Chapter 68: Teach me

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She finally found an evening gown that was perfect for her .

She wore a midnight blue backless  knee length fit _to _flare dress  made of soft flowing chiffon with lace detailing along her necklace adding a touch of elegance .

She looked at herself and was satisfied with what she saw. Her hair was styled in soft curls , then a purse to match with her attire. She had her light make up done , wore her heels and was finally ready.

She walked elegantly towards Tristen. She stood in front of him looking at him for his thoughts on what she wore.

His eyes lit up in admiration as he saw her stand in front of him. He came to her looking at her , all the hint of coldness, tension, meanness  were all gone and replaced with tenderness in his eyes .

"Do you like this attire?" He asked softly.

She nodded " yes I do".

He turned to Maria "we'll take them " Maria nodded and began calculating.

She gave the bill to him and he paid immediately.

"Let's go " he motioned to Andrea

"Excuse me" she went over to Maria.
"Thank you for the patience, I'll come around and see you".

"It's my job, you're welcome" she smiled at her and they left.

"Why do they bow at you, when I came here the first time , she did the same thing". Andrea asked as she put in her seatbelt.

"That's my Mama's boutique, she owns that place " he quickly said and began driving, while Drea mouth was in an O form.

They arrived at a serene and nice  restaurant. He got the door for her and she slowly walked in.

She realised all seats where empty and was confused.

The manager came up to Tristen welcoming them, he guided them to the rooftop with a breathtaking and beautiful view.

There was a table reserved for two with beautiful lights around it and a candlelit dinner for them.

She was surprised and confused at the same time. She looked back at him questioning him with her looks before she spoke.

"This doesn't look like a business meeting" .

Tristen dismissed the manager and turned to her.

"Yes because it's not a meeting"

Andrea narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?".

"We're having dinner here , there was no meeting. It's to celebrate a huge success , well with me".

She couldn't believe it as she widened her eyes and walked forward to admire the beautiful night view of New York City.

He came to her and found her smiling " the first time I saw you?, You left me for the balcony and the view, so I figured you'd like it here".

She looked at him as her eyes shone in pure happiness. " I really do, you did notice ".

"That was the first time , a woman ignored me".

She chuckled" I didn't mean to, I was overwhelmed that's all".

"I know, sit down ". He pulled a chair out for her and she sat down .

For their appetizers , they had shrimp cocktail .

"Why is the restaurant so empty?" Andrea asked taking a bite of her shrimp.

" All tables were reserved by me".

Andrea almost choked on her shrimp "what, there are like over 30 tables in there and I know, it's like super expensive, so how".

" We're keeping a low profile remember, you don't want someone telling you what you're not".

"But still it's...".

"They can come back tomorrow little girl , "

"Thank you for this" she said sincerely.

"You're welcome ".

"It doesn't mean I'm happy with you though, ".

He smirked, leaning forward " Really and why's that ".

"Because I don't understand you , you're like fire and ice . You're warm today and cold as ice the next ".

He sighed, looked down , before putting his head up staring at her .

"I don't know Andrea, really I don't".

"I thought we were friends".

"We are"

"That's not the way to treat a friend, back at the party, and the beach. It's like my presence annoys you most times".

"It doesn't, at all trust me it doesn't. " He ruffled his hair. "I apologize for my behavior this past few days Andrea I didn't mean to hurt you , I'm..." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry ", he's voice was soft and had lots of sincerity in it.

Andrea choke on her words , she cleared her throat trying to hear what he said. He had never said he was sorry to her before" what did you say" her voice was a little high pitch.

"I'm sorry " he said again and tears swelled up in her eyes.

"It's okay, that's what I actually wanted to hear , all these while".

The waiter interrupted them, asking if there ready for the main dish and they gave a positive answer.

Tristen had roasted chicken with  lemon while Andrea had grilled salmon with dill sauce and their champagne to go with .

"This looks good" Andrea smiled at him.

"It does" he stared at her the whole time and she ate her food in delight.

She told him a little about her parents and her brother, how her relationship with Eloise started , he just stared at her the whole time not taking his eyes off of her, it was like he was a complete different person tonight. smiling when she smiles and listening to every word she said.

"You look beautiful Andrea" he said this unknowingly and she blushed.

"Thanks, I thought we we're going on a business meeting so I thought, I  didn't need those curvy attires".

"This looks perfect on you, and besides I didn't like how men there gave you stares" .


He held her soft hands looking at her , he spoke " I want you to teach me".

She looked at the place he held her and back at him " teach you to be what?".

"To be different, different from what I am"

Andrea was quiet, not saying a word or moving.

"I want us to try... Um dating for some time". He said with doubt, doubt that she may not agree.

"Huh?" She was short of words, things were moving so fast tonight, she was having a hard time processing it.

Author's note

I can't believe, Tristen would actually be this sweet .. anyways please keep voting.. it means so much to me..

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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