Chapter 88- lady in red

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Ross POV

"It will be okay man" Matty says to me. And I can't believe we're here; Matty giving me advice on Taylor.

"I know, I'm just an idiot. She's engaged to him. He has everything. I just have my feelings for her." I say and he steals a quick knowing glance at me.

"You're not an idiot." He says looking out of the windscreen.

"And if you are so am I" he laughs.

"She asked me whether I loved her, just before we walked over to you guys" I say in protest.

"And you told her yes right" Matty says pushing his brunette hair back. He takes a drag on his cigarette.

"Of course" I say.

"I always have. And I've not had it before where I've just not been able to shake it" I add.

I decide I need to talk to him, tell him everything. Matty is a good friend after all.

"Before when you were in hospital, in the middle of the night she hugged me because I was upset. And I kissed her, I shouldn't have. But she kissed me back" I say.

"And just before prom, when I went upstairs to give Kat her shoes. She was there and it was an accident but she opened the bedroom door completely naked and we had a moment. Well I did I don't know about her" I say.

"You need to do what's best for you." He says.

"If being around her is too much, then limit it" he adds.

"Even just for now, whilst it's still fresh" he says.

We go quiet for a minute listening to some rock song on his radio.

"Man I've been there" he says absentmindedly.

"When she broke up with me. And for months and months after, I even asked her, begged her actually to come to London with me." He says and I look at him incredulously.

"London on your internship?" I say.

"That's the one" he says and turns onto my driveway.

We hop out and I open the front door, walking into my average sized semi detached house. My parent's old one. It's not like the house we're going to for this party; mansions with pools, gyms and tennis courts.

"She's pregnant Ross" Matty says flicking the lights on.

"She's pregnant, she should be totally off bounds. I've told myself that changes everything but I still love her" I say.

I glance at my watch, it's already half 7 and we should be leaving. I hop in the shower letting the water wash away this day. I dress in a button up shirt, not my usual style but it looks smart. I undo the top two buttons, looking in the mirror assessing what to do with my longish hair. I pull half of it up in a top knot.

I pull my Levi's on and I'm almost ready to go. I put some aftershave on, my silver ring and my string bracelets. I head out and downstairs refusing to think about Taylor and what she might be wearing tonight.

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