Chapter 123: Reunion

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The next day

A nurse was attending to Andrea when both her parents rushed into the room with Eloise and Fuego behind .

"Maman " Andrea smiles at both her parents.

Her mom goes to her crying, holding her close to her bossom, while her dad watches her with tears forming in his eyes.

"Pourquoi ne m'as tu pas dit Jacqueline ?" Andrea's mom asks in french

"Je suis désolé maman" she chuckles softly. Her mom uses french when she's pissed at her about an issue.

"Tu va Bien?". She asks.

"Oui oui , parfaitment" she smiles.

Her father comes close to them " let's keep the french for later, some of us don't understand" he says and everyone laughs.

"Yes sorry" Andrea's mom smiles." We were told you were hit by a stray bullet?".

Andrea looks at Tristen , then back at her parents" um yeah, I was but I'm fine now. The injury wasn't so serious ".

"if it wasn't then , you wouldn't have been admitted here for more than three days baby" her father says.

"Well I'm fine dad , no need to get alarmed". She looks towards Fuego.

"Hi Mr huge guy " she smiles, Fuego returns the smile and comes close to her .

" Mm amateur, I'm glad you're okay " .

"You see we are friends afterall".

"What makes you say that?".

"You were worried about me, if not you wouldn't be here ".

Fuego tries to hide his smile , but couldn't. " I'm glad you're okay".

"Where's noona?".

"On her way, she'll be here anytime soon" Tristen interrupts.

"We'll give you some space okay, we'll be back ". Fuego says and leaves with Tristen.

"Who are they dear" Andrea's mom says as he refers to the gentlemen who left the room.

"Tristen Simons her boss and the other is Fuego. He's um my boyfriend " Eloise says as she blushes

"Oh , well lots of things has been happening?" Andrea's mom smiles speaking to them.

"What about you baby?". She asks Andrea.

"Uh mom, it's complicated heh " she chuckles nervously.

"Of course " .

They spent enough time together, her brother called to know how she was faring. They spoke for a reasonable time.

Noona came in after some time, got emotional as usual, hugged her , asked about her welfare. Told her how much she missed her. Gave her food and made sure she tasted it.

Her family were introduced with Fuego and Tristen's family.

The doctor comes in, inspects her and was happy to announce , she would be discharged the next day.

Tristen went home unwillingly but he had to so to enable Andrea spend quality time with her parents.

He had her safety tightened, putting guards on each sides of her hospital room. He didn't care if she was comfortable with it, he was not ready to loose her again.

The next day

Tristen goes into Andrea's hospital room as he was ready to take her to his house .

She had her things, prepared and was put into a wheel chair unwillingly because she was not allowed to stress  herself.

"Are you ready to go ?" Tristen asks her softly.

"I'm staying with my parents Tristen ".

He felt disappointed because he thought she would actually want to go with him.

Her mom comes in" Bills has been sorted out already".

"Thanks mom" Andrea says.

"Oh not by me honey, we actually wanted to sort but it was sorted out even before now ".

"By who?" Andrea asks confused.

"Anonymous, but I'd like to see who ever did this. Your bill was a big one baby".

Andrea looks at Tristen and her eyes softens. He gulps and looks away immediately.

"Thank you for your help young man, it looks like you're close to my daughter seeing how stressed you are about her well being ". Andrea's mom smiles at him.

Tristen nods " it's fine ma'am. She's as important to me as she is to everyone" he says with a straight face.

She smiles at him and looks at Andrea smiling too , understanding everything. ",let's get you home baby " she says as she wheels her out of the room.

"I'll visit you" Tristen tells her .

"Sure dear, you can come visit. Maybe we'll get to know you more" .

Tristen nods as he follows them to their car. He helps Andrea stand so he could place her properly into the car . As she tries to place her legs into the car properly, Tristen's lips brushed hers slightly and she felt shivers immediately as goosebumps were all over her skin.

She looks at his lip not saying anything. In as much as she was mad , she was attracted to him and she knew it was going to he difficult for her with him not around.

Tristen on the other hand, wanted so much to kiss her passionately but he had to clear the bad air first. He looks at her and bit his lips slightly.

He decided to control himself seeing she was still recovering and her parents were with her. Her parents were saying goodbye to his mom and noona,so he gently rubs her lips, goes to her forehead kissing her there.

He bumps his head with hers and whispers " be safe for me please" he says and looks at her again.

She nods and looks away not able to maintain eye contact with him .

Her parents gets into the car and starts the ignition driving off, while he watched them until he could no longer see them.

"She's still mad ?" Fuego asks as he stands with him , his hands in his pocket .

"Yeah" .

"She still loves you, so show her how much you are sorry" he says and leaves.

He sighs and goes to him mom , driving her back to her house.

Author's note
Keep voting and sharing ❤️

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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