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"No" he shook his head. "No" he repeated as he was handed a mic. The last thing he wanted to do was have this conversation in public. "Baby...lets go to the back and talk about this...this isn't want you want" he whispered but it was still audible on the mic. She rolled her eyes,

"I'm NOT your baby, and pretty soon I hope to be nothing more than your ex wife. Sign the papers Phil" she ordered, she pushed the pen toward him.

"No. You love me. You DON'T want this" he tried to convince her.

"Sign the goddamn papers Phil!" She sighed exasperated.


"This is pointless...we've only been married a few months maybe I can get it annulled", she muttered. He smiled,

"You know our marriage has been consummated way too many times for an annulment" he out his hands over hers and held them, massaging her palms "I know you haven't forgotten all of our nights together...the way our skin felt against each other...the way we tangled together like we were one body..." He leaned in closer, "the way it felt to have me inside of you...I know you haven't forgotten" he trailed his finger up her arm, she retracted her hands immediately.

"It wasn't all to memorable to me" she smirked, "fine no annulment, just sign the papers" he looked her dead in the eye, annoyed now.

"No! Don't you get it! I'm not letting you go! I love you and when we got married we promised that we were going to see it through to the end. For better or for worse. I'm NOT giving up on you!"

"No YOU don't you get it! I was using you. Our storyline got me the attention I needed, and I figured if you beat the Streak at Wrestlemania the attention I got would be even greater, but see you just couldn't do it.! That's when I plotted all of this, to get me rid of you. History shows when a woman leaves you well, you forget them rather quickly. See because you stopped being useful to me Punk, and I'll admit you had my attention for a while, but it takes A LOT to hold my attention, don't kick yourself in the ass Punk, you tried your best. But do us both a favor and sign the damn papers" the crowd booed

"No" he nodded his head, he picked up the papers staring at them, her name, her signature already on it in red ink, he contemplated ripping them, the crowd cheered.

"Don't even think of ripping those papers" she warned, he looked at her in pain, this wasn't the woman he fell in love with, he looked into those eyes in hopes of seeing her for just a fleeing moment but found that Ruby was gone, fully replaced by Ruthless, maybe he'd do himself a favor by signing the divorce papers...he looked over her.

"Fine don't I'm sure I could get it through on adultery, on both sides" she shrugged, he looked at her in disbelief. He still loved her, and he still wanted her in every and any way possible...he cleared his throat before bringing the Mic to his lips, the pen in his hand hovering above the line on the paper that read Philip Jack Brooks below it.

"I'll sign the papers," he said finally the crowd booed. "On one condition", Ruby looked at him amused,

"What? You want all your properties? Your last name? The cat?" She mocked, bending over the table to meet his eye level. He could see very clearly into the cleavage he used to rest his head on every night, he stood surprising her

"What I want" he spoke slowly making her hang onto every word as he stood, "What. I. Want." He repeated, walking around the table and standing directly in front of her, he held his chin pensively as he laughed and smirked, "I. Want. One. Last. Night. With. You." With each word he took a step toward her causing her to walk backward until her back was against the turnbuckle, he tangled a hand into her hair as she turned her face away, he nuzzled her neck, inhaling her scent, remembering all their nights together...

"Get off of me" she whispered weakly yet fiercely.

"One night with the queen" he whispered smirking, he pulled away and put the mic to his mouth. "One night with the Queen! C'mon Rue you're used to this. One night with the queen!" He repeated "after all that's what it took for Lesner to join you, and that's what it'll take for me to sign these papers" he waved them in her face. "One night of passion with the queen, one night of you on your back, or maybe all fours, just taking it like the big slut you turned out to b-" he was cut off by her slapping him. He clutched his now bleeding lip smirking as he wiped the blood.

"Truth hurts doesn't it baby?"

"NO ONE talks to me like that" she growled. She took a deep breath as if to calm herself, "now I'm giving you one last chance. You can sign the papers and walk out of here unscathed or you can refuse again, and end up in a hospital bed, where you will still sign the papers. Either is fine by me because either way you're signing these papers!" She looked to the ramp, he turned to see the 4 members of the Shield, Graves no longer wearing a mask. He looked back at her unfazed,

"Tell you what," he smirked "I'll make this interesting. Since you are always concerned with keeping the show interesting and getting attention, which is why I assume you chose to do this publicly, but lets keep things interesting." He suggested, "does the queen want to hear my idea?" He mocked

"I don't, but knowing you, you'll tell me anyway!" She scoffed rolling her eyes, he smirked

"You know me so well darling" he turned back to face the Shield "I suggest a match. Me against anyone of your choosing Mrs. Redfox, most likely one of the members of the Shield," he shrugged, "now here's where it gets interesting, If whomever you choose wins, fine I'll sign the papers. But if I win, well then Mrs. Brooks" she glared at him, "because you are STILL Mrs. Brooks, then you'll have to accept my conditions, and then if you still want your petty divorce...MAYBE I'll comply." The crowed cheered at the idea, she looked around interested.

"Fine, I accept, because I know for a fact, that I'll win" she smirked, he shrugged, before turning back to the Shield, he motioned at them, she stood beside him, staring at them.

"Choose your savior, corazon." He taunted, she looked them over pensively, tapping her chin, she turned to face him as she put the mic to her lips,

"I've made my pick" she announced into the mic,

"Enlighten us your highness," he motioned, she smirked mischievously.

"I've decided to go with someone who is smart, strong, attractive, and maybe even slightly psychotic" she walked around the ring, "I've decided to go with someone that I trust completely, someone I know would never fail me, someone who-"

"Just tell us already" Punk groaned, jealous and annoyed. She smirked,

"I've chosen a legend in the making, a person a foot in to the Hall of Fame, I've chosen the Best in the World," he looked her amused,

"I can't fight myself" he mocked, she smiled,

"Oh Phil, if you haven't caught my drift, I've chosen someone who's never had a lost, I've chosen...MYSELF" she revealed finally.





What?! Shocker? No ok whatever. Anyway! Hope y'all like it. And I'm trying my hardest to kill any hopes you have of Ruby coming back cuz honestly she's not, not any time soon that's for sure! Ruthless is here to stay! Have y'all ever considered that maybe Ruby's just showing her true colors? Anyway comments! Yay!



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