Chapter 87- you had a threesome ?

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Ross POV

Let's be honest for most males of my age having a threesome is a big deal. But really, for me, having any physical relationship with Taylor is the only thing that matters to me.

I let her walk slightly ahead of me, in her light blue skirt. The sun plays on her hair and the wind pushes it back. Really considering her fiancée was in the room and also taking part I shouldn't be so optimistic, but I am.

It's the first time she has addressed my claim of being in love with her. It's almost as if she has accepted it, almost.

I don't want to meet up with the others. Having her to myself is intoxicating. I want to kiss her until, there's no part of her body that I haven't touched.

There's no point in hiding my love for her, but if I freak her out then she may just pull the plug on me. I wanted to kiss her and buy her another hot chocolate. Around the others I cannot kiss her, or touch her and it's frustrating.

We're almost at the cafeteria and I'm running out of time with her. Who knows when I will next be alone with her.

"Taylor" I say.

"Ross" she replies and I love how her voice sounds saying my name. She holds back and turns to face me. Her hair long down by her sides now, and the sun shining on her glowing skin.

"What is it" she says softly, looking almost insecure.

"I'm glad we talked" I say. What am I doing? How in any universe was that the right thing to say?

A frown forms on her lips, she thinks that I'm closing the door on the whole thing. Moving on.

"Me too" she says.

"Friends" she smiles and my heart pounds. So hard I'm sure that she can hear it through my chest. I panic, I cannot just be her friend. Not after that, not after what we did.

"I'll always be here for you" I say softly.

"Me too, Ross" she says and I know that it's probably not in the same way that I'm thinking.

I walk in the cafeteria behind her and she heads straight over to our group. I sit down next to Matty and she sits opposite me next to Rachel and Nate.

Nate and Rachel clearly worked things out, not sure how that works? I'm starting to think that guys will do absolutely anything for the women we care for.

"It is Friday night" Rachel protests.

"Nope" Taylor laughs.

"Not happening." She smirks and I assume they're talking about going somewhere tonight. I will be there. Whether Taylor is there or not. It beats sitting with Matty at mine and getting high watching re-runs of the matrix or whatever film he can find.

"You in" I say to him and Rachel clocks.

"Are you?" He asks surprised.

"Yeah" I say glancing at Taylor and then looking away quickly.

"That's more like it" Rachel says.

"Oh come on it beats getting high and watching shit" I say to him looking at his apprehensive expression. He sighs and then nods.

"Where is it" I ask Rachel and Nate.

"Off campus, Joshua Morelli's" she responds and I sigh.

"Okay, how do you always know about everything" I say to her.

"Because I listen and ask questions" she laughs.

"I was over at the rugby field too" she says.

"I ugh might have just asked him, and he invited us. Including you" she says looking at Taylor.

"Myself and Joshua Morelli should not be in a room together" she laughs and I smirk.

"What" she says at Rachel's shocked expression.

"He's obnoxious" she clarifies.

"Who's obnoxious?" Jay asks and she looks up instantly. She stands and wraps her arms around his neck, his go around her lower back. And I avert my eyes.

"Joshua Morelli. Party at his tonight" Rachel says exasperated already.

"Oh Josh" Jay says looking at Taylor. It's not that I dislike him, I just want her. And he has her.

"Mmmm" Jay says into her lips and she kisses his softly and then sits back down. And here I am her friend sitting opposite her. Her friend that is in love with her.

"What do you think" Jay asks her.

"It's Friday night" Rachel whispers to her.

"We could go for a bit" she replies.

"Okay great" Rachel says quickly.

The girls delve into a discussion about what they will be wearing and I sigh. Imagining Taylor in each of the outfits that she describes.

Jay places his hands on her thighs and I yearn to replace them with my own.

"We'll get a cab at like 8" I hear Taylor saying.

"That way we can.. first" she says to Jay blushing slightly.

He kisses her and then she announces that she's leaving for dance.

He stands with her and they say goodbye to us lot. Her friends. I sigh and look down at my lap.

"What's got you down" Rachel says.

"You literally had a threesome" she remarks.

"Taylor had the threesome, I was just enjoying her body" I say and could I sound more like an idiot.

"You did Taylor" Nate says shocked. And I notice Matty is suddenly paying lots of attention.

"We just played around" I say softly.

"Jesus" Nate laughs.

"What did you do?" Rachel asks and I sigh.

"I gave her oral and she gave me oral and then" I say thinking I've over shared the details.

"Then" Rachel presses.

"Let's just say everybody came" I say leaving it there.

Rachel raises her eyebrows.

"So why are you frowning" she laughs.

"I think you know why" I say back.

"But really, still?" she says smiling.

"Yes still. She literally just friend zoned me outside before we came in after all of that. Okay, so I'm getting really drunk later, because fuck it" I say.

"Taylor's pretty good in bed man, I know how you're feeling" Matty chuckles.

"I get it, but you know she's engaged. You shouldn't have gone with her if you knew it was going to affect you that much" Rachel says.

"Yes but I was drunk and she had her little hand around my cock, okay? Get it now?" I say annoyed.

"Okay so avoid her tonight?" Matty says.

"Avoid her" I agree.

We all pack up and head out of the cafeteria, I can't help but to feel all of my hope and optimism drain out of me. The sky has clouded over, the sun doesn't want anything to do with us anymore. Making way for dusk, I jump in the car with Matty intent on heading back for a shower and quick change before this party later.

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