Chapter 170 - Taylor gilbert Scott pt 2

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Mum links her arms around mine as we take to the marble staircase in our gowns. My dress does have a train and I hold it up lightly so that it doesn't get dirty. The ivory silk feels cool against my skin and I embrace the heat for once in Australia stepping out into the golden light of the sun. Looking down and seeing my tan shine and shimmer. We topped up our tans at the salon and both myself and Rachel look like bronze goddesses.

I look up at the clear blue sky and feel the sea breeze on my skin. I begin to wonder where my chariot will take me. Hoping and praying that it is somewhere near the sea.

"I wonder where we're going" mum smiles just as excited as I am for the surprise.

I follow Rachel's eye line and see amazement etched on her face. She is gazing at a chariot pulled along by white horses approaching us. It's classic and it's beautiful. You can hear the horses trotting in the distance and my heart thuds, how Jay thinks up these things is beyond me.

Jay wouldn't just pick a car. He would have to pick something so extravagant it's almost absurd. I love it. I patiently await my chariot determined to enjoy living in my own fairytale for the whole day.

"A chariot" mum smiles looking over at me.

There's a seperate bench for the driver and passengers. We take a seat in the back and the driver begins guiding the horses to our destination. They are beautiful animals, they look pristine. I smile watching the world go by as I'm transported to my wedding ceremony. Of which I have no idea where it might be. The only sure thing I know is that everybody I love and care about will be there and most importantly that Jay the father of my baby is there waiting for me.

The breeze is welcome and as I catch a first glimpse of the sea I smile looking at mum just like I did when I was six or seven and we would go to the beach. It's not a tourist beach though like the ones I'm used to, this particular sun trap feels rural and more island like. Jay is great with locations.

I doubted that the horses would trot along the sand too, however we are currently being escorted across the empty beach front. It's serene the water swishes to the shore and the sun shimmers on top of the waves.

"Taylor" Mum smiles.

"I've never been to Australia. But this is something else" she smiles.

"It's wonderful isn't it" I say and I have to agree with her.

"Matty is asking where we are" Rachel laughs.

"Perhaps he thinks we've got cold feet" she laughs.

I smile.

"Ask him where they are!?" I laugh.

"I'm joking just tell him we're on route to wherever they might be" I smile.

"Thankyou Taylor" she says randomly and I turn to look at her.

"For asking me to be your maid of honour" she smiles.

"Of course bestie, I'm sure you'll do the same for me" I smile at her.
She smiles at me blissfully.

"Oh look" Mum says looking out into the distance.

My tummy flips and I get excited looking out for my Jay. You couldn't miss it. An arch made up of flowers facing the water with rows of ornate chairs and an aisle. White flowers, tulips lining the sides. And I laugh remembering Jay explaining that there was a world shortage of white tulips- didn't stop him though did it?

I think about how he proposed to me on a beach in Sydney. That beach was beautiful, no doubt about it, but looking out at the ocean here. Seeing how this isn't built up and isn't full of tourists it feels more remote. Exclusive and special. It's just so Jay to hire a whole beach for the entirety of the day.

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