ask for the hand of the girl...well my mom couldn't be here...but..." Ruby looked up at him confused, he got on one knee, her eyes widened, her sisters gasped, he produced the box containing his moms Ruby ring, "Well Ruby...If your mother will allow it, will you do me the great honor of being my wife?" He asked finally, Ruby looked at him still shocked, "uh usually there's supposed to be a yes...or no..." She still looked at him, all eyes were on her now,
"Uh yes! No shit yes! In the words of Daniel Bryan Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!!!" She shouted jumping into his arms and kissing him, her sisters clapped. Ruby kept kissing PJ all over his face she finally pulled away long enough for him to place the ring on her trembling finger, he looked up to Ruby's mom who still stood quietly by the mantle.
"Esmeralda...may I have your daughters hand in marriage?" He asked nervously, she studied him, before nodding solemnly.
"Yes. You'll make my daughter very happy, I can tell", but she didn't sound very happy,
"Mom you don't sound very happy...I thought you wanted me to get married" Ruby skews confused, Esmeralda smiled,
"I am happy mija, but I'm also sad, my little baby is getting married!" She hugged them both.
"They want to what?!" PJ asked confused,
"They want us to get married at Wrestlemania! And then they want Mr. Mahon to come out and tell you that as wedding gift you're getting a title shot with John and Dwayne" Ruby told him excitedly
"This is insane! I don't want to be just given a title shot!" He exclaimed, Ruby looked at him bewildered
"Lobito! Vince McMahon wouldn't just GIVE anything! Obviously you've earned it. Please cariño this is a good chance for you" she pleaded with him, "mania is only 2 weeks away! You've got to take this opportunity!" He looked at her unsure,
"What about you? What're you getting?"
"Well since I won the Divas battle Royal is coming up, obviously I've got my match, it's a hardcore, TLC, Cage match. It's gonna be a show stealer" she smiled, "c'mon we could be the first AND only couple to win titles on their wedding day!" He smiled at her, "I'll think about it"
"You better!", she sat in his lap, admiring her ring, she stood up immediately as if she had remembered something.
"What?" He asked concerned, she ran toward her bedroom and came back,
"As my future husband, I want you to have this." She placed a watch on his wrist, he looked at her touched
"Your fathers watch?"
"Yeah. You're worthy of having it, and I know you'll keep it safe." She smiled as she snapped it on, "a perfect fit" she smiled, "it only makes sense, I have your mothers ring, and now you have my fathers watch." He kissed her
"I love you, you know that?" She smiled and nodded,
"Of course, you tell me every 5 minutes" she laughed,
"Well it's true I do love you." He shrugged, she beamed,
"Annnnd I love" she scooped up Lionheart, "this little animal right here"
"I'm not little" PJ pouted, she laughed,
"Obviously I wasn't talking about you, I'm talking about my..." PJ cleared his throat
"OUR" he corrected, she laughed
"Our beautiful son" she smiled, he snuggled against her neck, they were quiet for a moment
"What's bout having some kits and pups of our own? Not any time soon...but one day" he asked softly, hopeful, she pulled away and looked at him surprised,
"You want to have kids?" She asked softly,
" day..." He replied shyly
"With...with me?" She asked, he liked at her like she was crazy,
"Of course with you!" He smiled "I wouldn't want to have them with anyone else", she was quiet for a moment letting her cheek rest in his lips,
" day" she whispered, he hugged her,
"I'll be the father you always wanted" he assured her,she looked at his with tear filled eyes,
"I love you so much right now" she whispered kissing him, "you're." Kiss, "so" kiss, "perfect" she kissed him again, clutching his neck as she hungrily moved her lips with his, he was surprised by her aggression, it was as if their animal instincts took over, they rolled onto the ground, he was on top, this had happened plenty of times before, only to be stopped but this time Ruby pulled him closer, she bit his lip earning a wolf like growl from him, she pulled his shirt over his head running her fingers over his smooth tan skin,
"Liefde, if you want to stop, nows the time to say so" he managed to say through clenched teeth as her hand slipped into his pants, he let out a growl as she tugged at his large warm erection, "I don't think I'll be able to stop" he whispered, biting her neck, she moaned, "I want to fuck you so hard" he whispered in her ear causing her to shiver "so hard you'll hate me"
"I want to rip you in half" he whispered, he sucked on two of his fingers into his mouth, she watched in anticipation. His hands trailed down her abdomen, she felt him slip into her, first one finger than the other, "you're so fucking tight, Ruby" he growled he shoved them up as his palm massaged her in just the right place, she felt felt him slip in a third finger causing her to whimper, "I want to fuck you until you beg me to stop and then I want keep going, until you're motionless with pleasure" he nipped her nipples,
"PJ just fuck me please" she begged, he smirked at her,
"Not just yet", his dark side turned her on so much. He pulled away as he pulled her shorts off, he smirked as he ripped her underwear in his hands, easily like paper. He put one of her legs on his shoulder as he kissed from her ankle to to her inner thigh, she could feel his warm breath, there. She was breathing so hard as he put her leg down and repeated the process with her other leg.
