Chapter 79: Piggy Ride

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As the ride begins slowly, Drea's excitement and happiness grows as she laughs and hold Tristen firmly.

Then she pulls out her phone and takes a picture of them .

"You're not going to post that,are you?".

"Nop, laying low remember?" She reminds him and he nods."here hold this" she gives her phone to him and tells him to take a picture.

He glanced at her , then takes the phone and sets it to take a picture. She holds him and kisses his cheeks,and he got the perfect picture of them both. She tells him how perfect the picture was and he finds himself unable to advert his attention from her.

He watches her with amusement, at the same time with admiration as she throws her head back, letting her hands go and laughing as the air hit her smooth skin.

He couldn't help but smile as she did all these things, he was clearly having a good time because of the young lady sitting close to him, not worried at all because she knew she was safe .

As they reached to the highest point of the ride, her laughs turns into screams but an expression of joy as well.

Tristen's usual cold and gruff demeanor changes and is replaced with concern and warmth as he reaches out, his strong masculine hands gently holding hers, giving her all the safety she wanted . She holds him firmly, shouting while he just keeps mute not showing any signs of fear.

Finally, they descended. The Ferris wheel completing it's journey. She screams happily hugging him , while he smiles at her behavior. He found it hard to believe he'd actually be there going on a ride with someone like her .

"That was so amazing Mr Angel" she informs him happily like he didn't go on the ride with her.

"Mm you overcame your fear, let's go" . He bought a bottle of water and began gulping

"No ,not yet, I want to spend the whole day with you, I want to ride you Tristen ".

"Cough cough " He tried to hold himself as he heard this from her. His mind as usual went to different naughty things. He smirks sexily, caressing her face " you want to ride me huh".

Andrea completely unaware of what he was thinking nodded immediately. She saw his looks and knew what he was thinking and she flushed " Jesus, that's not what I meant".

"Really" he says still smiling.

"Yes , I want to ride you, like a piggy back ride".

He lets go of her and moves backs , shaking his head in disapproval while she comes close to him.

"No Andrea, you're not riding on my back".

"My feet hurts" she whines.

"You're not even putting heels on, you're putting on your usual sneakers".

"It still hurts, it looks like I'm passed the shoe".

"Then why did you put it on?".

"I didn't realize,then".

"We barely walked little girl, how come?".

"It's hurting Tristen" she feigns it.

He lifts her up and carries her in a bridal style but she refuses.

"I'm uncomfortable with this position, I want a piggy back ride ".

"No, you're getting this ".

And she continues to wiggle out of his grip stubbornly, people watching them, some surprised and the rest smiles seeing them.

Tristen notices, he was attracting attention and puts her down.

"If you're not going to go with this style, then forget it" he says and leaves her.

She sneered at him, folding her arm , she sits down and refuses to move.

He keeps walking, but notices she wasn't with him and he stops and turns and still sees her in that place he'd left her. He calls out to her to join him but she shakes her head stubbornly.

He strodes back to where she was" what are you doing , let's go".

"Gimme a piggy ride ".

"Stop being stubborn Andrea, let's go".

She shrugs her shoulders and looks away from him.

He looks around and sees people watching them. He ruffles his hair roughly, sighing in frustration , he turns around backing her.

"Get on" he finally gives in.

Drea's face curves into a wide smile as she stands on where she sat , knowing fully well she couldn't reach him. She happily gets on, wrapping her little legs around his waist , squealing happily in his ear.

He began walking, while she took pictures of them. She kisses his cheeks so many times and sniffing his hair laughing as she found what she was doing funny. Tristen couldn't believe how he could go from a dreadful boss to a piggy back carrier.

"You're really silly Andrea" he says not even laughing but she laughs at him.

"What you smell good, your hair smells good and your skin is soft. I like it" she says and kisses him and he smiles for the upteenth that day just watching her do silly and cute things

Author's note

Andrea is doing a good job with teaching him all he needs to learn about being less mean .... Keep voting please

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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