Chapter 68- where's the limo at?

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Carefully I walk down the marble staircase. Taking each step as it comes, watching my feet and holding my train up not wanting to fall over the silk.

I reach halfway down, we have a lot of stairs, and I look up from my feet. The first thing I see is Ross, his expression of amazement, wonder and devotion even. Having him watch me walk, it's oddly intimate. I feel self conscious but I continue with my steps, aiming to get down in one piece.

"Taylor" he says once I reach the bottom.

"You look incredible" he says softly, and his eyes watch my lips and travel down my dress. I blush uncontrollably.

"Thank you" I smile.

"Rachel wants more Prosecco" I say softly.
He takes the glass from me and we walk through to the dining hall. His date, who is currently behind my bar scowls at me as we approach.

"Kat could you pass me the Prosecco" I say softly.

"Where is it" she says harshly.

Ross leans over the bar and grabs it.

She scoffs and sips her drink, my Prosecco. I stifle a laugh. I'm not arguing with her.

He pours another looking into my eyes filling up the glass. I maintain his eye contact. She is seething I can feel her stare and I'm not even looking.

"There you go" he smiles.

I give him a weak smile and turn on my heel. Sure that she's staring me down as I walk away. I hear his soft footsteps behind me and as I reach the staircase I turn on him.

"Ross" I say exasperated.

"Taylor" he smiles back at me.

"You're supposed to stay with your date, how is she ever going to like me if you do that" I say rattled

"Ohhh you don't need her to like you Taylor. I like you" he smiles softly.

"Stop" I protest softly.

"You're my best girl" he says with his twinkly blue eyes smiling at me.

I just stare at him.

"Help me up the stairs" I say giving in, he smiles and links my arm in his. We begin walking back up.

"How do you ever get around this place" he chuckles.

"Oh stop it" I say back to him humoured.

He laughs.

"Okay, on my best behaviour" he says.

"Unlike you showing me everything that I could be having" he whispers.

"Ross, I did not mean to" I say back.

"I don't think I'll ever un-see that" he smiles.

"Well I'm sorry" I laugh.

"Don't be" he says and our eyes meet again.

We walk down my hall and I wince hearing Rach going off at Matty. I roll my eyes at Ross and he just laughs.

"Hence why Nate is hiding" he laughs.
We enter my bedroom together and he stays close to me, I know that he's annoying Jay and I'm just hoping that they don't come to blows this evening. I need to make him rein it in.

"And you're hiding too from Kat" I say.

"God she is draining the fun out of my evening" he laughs.

"Why did you invite her then" I laugh.

"Just so that my date wasn't Matty" he laughs back.

"Ross" I say softly

"You have all of us" I say.

I head into the walk in wardrobe, Jay is just about dressed, Rach is fawning over Matty. He eyes us as we enter and I pass Rach her Prosecco, helping her to stand up and get off of Matty's lap. He smiles at me and mouths a thank you.

I head over to Jay and stroke his back. He eyes me in the mirror and smiles.

"You look wonderful" I whisper and he smiles. He turns his body to me. Stroking my arms and looking into my eyes.

"You look absolutely stunning" he whispers. He plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

"It's taking all of my restraint" he whispers.

"You are perfection" he says.

"Where's the limo at?" Rach demands.

Jay pulls his phone out and places a call. He's so sexy. I just watch him, taking charge as always.

"Twenty minutes" he says simply once he ends the call.

"I'm gonna set the alarm system now" he comments just to me. We have pretty top security.

"Of course" I say feeling irresponsible for not even having thought about it.

The others begin leaving and heading for the stairs. Matty keeping Rachel steady as she stomps along in her heels.

"There's something..." Jay whispers slightly pulling my hand back.
I turn to face him.

"There's something I want to give to you" he says softly.

"We've got more than twenty minutes I just said that to..." he says and he's actually flapping, he's nervous. My Jay, I melt seeing his expression.

"Come" he whispers.

We head back to our bedroom and he sits me on the bed. He retrieves a small velvet black box from the walk in wardrobe.

"I want you to have these" he smiles.

He sits down next to me watching me open the box.

"Jay" I say breathless.

I look in the velvet box at a diamond bracelet and matching diamond earrings. Glistening under the light.

"Here let me put it on for you" he says.

He delicately takes the bracelet out and wraps it around my wrist. I admire it and smile. How can I deserve this ?

"You deserve diamonds" he says admiring me.

I take out the earrings and place them in my ears.

"Jay I don't know what to say" I say dabbing my eyes.

"No don't cry, you'll only tell me you've ruined that makeup" he chuckles tearing up himself.

"It's prom, and I wanted you to have something special" he says.

"I love you" he says and kisses my lips.

"Now let's go before I push you back onto our bed" he smiles

"Jay" I say as he stands, he pushes his hair back and fixes his eyes on me.

"I love you too" I say and take his hand.

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