"PJ please" she whispered, he was back near her face as his tongue filled her mouth. She could feel him at the entrance of her, she was trembling with want, "Paul-" she whimpered
She was cut off by him fully thrusting into her, she felt in that moment that she was being torn apart, he was ruthlessly thrusting into her, she had to dig her nails into his back, after a few minutes it began to feel amazing, without even having to ask he sped up, thrusting harder, all the while his tongue was mingling perfectly with hers,
"Paul" she moaned into his mouth, he pulled his mouth off of hers for a second,
"Howl my name liefde, that's right" he growled
"Paul," she groaned, she felt him sink his teeth into the skin between her shoulder and neck as he thrust with animalistic consistency and strength, she dug her nails into his back so hard she was afraid she would draw blood. She never imagined he could be this rough, and the thought that she brought it out of him turned her on even more, he shocked her when he pulled out before she knew what was happening he had sat up and placed her on his lap as he slid back into her, filling her again, as he bounced her up and down, his face in her neck as their hands pulled at each others hair.
"Ek is lief vir jou" (I love you in Afrikaans) he whispered into her ear causing her to go over the edge, with one final thrust he finished too, as they melted into each others arms on the floor.
"Te amo con todo mi corazón" she whispered, (I love you with all my heart), she knew she was crying, he smiled as he wiped the tears from her face,
"Liefde, por que lloras?" He asked in his soft Spanish, (why are you crying?),
"I never knew I could be this happy," she whispered, "I never for a second thought that love like this existed," she added clutching on to him, "I never want to lose you like my mom did my dad" she whimpered, he could feel her tears on his chest, he smoothed her hair,
"You won't," he whispered,
"What if I do? Like your mom lost your dad?" She whimpered, he was quiet,
"I can't promise not to die, but I can promise to love you with every single strength of my being until then," he whispered finally, she hugged him.
"I promise you too" she whispered "so what about Wrestlemania?" She asked, her fingers roaming down to one of her favorite features of his, the deep v on his hips, he groaned tangling a hand through her red hair, tugging slightly to make her lips meet his.
"I still don't know" he muttered, she pressed firmly, "maybe you can convince me" he growled pulling her on top of him, she lusher before leaning down to kiss him, mingling her tongue with his, she pulled away momentarily
"Mm. Now I know why they warned Little Red about the big bad wolf" she giggled, he smirked,
"Let me just remind you"
"And your new WWE Diva's Champion, Ruby Redfox!" Lillian Garcia announced as the referee held up Ruby's hand, she had a bloodied mouth and messed up hair but she couldn't stop smiling. Kaitlyn was laid out at her feet with Aj beside her. Both unconscious. Aj had been stupid enough to try to interrupt the match in order to ensure she could be the next contender, but Ruby had managed to take both out, she used moves she hasn't used since her Lucha Libre days, she fought tooth and nail, and was sure she had hurt her hand but she didn't care. She was the new champion. She crumbled to her knees crying as she clutched the title to herself, her music blaring around her. Just earlier she had stood at the top of the stage in her white lace gown and said I do to the man she loved with all her heart, her mother and family at her side. And now She had done it, she won, soon she felt strong arms come around her,
"You did it baby" he whispered into the mic, but the voice was the not the familiar accented one she was used to, she jerked up in surprise, she was in unknown tattooed arms, she pulled away to see none other than CM Punk,
"What the fuck are you doing here?" She hissed, he tried to touch her again but she kicked him,
"Baby, c'mon" he smirked,
"I'm not your baby!" She shouted, this wasn't in the script this wasn't supposed to happen, soon the Shield's music replaced her own, they appeared surrounding the ring, Punk raised the mic to his lips smirking.
