Chapter 48- spilt the beans

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"Taylor" Ross says stroking my hand.

"Cars just ahead" he smiles looking down at me still crying.

"It's fine it's just Matty being a dick and well you know" he sighs.

"What did they say while I was upstairs" I ask him.

"They argued about the kiss. Matty insists that he loves you, that he can love you more than Jay all that kinda crap" Ross says.

He laughs slightly and looks down at me searchingly.

"You know I love you the most right" he smiles

"I'm always the guy that's here" he says smiling down at me.

"Thank you Ross I don't know where I would be without you" I say and I glance up at him seeing the want and need in his eyes.
I look away quickly.

"Here we are" he says looking at an empty car.

"Let me just call him" I say worried.

It dials, and I plead with him to just answer my calls. Unlocking the car I sit down on the drivers side and indicate Ross get in.

The call disconnects and I curse him. Out loud with all of my swear words and Ross scoffs at me. I redial his number.

It connects this time after four rings and he waits for me to speak.

"Jay" I say

"It's me I'm at the car where are you" I keep it basic. I want to know what is going on.

"I just needed to clear my head. I'm sorry" he replies. He sounds emotional.
"I'm so sorry I left you there. I needed out before I did anything" he says
"I'll be there in five" he adds and then hangs up.

I sit back into the seat and sigh.

"Five mins" I say to Ross ready for this all to be over.

We sit comfortably in silence for a minute or two and I close my eyes.

"I'll always be there for you. Always" Ross whispers.

"I know and I'll always be grateful" I say eyes still closed. I hear a tap on the window and jump.

Jay in the rain hair pushed back and top still off is a picture. He looks undeniably hot and I sigh and unlock the car. He climbs in the back.

"We're giving Ross a lift" I say short with him.

"Thanks Ross" he comments.

"For looking after my fiancée for me" he says

"No probs man" Ross says looking around.

"You good?" He adds.

I start the car and pull out I'm sober. I turn the radio up and head to Ross'.

"Yes thanks man." Jay says quietly.

"Taylor" he begins.

"Not now" I say.

I turn the radio up again, intending on ignoring him. My emotions have switched from worry to anger. How dare he leave me?

"Ross are you gonna be okay" I say asking him.

"Yep didn't wanna stay anyways with just Rachel there" he laughs.

"Sorry man, it's just Matty. He makes me so angry" Jay adds.

"Maybe you should learn to use some self control" I say before I can shut myself up.

"I'm sorry I don't like seeing him with his hands all over you, it somewhat ruins my self control" Jay retaliates.

"Doesn't mean you have to slam him against a wall" I say and we're arguing.

"He said he loves you Taylor" he says and I swallow.

I turn the music up so I can't hear him. Some silly 90s rock group are playing and I focus on it.

"You know that I'm yours though so who cares what he says" I say giving in.

"I know I know" he sighs.

"Do you see me pushing Rach against a wall because she kissed you- you two have history" I say because I can't help myself.

"I mean fuck Jay" I exclaim, man I am angry at him.

"I literally have your everything. I'm carrying your" I stop short remembering Ross sitting next to me.

I clear my throat and focus on the road. Willing myself not to look in the mirror at him sitting in the back of his own car because I'm so angry with him.

"Ross is it the next left" I say after a while.

"That the one" he smiles at me. Nothing stops him, he's always just my Ross. Dependable, not phased.

"Here" I say pulling over.

"And thank-you again" I add slightly formally. He knows, he knows for sure and I just spilt the beans.

"No problem anytime" he says.

"Oh and congratulations guys" he chuckles slightly.

I hide my grin and Jay gets out of the back. He walks around and hugs Ross.

"Thanks man" he smiles and it's the first time Ive seen them hug.

I push my anger down and get out of the car. It's still raining but I don't care.

"You're gonna be a dad, man" Ross says unbelieving.

Jay wells up and I can't contain myself.

"Taylor" Ross says turning to me.

"I'm so happy for you" he says, no hint of jealousy.

"Thank you that means a lot, just please keep it to yourself it's early stages" I say smiling as he engulfs me in a hug.

"Of course, you look so well. Not that you don't always but you're literally glowing and I thought nothing of it until now" he laughs.

We all look at each other and laugh standing out in the rain.

"Okay I'll let you both go" he says walking towards his door.

Once myself and Jay get back in the car I brace myself for the ride home.

"I can drive, I'm sober I had one Taylor" he smiles at me gets out of the car and comes around to my side.

I step out and he hugs me in the rain for a minute.

"Let's get you home" he smiles.

I head over to the passenger door climb in and sink into my normal heated seat. He starts the car and I consider going to sleep on the way home.

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