Chapter 67- back to the L bombs.

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"It's true you're a princess" Rach laughs taking in the four poster bed and grande bedroom.

"Funny" I laugh heading over to my dress which I hung up this morning.

"That's actually really beautiful" Kat says taking me back. She eyes my dress and I can tell she would love to wear something like it.

"Thank you" I say meaning it.

"Let's hope I can do it some justice" I laugh.

"You'll look stunning Taylor" Rachel says.

"Okay so bathrooms through there, wardrobe through there" I say pointing at the doors. The girls nod at me taking in my instructions.

"It's a walk in wardrobe?" Rach asks.

"I'm very lucky" I smile as she opens up the door and heads into the wardrobe.

"It's like Narnia" she squeals.

I laugh out loud.

"It's pretty big" I smile.

"I love it" she laughs.

The girls get out their dresses and I give them hanging space. I head into the en-suite and top up my tan, I already showered and did my hair and makeup. The girls however have not. I finish my tan and put on some shimmer spray. So much so that I will actually glow at the party, it also smells divine. Like peaches and cream.

I pace out of the en-suite the girls are still in the wardrobe and I turn on the curling iron, just to touch up my hair. I'm just wearing my robe, having taken off everything else to tan. I don't want any bra or panty lines in my tan. It will develop within 20 minutes then I can dress.

A soft rap at the door has me putting down the curler and heading to open it. I assume it's Jay, it doesn't even cross my mind that anybody else would come up to our room. I open the door robe slightly open.

"Oh" I say taking in Ross' bewildered expression at seeing me open my door practically showing him my whole body.

"Jeez I'm so sorry" I say pulling my robe over.

He just stares at me, absolutely gobsmacked.

"Ross" I say and I almost click my finger at his face.

I've really done it this time. That was idiotic and careless.

"Uh huh" he says eyes trained on my robe.

"Ross seriously" I say.
"You've seen it all before" I say exasperated.

"Oh come on, no fair" he says finally looking at my eyes.

"Okay sorry sorry sorry" I say exasperated.

"Now what did you want" I laugh.

"I think what I want has just very much changed after seeing that" he laughs.

"Snap out of it" I laugh.

"Taylor, wow I mean Jesus" he says taking another swig of his Guinness.

"That was, well that was the best I've ever seen in my life" he says slightly tipsy.

I shhh him conscious of the others hearing him.

"Okay" he sighs and steps closer to me.

"I wanted to hand these over" he says softly.

I look down and he's holding a pair of ladies heels. A cheap pair at that. I assume they are his dates.

"She left them downstairs" he adds softly and I look up. He's right above me. His face just inches from my own. How did we get so close?

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