"What was that baby?" He asked, she glared at him unfazed that there were 4 men there who could easily rip her limb from limb to kill her.
"I'm not your baby" she repeated, filling her voice with all the venom in her body, he looked at her amused,
"There she is, since you chose Justin over me I figured you'd gone soft" he circled her amused he picked up a strand of her hair "I thought you'd lost your fire" she slapped his hand away, he laughed "I see I was wrong" he stopped in front of her, before she knew what was happening he had pulled her by the waist causing her hips to meet his, "or maybe I'm the only one who can light that fire" he whispered, his hazel green eyes burning into her dark cinnamon eyes, she felt his fingers tracing her jaw, then her lips. She knew it was wrong, she wriggled against him but he was stronger. He pulled her hair to make her look up at him, before he pressed his lips on to hers violently, forcing his tongue into her mouth, before she could react he shoved her off, causing her to fall, title and all. He laughed, "laters, baby" he sang into the mic. She glared at him wiping her lips, yelling,
"I'M NOT YOUR BABY", he blew her a kiss
"You will be soon" he added ominously as exited the ring, the Shield following behind him. She sat in the ring surprised, she hadnt even noticed that the cage had been lifted, soon she felt other arms around her, these she knew, these were the ones she slept in every night, she let them wrap around her.
"Liefde I'm so sorry, I was in locker room getting ready for my match, had I know I wouldn't have allowed him to walk out of here unscathed." He whispered, she nodded.
"Nothing can ruin this moment, not even him" she assured him, kissing him as the crowd erupted into cheers."Lets go get you ready for your match Lobito" she smiled
"Whatever you say Mrs. Lloyd." He agreed,
"As it should be Mr. Lloyd" she smirked,
"Unless it's in the bedroom" he whispered, she shivered "make shift honeymoon before my match?" He asked she nodded, hopping up on him wrapping her legs around him as he carried her up the ramp.
"Paul a word with you" they heard someone call, they turned to see Triple H looking embarrassed,
"Busted" laughed Ruby as PJ put her down,
"Wait for me in here" he whispered motioning at a door, she nodded.
Ruby stood with her back to him, she was looking over the things on the desk,trying to figure out who's office it was, as PJ slowly walked up behind her. He shut the door before He kissed the back of her neck before he pulled at her hair redfox headband causing her long red hair to come tumbling down, she smiled at his touch, his arms wrapped around her from behind, constricting her tightly, his hands on her breasts, he had her bent over the desk now, his mouth beside her ear.
"How shall I take you Mrs. Lloyd?" He whispered, causing her to shiver, "doggie style? Or shall I say, animal style?" He asked, his grip on her her breast tightened, she could feel the heat from his hands through her shirt, his mouth and tongue trailed along her jaw, he bit her earlobe earning a stifled moan. "Mmm is that a yes?" He asked, he tightened his grip, he pushed up against her, the desk rattled, he shoved his hips against hers again, the desk rattled, she could feel his erection, it was huge, she moaned at the thought of him inside her again. He was only in his wrestling gear, and so was she, he easily shoved her shorts down and unlaced her top, all she had to do was reach behind her and pull down his wrestling briefs, before he had shoved inside her again, the desks rattled, he pulled out slowly before ramming back into her, she moaned loudly, she was so distracted by her pleasure that she hasn't noticed that the door had opened, Punk was standing there a look of disbelief on his face was quickly replaced by a dark look of jealousy, PJ looked up and smirked,
"Call my name" he whispered to Ruby, pulling her hair so she was kissing him,
"Paul" she called, Punk looked away in a mixture of disgust and sorrow, he rammed into her again. She moaned
"Who do you belong to?" He whispered,
"You" she moaned "I'm all yours" Punk glared at them, PJ's smirk grew,
"Louder" he growled
"I'm all yours" Ruby moaned "I love you", Punk backed out devastated. PJ smiled in triumph as he kissed his wife.
