chapter 2: Follow me

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Fuego's pov

This day couldn't get any worse .. Lisa fucking bailed on me and big Boss wasn't in any mood for any shit .and I have an amateur telling me she would do the job?

pftt does she know what she's talking about  ? She does have some  guts coming up to me .. clearly she was an amateur just looking at her but I had no choice, big boss needed  his toys tonight and he wouldn't want  to hear that I couldn't provide any for him.

"So Ella "..." It's Andrea sir" she cut me short   she really does have guts " I don't care what it is ,give me a 360 "
She stared at me like I just said something strange " you deaf"? I clearly didn't have time for this

"No sir" she replied and did a 360 wasn't as bad .. she's thick, I think she'll be okay for him

"Follow me" I turned and began  walking back to the hospital, we needed to run some tests to make sure she's okay and fit

" So I have the job ?" "Yes I replied coldly "   can't she keep her words to herself it's starting to annoy me

" Thank you so much sir ". why the hell is she thanking me she doesn't even know what she's going to do and she's already thanking me .I didn't reply I kept walking " so what's my job" and I couldn't take it

I stopped and turned looking at her looking into her big eyes that shone with happiness like she just won a lottery

" you just told me you could do anything right so why asking what the job is? Just keep quiet and follow me and don't say anything until you are asked to got it? She nodded and we continued..

We came in and Olivia as usual with her cringe look spoke to me.

"Hi Mr Fuego it's so nice to see you again..the receptionist said seductively God I don't have time for this I'm too annoyed to deal with these women lurking around me   " I need to see Dr chadas, Olivia  can you get him for me?"

"Sure I can " she said adjusting her uniform clearly showing her cleavage to obviously seduce me .God I can't deal with this..I don't fuck women more than two times and she had her chance so what else does she fucking want..

"He'll be on his way ,in the meantime I can make your wait a good one "she winked at me biting her lips at the same time

" Thank you I'll pass"I didn't give her enough time to talk as I walked away when I saw Dr chadas. Approaching him I spoke.

" I need you to run some test on that girl over there I said as I pointed to the amateur.

" The usual tests we run on ladies you bring? He asked like he doesn't fucking know .." yes and I need the results as soon as possible as a matter of fact I need them today.

" I'm afraid that would cost you more"

Perform the test I replied is not a problem and you know it. I said coldly

I called the amateur over and she came up to me " follow him and do what he says "  she nodded and followed him. I sat down to wait and noticed Olivia making sluty moves towards me .she unbottned her clothes and her boobs were clearly coming out .

I would have made an exception for her  ,taken her somewhere and fucked her brains out because she's an attractive woman ,but this time around I was not in the mood so I pretended like I got a call and left so she could leave me the fuck alone. damn these whores .

Andrea's pov

I didn't blame the nurse trying to seduce Mr huge guy the name I called him due to how muscular he was because he was an attractive man but that was not my business and my problem,I had finally gotten something that can help Elosie.   Nothing really mattered to me

I followed the doctor and he led me to a lab where he ran some blood tests for HIV and other infections..I discovered he was the same Doctor treating Elosie so I ask him some questions concerning her

"Will my friend be okay?

" She will be if the money is provided for the surgery..he replied" she's really in a critical state right now so I suggested you arranged the money for the surgery as soon as possible.

" I'm on it doctor " so how much can be deposited for the surgery?

35 thousand dollars  miss
I couldn't believe it ... that's not even what I get in a month where would I get that amount of money to pay for her bills I became pale all of a sudden.but then the doctor spoke

" But you don't have to worry because you'd get that in just a night"
" I don't understand Doc what are you talking about?" I asked confused

" Mr Fuego had a job for you... you'll be paid ain't the first coming for test and you sure won't be the last he said " now I wanted to know what the job was so I asked him

" I'm sorry ma' am I'm in no position to give that information but trust me you are not killing anyone " that at least was a relief for me ..the tests was done and I was dismissed . Mr huge guy and the doctor said some things which I didn't hear buh I'm sure it was about money .

"We need to leave now we need to get you ready for tonight"

"Okay let me say goodbye to my friend then I'll join you"

" Make it snappy we don't have the whole day".

I rushed into the room where Elosie was ,she hadn't moved yet

"Hey El , I've got some good news I'm getting the money for your surgery tonight,I met this guy and he linked me up so I'll be back tomorrow with the money and you'll be okay,I need to go prepare now and please don't judge me I want to see you alive so I'll make sure of it just hang on there for me okay"I kissed her forehead as tears ran down my cheeks .

I went out and met Mr huge guy staring at me" I'm good to go ..
"Don't you have parents or something"he asked

"We both do but they have exhausted all the money so this is the least I can do to help her I don't want to lose her"

Let's go  he said ...
We stopped right in front of a black  flashy Bentley.... holy shittt... I've never entered one of these before . not even any one these expensive cars. Lol

"Hey amateur snap out of getting in or what? " Um sorry  I quickly entered.
Every where smelt fucking expensive...I was definitely nothing to him  ,not his class or anything... but I don't care saving Eloise was something I was bent on doing..

This is going to be another chapter of my life ..what ever it is I'm going to face? I'll face it strongely because when you care about someone deeply you'll find possible ways to make sure they are long as I'm not killing anyone then anything is possible for me...

Author's Note

Hey guys...hope you loved this chapter would be updating more soon..I can't wait to see what is in store for Andrea ..she really cares for Elosie to go to lengths to save her .. anyways stayed tuned guyssssssss

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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