Chapter 82- three ways

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"Jay" I say and everybody can hear the inflection in my voice. My man; my fiancée. He looks at me and nods enjoying the show, a small smile on his face.

"Hey I've got an idea, why don't we just spin and whoever it lands on we kiss. So I've spun on Jay and now I'm gonna kiss him" I say cheekily.

"You just wanna kiss him" Rach laughs.

"Yes but then you can spin and whoever it lands on you make out with" I say laughing.

I get up and walk straight over to the men without waiting for Rachel to respond. I straddle Jay on the sofa. I dare myself to glance at Jacob who is sitting directly next to him with his mouth hanging open, absolutely stunned by me.

Jay knows just what to do with me, his hands grabbing my hips and waist.

"Mmm something feels nice" I tease him feeling his erection in his jeans. Sweeping my hand over the bulge. I kiss him softly. A kiss that rivals all kisses, it starts off soft and then his hands grab my butt and he kisses me passionately.

"Okay enough, bottles spinning" I hear Rachel say.

"Naughty what are you doing to me" he says looking into my eyes.

I bite my lip and kiss him again. Then I crawl off of him and sit in the middle of the floor by the bottle. Rach joins me. The bottle spins onto Matty and he joins us on the floor giving her a kiss and sitting down next to me.

"Your turn" Rach laughs downing some wine.

I spin and wait for it to stop, watching it go around and around. It falls onto Ross and he joins us on the floor. Sitting down on my other side, he takes my jaw in his hand and suddenly I feel all of the heat we had before. All of the times we've kissed, and he's touched me. The hospital when he was crying and passionately making out with me. His lips meet mine and I sigh with relief.

It's a brief kiss because I pull away from him, worried about how intense it might get. I lay back slightly onto my elbows feeling Jay sit behind me. I rest my head in his lap. I notice Jacob comes to sit next to Rachel directly in my line of vision. She spins and the bottle lands on him.

Rachel almost climbs in his lap. I look around for Nate and notice that he's left. Rachel kisses Jacob her hands in his hair. I just watch waiting for the inevitable to happen tonight between them.

I grab the bottle and spin again, I glance up at Jay assessing his mood. He smiles down at me and strokes my hair back. Deciding he's okay I go ahead with my plan.

"Okay kisses three ways" I announce.

Rachel claps her hands and has a little bit more wine. She almost topples over into Jacob, but luckily he is there to adjust her position otherwise she would be on the floor. Ross looks down at me quizzically but I just shrug my shoulders, I haven't played around for so long.

"Okay Matthew" I say as it lands on him.

He spins the bottle to find out who the next person will be and it ends up on Jacob.

"You okay" I whisper to Jay and he smiles kisses my neck and then removes his arms from around me.

I stand up and sit between Matthew and Jacob. Matthew kisses me first on my lips and I can feel his urgency. I pull my lips from him teasing him and rest them on Jacob's. Matthew kisses my neck and I can feel his hand just resting on my thigh. I pull away from both of them and stand up walking back to Jay. I sit down in his lap facing him.

"Hmmm what is going through your head" he smiles at me whispering in my ear.

"I'm horny" I say.

"You know we talked about..." I begin and then chuckle.

Rachel is kissing somebody I couldn't care less who. I can hear her and Jacob in the background and I assume she's getting with him.

"We talked about" Jay says laughing and handing Ross a beer.

"I have the best fiancée in the world. Taylor wants a three-way" he smiles his hand going up my back just how he knows that I like it. He's happy drunk. I run my hands up his chest, breathing in the scent of his cologne.

"Shall we do that" I say to him.

"Hypothetically if we did, who would I be sharing you with" Jay says.

I instinctively look at Ross.

"Why not" I say stroking Ross' face. He looks at me with hunger and shock. I want his mouth on me.

Ross melts in my hands. I move my hand exploring Ross' chest whilst I kiss Jay. I keep my hand moving feeling down his abs and lower.

"What's your boundaries" Ross whispers to both of us and I smile. My hand is over his cock rubbing. And he looks into my eyes as if I'm a wild animal.

"Go slow, just touching and playing" I say looking at Jay. We've never discussed this before. I feel naughty but Jay only encourages me. Winking at me and rubbing my back.

"Are you in Ross" I smile at him.

He doesn't answer but I know the answer is yes. I can feel his erection in my hands. I stand up walking towards the door. I can feel Jays hand in mine. I only assume Ross is following us.

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