Chapter 110: Abduction

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She tries reversing as she knew it wasn't Tristen , but unfortunately another car blocks her way.

Scared and terrified, she grabs her phone and purse , opens her car and runs out, fortunately she was on her usual sneakers so it made it easier .

As she ran she managed to dial Tristen's number.

Tristen's eyes lit up and he sees Andrea's name on his screen . He sniffs as he picks the call immediately.

As soon as , she wanted to speak , one of the goons holds  her mouth immediately and she muffles screams out.

Tristen narrows his eyes , hearing her muffled screams "Andrea, are you okay?, What's wrong?".

She doesn't answer and he stands up alarmed .

Andrea takes  her pepper spray, spraying it on one of the goon's face and he had to let her go. She used the opportunity to talk properly.

"Tristen help" she cries . In as much as she was angry, she knew he could save her . "Help they are after me..." The goon takes the phone , throws it and takes her away.

He widens his eyes in fear as the line disconnects" no no.. my girl. Andrea, Andrea who the hell is after you" he flares . When he hears no reply he runs back to his car , started the ignition and drove roughly.

He thought of nothing except the fact his little girl was not safe. He hated himself more than anything because he was the reason she left. He hit his wheel in fury.

"I'll fucking kill you Drew, if you touch my girl I'll rip you apart you dead asshole" he grits his teeth, hitting the steering wheel multiple times.

He arrives to the apartment, rushes in calling Fuego.

"Fuego, where the hell are you "

Fuego comes down , not seeming disturbed .

"We need to find her now , we need to find Andrea ".

"I told you it was your mess boss , so deal with it".he sits down.

He holds his collar tightly" She's been fucking abducted idiot, she called me crying for help. my father's fucking men took her " he says in deep fear  Fuego's eyes widens in shock.

He stands " where was she ?

"I don't know, she called me and I heard her cry Fuego, they made her cry".

Fuego shouts" You made her cry, you made her leave Simons. If you had given her the tiny change just this tiny chance " he says as he puts his thumb and his index finger together. "Then she wouldn't have left, you both would have realized you loved each but no, your jealousy and possessiveness took over and now she's been taken, what do I tell her best friend now huh, Eloise would end you ".

"Fuck me up later but we need to find her please, I can't loose her ". He was trembling, his eyes swollen red  .

Fuego bites his lips sighing heavily." Let's find her location, the last place she was".

Tristen nods, they take the car once more , and leaves leaving everyone scared especially noona . She goes out and prays silently .

Andrea tries kicking and screaming but these men were stronger and more fiercer than she was .

"You thought you could kill paso and get away with it you fucking bitch?" One of them says disdainfully.

She continues hitting with the last strength, hoping and praying a miracle would happen but sadly it wasn't that night.

They take her inside the car , as she continues crying. One of them couldn't take it , he hit her and she fell unconscious immediately.

"What the hell man?" One asked as he glanced at her and back him

"She making my ears bleed with her fuckin cries, she's not dying I'm trying to fuckin shut  her up". He says and looks forward

Fuego drove to the last location of Andrea. Tristen gets out of the car even before he stops as he sees Andrea's car parked and opened.

He rushes with hope she'd be there hiding and waiting for him like the last time , but it was late she was no where to be found. Her keys were lying down on the floor, her pepper spray on the floor.

He lets out a painful laugh as he took the spray , imagining how she would inflict pain to the with the spray.

He sat down on the road , leaning on her car . He was devasted , he felt torn   . He wanted his baby girl. He felt so useless without her , he remembered everything, her smile , her little laugh and seeing he won't be getting any of these tore him .

"I found this " Fuego says as he handed her phone to him.

He took it , switched it on and saw her  lockscreen. It was a picture of them when they were in Mulholland drive. The funny pose she took that made him smile.

He chuckled, her home screen was a picture of them at the Ferris wheel, where she kissed his cheeks. A teardrop come running down his cheeks as he stares at the picture.

"I want her back El Fuego" he says like a little child as he helplessly bends his head down "I'll rip them apart, I don't fuckin care ,my woman has to be fine".

Fuego sighs" I'll call Diego".

Author's note

Now I feel pity for him, seeing how much he loves her... Anywaysssss my babies keep voting.. I love you.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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