Thirty- Labor

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It was Punk he looked over her longingly, almost as if afraid that she would fade away. He reached a tattooed hand out tentatively as if attempting to stroke her face, but dropped it immediately back at his side. In her head she was asking him, pleading him to stay. To crawl into bed with her and once again wrap those strong, taut arms, that were permanently covered in the story of his life, around her and never let go. She longed she feel his skin against hers, his breath on her neck. But she didn't, instead she continued to feign sleep as she turned to her side to face away from him, snuggling further away from where he stood. She was in the center of the bed now, she could feel one of her legs peeking out, a slight breeze on her lower back. She wished she could move it. She had to make it easy for the both of them. Please just go, she begged mentally. Don't make this any harder than it has to be. She heard him sigh, then his footsteps as he treaded toward the door. She could see him again, his lean figure in the dark. He was in a Tshirt of sorts, a pair of basketball shorts. He reached out, his fingertips grazing the door knob, he turned back one last time, as if coming to a decision. Her heart sank as he went to pull open the door, but then his hand dropped. He turned to face her again, in one swift movement he had thrown his shirt over his head, it fell to the ground with the softest of sounds. Then he pulled off his shorts, stepping out of them quietly, she felt her insides begin to flutter. He walked toward her and disappeared behind her, she could no longer see what he was doing. She was dying with anxiety, she wanted to desperately to know what he planned to do. She felt his hand on her foot before it made it's way up the length of her leg, disappearing under the covers as his hand rested just below her ass. She wanted to pull him into bed with her but instead, continued to feign sleep. She felt him lift the covers, she assumed he was staring at her sleeping figure, she blushed knowing that she was once again in only her underwear and an over sized tank top. To her surprise she felt the mattress dip and the covers fall back into place, once again enveloping her in their warmth. She couldn't confirm it but she could almost feel it, sense him beside her in the bed. The mattress shifted again as he inched closer to her, she could practically feel the heat radiating from his body. Then his skin was pressed against her exposed skin on her back, one arm snaked around her waist, his hand gliding down her stomach, plunging straight into her underwear. She tried her best not to moan, but nonetheless let out a sleepy like moan, she could feel his breath on her neck and cheek as she heard him chuckle softly behind her. She shifted in the bed, but he pulled her closer, his other arm snaking underneath her ribs, his hand slid down from her neck to her chest before he slipped it into her shirt, clamping down on of one her breasts before he nuzzled her nose into the back of her neck. She didn't know how long she lay with him like that before drifting off to sleep. But Ruby woke up the next morning, hoping to find her own arms wrapped around Punks but instead she woke up alone. She sat up looking around the room shocked. He had been there, it hadn't been a dream, his spot was empty on the bed. She sighed and slicked her hair off of her face before rubbing her eyes, she had barely thrown her legs over the side of the bed before Punk was walking out of her bathroom. Her eyes widened at the sight of him, droplets of water rolling down his body, glistening as he toweled dried his hair. He was wearing nothing, completely nude. She continued to stare not knowing what to say, finally he turned and looked at her amused,


"Uh...morning?" She managed to say, he walked over to a drawer and looking through it.

"What are you looking for?" She asked confused,

"Bingo!" He announced as he pulled out a pair of his boxers and shorts.

"I knew you'd still have something of mine" he smirked as he pulled them on,

"I think I'll move my stuff in here later today," he nodded,

"Just move all this shit" he pointed at her underwear drawer,

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