Four-The Team

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"Who?" Asked Jeff completely confused,

"He was Corazon's drug dealer, when I met her she had a large debt with him that I paid off...he was obsessed with her, he wanted her to be his at all costs" Punk explained, "but he died..."

"Then who else?" Asked PJ exasperated, they all sat silent for a moment.

"Travis!" Punk gasped, he didn't know why he hadn't thought of it before,

"Who?!" Jeff and PJ asked at the same time,

"I don't know why I never thought of it before! That prick came to see her a few weeks before we got married!" Punk continued

"Who?!" They asked again, Punk stopped and looked at them shocked before he realized Ruby had probably never told them about Travis, it made his heart warm to think that he was the single person she trusted with that information, but it also fueled the fire that was within him to find her.

"He's this asshole who Ruby hates, he tried to take advantage of her as a teen, maybe he succeeded I don't know, the point is we have to track the prick down!" Punk told them, they looked at him shocked at the information they're were given.

"Ok let's go!" Announced Jeff, only PJ was hesitant, he was the only one thinking straight,

"No before we do anything, I say we actually sit and actually plan something! We can't just go and kick some guys ass without a plan!"

"Who said anything about kicking his ass?" Asked Jeff,

"Yeah if he has Ruby, we're killing him" Punk told him, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice. PJ looked at him like he was crazy,

"Do you even know how to find this kid? Or anything about him aside from the fact that his name is Travis?" Asked PJ annoyed, Punk stopped in his tracks,

"No but uh...I know what he looks like" he said,

"That's not helpful at all" Jeff groaned,

"So here's what we do" PJ announced "we go to LA, check out Ruby's place, maybe she's been home...if not we go to her mothers house, then anywhere she told us she used to frequent, question EVERYONE. You're always supposed to start there." They looked at him surprised "what?" He asked before shrugging "I took a criminology class or 2 in college, sue me!", Punk shook his hand,

"Welcome to the team wolf boy!" Before turning to Jeff, "and since you offer absolutely nothing to this team AND Ruby hates you, you're out!" Punk began gathering Jeff's things to throw out of the bus. Jeff looked to PJ who simply shrugged

"What do you bring to this table rainbow brite?" PJ asked,

"I-I-" he searched his mind, "I know Ruby best" he offered, Punk made an error sound

"Errrrrrr! Wrong! You didn't even know who Travis was! Try again" Punk told him as he neared the door, PJ nodded agreeing

"He's right", Jeff looked distressed,

"I'm her best friend and I love her! Isn't that enough?!", Punk made the error sound again

"ERRRRRR!! False! Lionheart is her best friend, and we all love her. Last shot Jeff! Why should we let you stay?" Punk told him, Jeff looked distressed,

"Because I would go to hell and back to get her back, I'd give everything I own for her, I'd give my OWN life for her, because as much you both hate to admit it to yourselves, she loved me too once, and if she did leave, at least one of us is gonna be able to convince her to come back. Don't count me out just because I hurt her, I have to live the rest of my life without her, isn't that punishment enough?! The least I can do is bring her back for the both of you" Punk glared at him but PJ placed a hand on his shoulder,

"As much as I don't like the idea...maybe he could help, BUT if he can't then he's out" Punk dropped Jeff's things

"Fine. But you're both sleeping out here! And if we don't find anything in a week, I'm going off on my own again!" Punk growled before retreating to his room and shutting the door.





Dylan Richards found himself in front of his old place of employment. Everything had changed in the past few months, drastically. Danny's tattoo shop was shut down for the time being since he found he and Danny's new wife couldn't run it without him. He found himself unemployed, newly married, with a baby on the way, and all he could hope was that by standing in front of the shop some of the patrons would allow him to tattoo them so he could make some money, Audrey was as understanding as they came, she was trying to get a job to help out, but he wouldn't allow her to work with Danny's wife even after she offered, even if it was just as a waitress not as...he shook the thought out of his head. Poor Danny, locked up for no reason. All he was trying to do was protect his wife from that psycho, stupid Shane or Travis whatever the hell he was going by these days...he sighed. At least Danny had gotten the minimum sentence, he'd be out in a few months, to be able to reunite with his wife and his daughters. His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps walking toward him. It wasn't unusual for there to be footsteps, Danny's shop happened to be located on a very busy street, but considering it was almost sundown, it was usually deserted. He looked up to see 3 men all in maybe they're early 30s to late 20s, walking toward him, 2 were heavily tattooed, the other seemed more clean cut than the other 2.

"This is the place." Said the one with the shorter black hair, clearly the leader of sorts, he looked extremely familiar to Dylan, but Dylan couldn't help but begin to get nervous considering that these three guys seemed to be in serious shape,

"Well it looks closed down" said the one with the long pulled back colorful hair, "you sure this is the place?" He asked irritated, the one with the black hair glared at him, finally the cleaner cut guy with the beard and dark brown hair noticed him

"Why don't we ask that guy?" He asked with a slight accent, the other two turned to look at Dylan, shocked that they hadn't seen him there.

"Hey you're uh! Shit what was your name?" Snapped the black haired one tried to remember as he got closer,


"Yeah!" The closer he got the more familiar he seemed until he was standing in front of Dylan,

"Oh shit you're Ruby's boyfriend" Dylan remembered, "what's up man? Finally warmed up to the idea of getting some ink here?" He asked hopeful,

"No actually we came on some very important business" he explained,

"What could that be?" Asked Dylan confused,

"Look kid we were wondering...hoping, that you've seen or heard from Ruby in the past month or so" he sighed, Dylan shook his head,

"I haven't why?"

"She's missing!" Punk explained, but Pj's ears perked,

"You said you haven't...does that mean someone else has?" He asked





The trail seems to be warming up!! How long do you think before they find her? Do you think she was taken or she left? And if so who took her?! Or why did she leave? Tell me your thoughts! And as always comment, follow, and vote!


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