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Cora felt her entire body shaking as she remembered every painful memory of her life. They all came rushing back, slapping her in the face with shame, embarrassment, and sorrow. Her chest ached. She rose slowly out of the bed and managed to stagger to the bathroom. She took in her swollen red eyes, her sickly appearance, not even the shell of the woman she had been just the night before. She didn't know who she was anymore. She moved her shoulder revealing what was left of her beck scar. Ivan had told her she had gotten in it during an incident as a child. Some sort of incident with a pet. But now...pain shot through her body as she remembered how she had really gotten it. She felt Reyes hands all over her body, his breath on his neck as he grunted and thrusted mercilessly on top of her. She began to cry again as she remembered how she had tried to run and he filleted her neck open with the knife that she was still holding in her hands...Her hands slowly wandered to the bottom of her hospital gown raising it slowly, just below her breasts, gasping as she saw the familiar white pink scar or her gunshot wound right below her breast. She remembered how she had gotten that too. She remembered talking with PJ before running out for air. She remembered being taken by Xantos in more than one way as he mocked her love for Phil. She remembered slitting Xantos throat. She remembered moving Phil out of the way to take the bullet for him, and the last thing she remembered was Phil's crying face as she closed her eyes for what she thought was the last time. She studied the scar, tears in her eyes, she wanted her life to end at that very moment, she didn't care anymore. She hastily realized that she was still holding the infamous knife...maybe it was meant for her. Maybe it was meant for her to end her own life with it too...She lifted the blade to her throat, taking a deep breath as she stared into her own eyes. She sent to drag it across when she felt something warm soft...reminiscent of fingertips along her lower stomach. She dropped the knife shocked as she caught sight of PJ's behind her in the mirror. She had been so engrossed in her own self pity that she hasn't noticed as he rolled into the room, his injured leg wrapped up and propped up in the wheel chair, most of his face and body bandaged. She followed his fingers down to where his fingers were softly grazing. Her C-section scar...he looked up at her, his eyes glittering.

"Don't forget about Kayden" he told her, she felt her lip trembled as se realized what she was doing. How could she have been so stupid? So selfish as to forget about her own son. She felt worse as she sank to the ground crying more, he reaches out to her. He wished so badly that he could get up and hold her "sssh" he comforted her as he managed to drag her into his lap.

"Corazon...there's so much to live for" he whispered,"Cora, sssh it's ok" PJ soothed

"It's not, it's not ok! How could this happen to me?!" She sobbed into his hospital gown,

"I don't know, you don't deserve it" he whispered smoothing her hair,

"How do you know?" She asked softly, he tilted her head up so he was staring into her caramel brown eyes,

"I can see the innocence in your eyes" he whispered, she looked away embarrassed

"You don't know what I am" she sobbed, as she pulled away, he pulled her back and looked into her eyes again,

"But I do. I've never cared because those eyes have always told me everything I have to know" his warm eyes radiated trust

"What?" She sniffled, he smiled remembering the last time they had had a conversation like this.

"If you can't read what my eyes are telling you, maybe you'll understand what my lips are screaming at you" he whispered softly, her eyes lit up slightly as if remembering before his lips softly fell on to hers like the first time. A gentle, bumbling kiss that sent shivers down her spine, she felt her hands tangling in his soft thick hair as she drew him closer to her, wanting every part of him to touch her. She found that when she kissed him she could think of nothing bad. Instead she felt warm and safe. She felt like she was home. She parted her lips as his tongue made his way into her mouth, his fingers softly trailing her scar on her chest. They pulled away finally as he rested his forehead to hers,

"I waited nearly three years to do that again. I thought I'd have to wait my whole life...But It was worth every every agonizing second." He whispered as he hugged her to his chest, smoothing her hair. She wished it could be like this always...but her momentary happiness was as it always seemed interrupted.

"Corazon?" They heard Punk's familiar voice. They pulled away immediately "Corazon?" He called again, she jumped off of Pj's lap. She felt so guilt about enjoying her kiss with PJ. She was in love with Punk right? Or she was supposed to be...

"Uh I'm in here" she called, "just a second" she shouted, PJ gave a forlorn look before nodding,

"Go" he sighed. She adjusted her gown before walking out of the bathroom. She found Punk standing there, a bouquet of flowers in hand. She smiled, before making her way back in the bed.

"Those for me?" She asked softly, he smiled

"Actually PJ is quite fond of roses" he laughed, PJ rolled out of the bathroom from behind Punk and positioned himself to look as if he had come from the door.

"Aw cool you got me flowers" he smiled, Corazon looked away shyly blushing as she remembered just a few minutes ago. Punk turned

"Oh course sweetheart" he joked, Corazon couldn't get over how much Punk had changed. He was no longer the hard cold man he once was or the broken man he had become. He seemed so much different than the man she had fallen in love with. This man was externally better but still his hazel green eyes held a sort of sorrow. It left her an unsatisfied feeling of curiosity. He looked at her seriously,

"Has Ivan come to visit you?" He asked quietly, she shook her head.

"No" she muttered quietly "I told him not to come. I don't know how I feel about what he did...I just really miss Kayden" she sighed. She remembered how afraid he had looked when the ambulance arrived taking both PJ and Corazon after she had fainted. She was under watch in the hospital, her accident had left her with a weak heart. She had fainted soon after the paramedics had arrived after the memories came flooding back to her. Phil's phone began to ring, he ignored it.

"You should get that" PJ suggested, "it could be important" Punk sighed, lingering as if he didn't want to leave Cora's side

"Fine," he said finally stepping outside, PJ took the opportunity to roll over to Corazon placing a hand on her wrist.

"PJ I..." She started "I don't know what to say" he smiled

"Listen,I get it. You want me but he needs you..." He sighed "I've waited this long Corazon, and for you I could wait forever"







"Hello?" Phil asked out in the hallway, there was no answer. "Hello?!" He asked again, finally he heard

"Phil...hi" it was a familiar female voice...

"Scarlett?" He asked confused, she sounded as if she took a deep sigh

"Yeah" she said nervously

"What's wrong?!" He lashes confused "are you ok?" She sounded as if she was sobbing sniffling before speaking

"I'm late" she sobbed

"What?" He asked confused,

"I think I'm's yours" she cried, as he felt his heart stop.






Shit! Ok guys last update in two weeks! Sorry! Anyway until then give me lots of good comments and I'll try to find somewhere with Internet in my moms rural pueblo! Sorry! I'll miss you guys



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