Chapter 76: Puzzle

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Tristen couldn't help but feel something was missing. It had been two weeks he'd stayed with Andrea though they emailed each other, it was mostly based on work and Andrea giving her smart ideas as usual.

It wasn't the same as her staying around and saying dumb things which made him smile. How are eyes lit up when she sees him. He wanted more.

He called her but it wasn't going through, he tired couple of times, but it still didn't go through. He took his keys without changing out of his plain shirt and pants  moving out.

Drea was dancing and singing to her loud music, not caring at all who heard her. She had her speaker and continue dancing and singing loudly, shutting her eyes and enjoying every moment.

Tristen goes into her apartment , calling her name but she doesn't answer. He gets alarmed once again and opens the door.

"Andrea I've been calling your....." He stopped and catches a glimpse of her funny dance moves and his face softens.

He widens his eyes in surprise but yet amazed at her and the way she swayed her hips and kept singing.

He leans on her wall , crossing his legs with his hands in his pocket. He smiles unknowingly watching her dance. He hears her voice and laughs .

She notices his presence and turns back immediately. She widens her eyes turning the music down.

"God you scared me, what are you doing here?".

"I'm your boyfriend little girl and I called your line, what's wrong with it?"

She cleared her throat nervously " um it's on DND, I'm sorry".

"Of course".

She went to him with her eyes lit up. "Sorry about that".

"Mm" he came close , held her by the waist and smashes his lips on hers. He kisses her with need. It was like telling her he missed her, her touch, her smile with that kiss . He brought her closer savoring her lips, not wanting to let go.

He finally lets go, when he noticed she could barely breathe. She closed her eyes catching her breaths while he stroke her swollen lips. He wasn't sorry, he wanted more but decided to hold on.

"I haven't kissed my lips , in two weeks" he says in his usual menacing but sensual voice.

" Your lips?".

"Yes mine". He kissed her lips again

"They belong to me silly " Andrea whispered.

He didn't answer,he feasted his eyes all over her face, from her forehead to her eyes, her nose then her lips.

He kissed her there again " my lips" he said again.

Andrea bit her lips and he shut his eyes" don't do that" and he kissed her once more.

"You missed me". Drea smiled

"You wish" he replied quickly as he let go of her and looked around.

"Fiesty bodyguard isn't with you?".

"Her name Is Eloise and she had her work so??".

"So you decided to play loud music and make everyone's ears bleed with your voice" he smirked.

Andrea gasped and feigned annoyance, she came to him and hit his arm" that's not true , my voice is perfect".  She increases the volume and began moving her head, moving towards the kitchen , she began preparing something for them to eat while Tristen watched her at the counter as she was not caring at all .she was free with him ,well strangely.

She was happy to show her crazy side as she swayed her hips and moved towards him giving him a nudge to at least dance. He just kept mute and smiled down at her watching her with admiration in his eyes. His little girl was crazy and he was loving every bit of it.

"Come dance with me ". She said as she continued with her body movements.

"I don't dance little girl". He smiled at her. She didn't care and continued with the movements in front of him , smiling as her big bulgy eyes shone in happiness. He couldn't get enough of it, of her .

An idea came to her mind, " while we're waiting for the food, let's play a game " she led him back to the living room, she rushes and got a puzzle.

"What's this little girl?".

"It's a puzzle, If you fail, you'd have to dance ".

"I told you I don't dance".

"Come on, it's going to be fun, I promise I won't laugh"

"You laugh when I'm being called bunny" He said and Drea laughed.

"That's actually different, okay, it doesn't suit you because you act cold"

"Dancing are for sweet and romantic guys . I'm neither ".

"Tsk, come on it's going to be fun ".

"No" he said immediately.

She looked at him pleadingly but he wouldn't budge. She nodded and he could see the hint of disappointment in her face .

"You'll be the death of me Andrea" he said as he took the puzzle.

Andrea squealed in happiness as she arranged the game , explained the game to him and reminded the implications if he'd fail.

They were engaged in a heated game. Tristen took it serious because he didn't want to fail, but then he made a mistake. He placed a piece in the wrong spot and Drea was quick to notice.

She gave him a mischievous smile and took advantage of the situation , she placed the pieces with precision and won by a landslide.

Author's note

So this is getting interestinggggg ouffff... Please do vote...

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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