Chapter 33- maroon bells

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"Do you know why it's called Maroon bells" I ask Jay. We've taken a small break to admire the view and mostly for me to get my legs working again.
Who knew hiking was such a killer on your thighs ?

"Yea" he says smiling at me irresistibly
"When you grow up with a father who finds a fact for every moment you tend to collect a lot of general stupid knowledge" he snorts.

"The mudstone rock is responsible for the maroon part of the name because of the red colour and the bells part was connected to some accident that happened but we won't go into that now" he says.

I grab my phone and snap a picture of our current view.
"Here" he says gesturing for the phone.

"You are not escaping photographic evidence in those boots" he laughs snapping a pic of me.

We begin walking again. Me following him through the trails. After a while he begins his song again and I start to wish I could play guitar along with him. However the mud is pretty slippy and I would probably fall holding the guitar and playing at the same time. I glance down at my boots and I'm thankful for his forethought when I see the mud all up the sides of them.

I hum along with him instead. I look at the amount he's carrying and marvel at his strength walking with it all on his back. He's removed his shirt and is hiking topless. He stops shortly. And I hear water ahead.

I peer over his shoulder and see the view of the lake accompanied by a large moose.

"We shouldn't approach it" he says

"It's wonderful" I say taken aback by its sheer size.

"There's bears too" he snickers upon looking at my expression.

"Black bears, we will be fine" he says.

We continue walking in step. I make sure to place my feet carefully each time having slipped several times already.

"We're heading to a campsite, we'll set up there. But first shall we get a picture at the top" he smiles back at me. And I must look a state, hot and muddy. Yet he still looks at me with devotion.

"Are we there yet" I smile at him.

He laughs, complete belly laughs. Glances at the top of the mountain and then back at me.

"Not a chance, we'll need to sleep all night and then aim for the top tomorrow." He says turning back to the trail and continuing on.

"I know of a great view though and I wanna take you there" he calls back and I can just imagine his wide smile.

We walk for what feels like hours, I'm distracted by his song and occasionally I sing along with him. I take in my surroundings to the full. No phones or distractions.
"I need to tell you this is both the most exhaustive and enthralling experience I have ever had" I say laughing.

He laughs turns around to face me.
"Want a break" he says smiling.

"No let's plow on" I tell him and he kisses me.

"You're doing exceptionally well" he says

"We're about 10 minutes out" he calls back to me. The excitement in his voice evident.

Eventually after what feels like hours he stops and just stares ahead. At first I worry that we're lost until I stand next to him and see the view.

"Maroon lake" he explains and he's breathless just like me.

With the peaks in the background, the water glistening below. I listen to the water, the calls of the wildlife and I breathe in the air. I turn to face him and his eyes are glistening.

"Taylor" he says with eyes full of emotion.

"I am going to spend the rest of my life with you" he says and he grasps both sides of my face delicately. He says it almost as if he's just convinced himself that this is happening. That this is real. I've said yes and we are going to be together forever, just us.

"I could not be more happy to say that" he says and tears stream down both of our cheeks.

"I love you with every single bone in my body" he says and he kisses me.

When he pulls back he looks at me in both of my eyes. And a wide smile spreads over his face. He grasps his phone out of his jeans pocket and turns it on us. He snaps a few pics of us.

"I'm gonna send them to my parents including my dad" he laughs

"Taylor you have done the impossible" he says laughing whilst typing out a message to his father.

"What? made you contact your father?" I say laughing.

"No you made our relationship better somehow; he's more contactable" he laughs.

"I've just put; we're in aspen and we got a lodge" he says laughing.

"He will ask for all of the details." He says.

He pockets his phone and turns back to me. I kiss him whilst holding my phone up to take a pic of us with the peaks in the background.

"I'm gonna post this one, to my mum but also to social media" I say smiling.

I upload it with the caption: Aspen + Jay = happiness. Call me corny but I like it.

"The plan is to watch the sunset from camp, cosy by a fire so on the way there we're gonna collect some sticks" he smiles
"Are you ready for your payback by the way" he says.

"What payback" I laugh and bite my lip. I know he's going to touch me I can see it in his stare. And I also know that he means for touching him in the cafe, I have to hear him say it.

"Hand job in a cafe, seriously hot" he says softly once he's close to me.

"I want you" he says in my ear
"Now" he smiles and his hand slips under my dress quickly swiping my panties to the side.

"You are always ready for me" he whispers in my ear. He picks me up so I'm straddling him and carries me over to a more secluded spot. He sets me down hiking my dress up slightly.

He kisses down my chest pulling my dress down slightly at the top and paying my nipples lots of attention with his tongue.
"You drive me crazy" he says kissing down my tummy.

He pauses at my lower tummy kissing it before hooking his arms around my hips. He kisses around my hips, just light kisses. All over my hips, all over my inner thighs. I push my hips up waiting for him to lick me.

"What would you like Taylor?" he asks me smiling.

"Jay" I moan.

"Taylor" he says kissing me again lightly on my clit
"Would you like this" he says and then he slowly runs his tongue over me.

I moan and he smiles.

"Shhh" he says softly.
"Baby you taste so fucking good" he says running his tongue over me again.

He continues with his tongue and I feel myself getting close. My hands in his hair as I'm calling out his name.

"Grind into me" he says softly. I'm beginning to think that he loves doing this; and that I am the luckiest women alive. I do as I'm told. I grind into him and it takes me all the way.

"Yes, beautiful" he says as I'm mid orgasm.

"Jay" I say as I'm finishing.

I finish gasping and grabbing at his hair.

"We're square again" he says with a smile. He places my panties back on and smooths out my dress very smug with himself.

When he stands he extends his hand and helps me up. We follow our trail to the campsite and I begin thinking about the food and the comforting fire before we have even got there.

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