Chapter 117- hideously inconvenient

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Taylor's POV

Jacob eyes me the second I walk out into our large patio. The sun is beating down now and Jay is putting the parasol up. Rachel is lounging next to Jacob her legs draped over him.

"Lemon cake is for after" I smile, looking at Ross.

"That looks" he begins.

"Incredible, I want cake now" he laughs.

I smile and head over to Jay helping him to plate up all of the meat. I've placed the salads on the table already. Rachel is picking at the fries.

"I got this, take a seat" he whispers kissing me and rubbing my back. I smile and take a seat next to Matty. I can't explain it, he still makes me feel safe.

I think I had a very mild panic attack earlier, and I feel embarrassed by it. Matty eyes me, and I smile at him. It's a thank you, for helping me to stop crying. For rationalising everything and making me feel secure.

Jay sits at the head of the table. I smirk at him and he chuckles handing me a burger. He looks good at the head of the table. It suits him.

"Congratulations" Jacob says to Jay more than me. And it's an odd moment.

"Thanks Jacob" Jay replies.

"How are you feeling Tay" he says to me, and he means generally in pregnancy.

"I'm feeling great actually" I say tucking into my food.

"I had no idea" he says.

"Yes we wanted to keep it that way until we were sure everything was okay" I mutter.

"It will be fine" Matty says and Jay eyes him.

"How far along are you" Jacob asks casually.

"We're just over twelve weeks" I say softly.

"Wow" he replies. Rachel is unaware of the tension. Ross is watching me.

Thankfully he's quiet for the rest of the meal and we leave it at that. Jay, I have decided has a way with BBQ's and the food tastes amazing. After everybody has stuffed themselves with food, I cut the cake into slices.

"It should be pretty lemony so if you hate lemon don't have any" I laugh.

I take a piece for Jay and go and sit on his lap. He chuckles his hand resting on my hips. I feed him the cake and he smiles at me.

"It's amazing Taylor" he whispers.

"Good" I smile looking at him.

I remain in his lap watching everybody else drink and laugh with each other, after a few hours the sun begins to set. The automatic lights come on and I snuggle into Jay's chest. Rach is on Jacob and I watch him for a bit. He's talking to Ross about something obnoxious and pretentious. I can tell because Ross is trying to be nice, as always.

"I can't believe we have to go to uni tomorrow" Rachel sighs.

"Yeah and we've got practice" Jacob says.

"We sure have" I say, dryly.

"Oh can I come and watch" Rachel says clapping her hands. Nate is out of the picture, I'm guessing.

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