"I love you too" he whispered back, she finished surprisingly fast as he did soon after, he laughed "I didn't know we were capable of quickies"
"Neither did I" she laughed, "what did H want?" She asked
"Something about a feud with Punk" he shrugged, as he pulled his briefs up, he helped her relace her too, tying it tightly for her.
"You nervous about your match?" She asked, he hugged her,
"Not anymore, I heard sex helps you be not nervous, guess its true" he laughed, she blushed
"Glad I could help!", there was a knock on the door, it was a stage tech, he had his eyes covered as if he had heard what was going on in there.
"Uh Your entrance is up," he told him, PJ laughed,
"Alright thanks" he smoothed his hair back, "you ready pragtige (beautiful in Afrikaans)?"
"I am, are you?" She asked, he looked at her and took a deep breath, realizing that at this moment that he life was perfect in every way possible,
"Yeah I'm sure I am" he hooked his arm through hers and they strolled out of the office. They were first out to the ring, then came Cena then the Rock. She stood on the apron until absolutely necessary,
"Good luck Lobito" she whispered giving him a kiss.
"Damn can I get one of those" she heard Cena shout, they both glared at him,
"Hey Gabriel what do you say we raise the stakes and add your wife you the mix?" Dwayne smirked, Ruby held him back,
"Don't let then get to you, you've got this" she whispered into his ear, he relaxed.
"I'm bringing that title home, we'll match" he smirked
"I know we will" she assured him, she gave him one last kiss before she jumped off the apron and the bell rang. Almost immediately Cena was dominated, Ruby watched carefully trying to figure when and where she would intervene should she have to, 15 minutes in she realized, if she could distract John, then PJ could easily take Dwayne, she began to smile at him flirtatiously, winking. He looked at her shocked but continued to wrestle. She coyly adjusted her cleavage, that got his attention, she winked, before bending over slowly to tie her shoe, he stopped completely. The next thing she heard was the tap on the canvas as PJ rolled up Dwayne, the bell rang. John looked around shocked as Pj's music blared.
"And your new WWE Champion, Justin Gabriel!", Lillian announced as Ruby sprang into the ring. She was immediately hugging him, kissing him, they held their titles up together, and that moment was perfect, little did they know that was the last time things would ever be.
Ruby sat up in a cold sweat, she had been twisting and turning in agony.
"Paul" she whispered "Paul, wake up!" She shook him, he sat up groggily
"What's wrong?"
"I think the baby is coming" she whispered, he looked at her shocked
"What?" It was only 7 months after wrestlemania and they had just found out a few months earlier that she was pregnant at all. She had been pregnant during her match at Wrestlemania and during all her gauntlet matches.
"He's coming! We have to, OW. Get to the hospital!" She whimpered, he got up immediately putting on some sweats and a Tshirt, he shoved his shoes on as she pulled her robe on and then her slippers, he helped her hobble to the car, he was trembling nervously as he drove. They had been staying in South Africa during the final months to help her keep relaxed, he spoke hurried Afrikaans to the woman at the front desk who immediately recognized him, Ruby was pushed into a hospital room where she clutched his hand,
"Paul I'm scared" she whispered, he looked at her,
"Me too" she groaned in pain.
"What if he's ok? What if my wrestling hurt him?!" She whimpered,
"No he'll be fine, little Paul Berilo Lloyd the 3rd will be perfectly healthy and he'll grow up to be a wrestler like his mommy and daddy and he's gonna howl at the moon with us" he assured her, she smiled weakly,
"Ok" she managed to say as the doctors and nurses burst in, they all spoke Afrikaans, she didn't understand, they probed and checked her. "Ow," she groaned, the doctor told her something, she looked at PJ,
"They want you to push" he whispered kissing her forehead, "you can do this" she nodded her head, "ok Liefde, push" she groaned in pain as she pushed, the doctors said something PJ nodded "liefde push again" she pushed with all her strength. "Good job, you're doing great, push again" he told her, she pushed, she felt exhausted. He kissed her forehead, "one more baby" he assured her, she pushed, she was sweating like crazy, she was in horrible pain. But finally she heard the most beautiful cry of her life fill the room. They put the newly swaddled baby on her chest and it stared back with its fathers piercing brown eyes. He looked every bit like his father except for his thick reddish brown hair which was every bit his mothers.
