Five- Danny

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They all started at Dylan awaiting his answer, he nodded

"Yeah she went to go see Danny in prison a week or two ago"

"Prison?!" Asked Punk surprised, Danny didn't seem like the criminal type, "he saw her?!"

"Yeah she went to go see how she could help, I think that's what Danny said" Dylan told them confused "how long has she been missing?"

"A month" Jeff told him, Dylan shook his head,

"That can't be right," Dylan told them "Danny saw her"

"I don't..." Punk couldn't wrap his head around this information,

"You need to go talk to Danny, I don't understand or know what necessarily went down, but I know she was helping him"

"Where exactly is Danny?" Asked Punk

"California State Prison, LA county branch,"

"What's he in for?" Asked PJ






He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, he had been here for a month now. Time seemed like it didn't exist there, it just felt like a long endless day. It felt like he was repeating the same day over and and over but yet somehow it never ended. He missed his shop, he missed his friends, he missed his freedom, he missed coming home the smiling face of his daughters, and he missed being able to hold his wife and let her know everything was going to be alright, but at the moment he wasn't so sure anymore. He didn't know what time it was or what day it was, nor did he care all he knew was that with each hour, with each minute, with each second that passed he was closer to being able to be with his family again and that was all that really mattered. He had just woken up, he had dreamed he was with his daughters Iris and Camilla, his little garden he called them...they were probably so scared, they had never been without their daddy before...but he knew that they loved their new mom even if she wasn't their real mom, and they were definitely safe with her. If only he hadn't been so thoughtless, if only he hadn't been so brash, this whole situation could've been avoided. But he wasn't completely at fault, if Travis hadnt- his thoughts were interrupted by his cell door being pulled open.

"Daniel Corona" called the guard, Danny sat up confused, "you have visitors" the plural was what surprised him, usually it was just his wife, sometimes it Dylan, once or twice it had been Ruby, never more than one person, his heart started to beat faster. Maybe it was his girls, maybe they had let his girls come and he would see his wife her long red hair shining beside his two girls, Iris with her dark hair like her fathers, but who had inherited her mothers blue eyes, and Camilla who had her mothers light brown hair but her fathers dark chocolate brown eyes, Iris was older by a year, she had been born when he was only 20 and was now 5 years old, and his little baby his Iris was only 4 and a half and turning 5 soon, and she would probably have to spend her birthday without her father and that thought killed him, but maybe he could see them today, let them know everything was going to be ok..."hurry up Corona we don't have all day" he jumped down from his bunk quickly, he held out his hands excitedly for then to shackle as the other guard shackled his feet. He shuffled forward excitedly as he made his way to the booths where the visitations where usually held, except in the other side of the glass he didn't find who wanted to, in fact he didn't know who they were. He sat across from them confused as he picked up the phone, having slight difficulties with his shackled hands, the middle one looked the most familiar, but the other two he didn't know,

"Do I know you guys?" He asked tentatively after clearing his throat,

"Danny it's me...Phil, Ruby's husband" said the familiar looking one, Danny looked at him confused,

"Ok...where's Ruby?" He asked,

"We were hoping you could tell us" said one of the other two with dark brown hair and an accent, Danny was even more confused

"What do you mean?"

"Ruby's been missing for a month" said the 3rd guy with colorful hair, Danny shook his head,

"No that impossible, I saw her just 3 weeks ago. She came to promise me the lawyers were going to get me out before my daughters birthday."

"Did she seem different? Like she was being held captive or anything?" Asked PJ intently, Punk couldn't get over the fact that she had came to seen Danny, even talked to PJ, and Shannon, and not even called him.

"No she seemed fine." He shrugged confused, he was still getting over the disappointment that it wasn't his girls.

"Do you know of anyone who would've taken her?" Asked Jeff,

"I'm sorry but who are you?" He asked

"I'm Jeff the guy who trained Ruby, you know Phil, and this is Ruby's other friend PJ, we're trying to find her" Jeff explained,

"I still don't get it, how is she missing?" Danny asked,

"She disappeared a month ago, after I flatlined. She went crazy thinking some guys were responsible and I assume she went to threaten our boss but the next morning they found his office trashed and no trace of either of them." Punk explained, "now do you know anyone who would've wanted to take her?!" He asked impatiently

"No" Danny told them, he honestly couldn't,

"What about Travis?" Asked Punk his voice trembling, Danny's eyes narrowed at the mention of his name,

"Travis who?" He asked,

"Travis the guy who practically rapes Ruby and showed up at her house a few months ago to try to get her back" Punk growled, "I don't know his last name"

"You mean Travis Shane Montoya?" He asked, Punks heart as well as PJs stopped at the mention of the last name,

"Montoya?! As in related to Xantos and Reyes Montoya?!" Asked Punk






Holy shit. Ok here we go update! There wasn't much response to the last update so I expect more from this one!!!!! More comments! More votes c'mon people! I feel like in working for free! You guys pay me in comments and votes and I feel ripped off, so please give me a raise!!!



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