Chapter 153- oompa loompa

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I bought the dress in hot pink, I'm planning on wearing it tonight. I'm driving, Ross is lounging back in the passenger seat. He bought a book and he's reading it and I can't help but to glance at him from time to time.

I park up at the house, noticing that Jays ranger is here. I feel a massive pang of guilt deep in my gut. I turn the car off and hop out. Grabbing the bags from the boot and heading up to the door. The sun has set and the heat has eased off.

I walk into the kitchen to Matty and Jay, shirtless cooking lasagne. I can't help myself but to chuckle. They might as well be sharing a bottle of red.

"My wife" Jay says still looking at the pan of meat he's frying up. They have been drinking whiskey not wine.

Matty eyes me, smiling. He's chopping up basil. I'm impressed.

"Jay" I say wrapping my arms around him from behind. The conundrum is whether I tell him about Ross, it's the morally right thing to do. It's important that he knows but I don't want him to hit Ross. And moreover it will not be happening again. We will be married and that will be that.

He turns to face me putting his wooden spoon down. Kissing me and running his hands through my hair.

"Mmm" he says.

"Mmm indeed" I reply softly.

"Ugh I want a glass of wine" I whine and he smiles.

"This is the first time I've like missed wine" I say.

"Ahhh baby" he says softly kissing my forehead. He moves his hands over my waist, holding onto Caleb and smiling.

"I love you, that smells amazing" I smile.

"I love you" he chuckles.

"How was your car" he smiles.

"It was amazing" I smile up at him and he squeezes my bum inconspicuously.

"We bought loads" Rachel comes in sunglasses on her head. Her tan looks darker and I can't help it but I cringe slightly. Lord it's still developing, how deep will it get in the next couple hours.

"Jesus Christ" Jay says looking at her.

"Rachel you're very ugh dark" Matty says and she swats him.

"What colour did you go for" I ask, I will not laugh. I love her.

"I went for dark" she says.

"The lady went on about some crap about being pale but I wanna see it" she says.

"I only go for medium silly" I say.

"Why didn't you tell me" she laughs.

"You know it's gonna get darker" I say. She freaks looking in the hall mirror.

"Oompa Loompa" she laughs.

"Fuck" she says.

I pull my phone out.

"Look best bet, put on some oil and then have a long bath" I say looking online for advice.

She hurries upstairs, Nate takes a seat, pouring some whiskey.

"I'm gonna let her deal before I go up" he laughs and I chuckle.

"I'll go help" I laugh. Jay pulls me back lightly. I smile and kiss him.

"Don't be gone too long" he says softly.

"I'll be back before you know it" I smile.

I catch Ross' eye as I walk out. He's pulled his shirt off, and I try my best not to look at him too closely.

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