"He's beautiful" she whispered to PJ who was crying, he reaches out softly and touched his sons hair who hasn't stopped crying, his dimples exactly like his fathers obvious on his cheeks.
"Just like his mother" he whispered, but suddenly the crying stopped, even the doctors looked at each other surprised, they grabbed little Paul and began bantering in Afrikaans back and forth.
"What's happening?!" She shouted, she looked at PJ helplessly, he looked shocked as he argued back in Afrikaans. "Paul what's happening with our baby?!" She begged, she saw as PJ argued with the doctor who somberly shook his head, that could only mean one thing. PJ walked back to her with tear filled eyes,
"He...he didn't make it" he sobbed in pain.'
"She won't talk to me, she touch me, she won't even look at me. I don't knew what to do anymore" he sighed, his happiness of just a few months earlier was completely gone, he was on the phone with Heath.
"Well it must be rough losing a baby and all" Heath offered back in his southern drawl
"I lost him too Heath!" He growled
"I don't know what to tell you Peej."
"And then Punk is trying to get my title, did you see when he had the audacity to suggest I put Ruby AND the title on the line?!"
"Are you gonna do it?"
"Of course not!"
"We'll if you won-"
"I would win!"
"If you won you'd prove your worth, you'd be the most talked about champion."
"Maybe I don't want that"
"But Ruby would, maybe this could bring her back from her funk", PJ smiled
"Maybe, and she doesn't have a problem with being the center piece of the match"and so it was set, Wrestlemania 30 it was to be CM Punk versus Justin Gabriel for the WWE title and most importantly, Ruby Redfox.
"You sure about this?" Asked PJ to Ruby, it was the big day, minutes before their big entrance, so far he was the 2nd longest reigning champion of the modern era holding he title for 335 days exactly.
"I don't mind" she shrugged monotonously, she was a shell of the woman she used to be. The death of their son had effected her horribly.
"Ruby will you at least talk to me?!" He sighed, she looked at him for a second before turning away in pain.
"I can't"
"Why not?!"
"BECAUSE WHENEVER I LOOK AT YOU I SEE HIM! Don't you get it?! I lost my baby! I lost my son! He's never coming home! He's never going to grow up!" She shouted at him, "and what makes things worse is I can't even have anymore children. My womb is cursed, I'm not even a woman. I'm just...I'm nothing!" He reaches out to try to hug her but, she moved "don't." She whispered, but he didn't listen he pulled her into his chest, he was crying and so was she,
"I'm so sorry" PJ whispered but he didn't know why, she pushed away, wiping her tears
"No I am" she whispered ominously, "lets go, you have your match" he sniffled and nodded as he followed her out of the curtain, Punk was already in the ring, he smirked at the sight of them, blowing a kiss to Ruby. PJ stood in front of her protectively, he gave her a kiss before he got in the ring. The bell sounded,
"Paul!" She called from the apron, he looked at her surprised, she reached out and pulled him to her pressing her lips to his, a kiss reminiscent to the ones they used to share, before she pushed him away directly into Punk's grip, he immediately GTS'd him, and got the 3 count. PJ looked up on confusion as the referee held up Punks hand in victory as he smirked at him and Ruby, before grabbing Ruby and kissing her passionately, he grabbed a mic
"Let this be a lesson, Justin" he mocked "you can't stop fate, see Ruby and I were meant to be with each other, one way or another. Our destinies are intertwined, and now, she's mine" he smirked cockily as he dropped the mic by the cord and pulled a smiling Ruby by the hair to his lips again.
There it is! This is what should've happened had Ruby not picked Punk. As you can see she didn't get harassed by the Shield or get tricked by Jeff but a lot of other things did happen! Let me know what you think!

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