chapter 9: Dinner night

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Andrea's pov

"Hey Andrea" ,I looked up and it was Dan

"Hey Dan" I smiled at him "what's up,want anything"?

"Um are you working late today?" He asked.

"Yea why"

"I was wondering if we could maybe get that dinner you said we would it's already next week" he said as he half laughed.

"Shit I forgot do you have anything you wanna do tomorrow?" I didn't think I'd have the chance today for the dinner today,  I was pretty stressed out.

"I have some real work to do after today ,I doubt I'll have chance  tomorrow." He replied sadly

Ughh I didn't want to decline , seeing how happy he was last week when I told him we could have dinner today being Wednesday .

"Um okay then we'll have dinner ..just text me the address okay?"

"I was thinking maybe we'd go together" he asked looking half disappointed.

"I'm working late and I have to go back to check on my friend.. I'll promise I'll not be so late okay.. please??"

"Alright then I'll text you, see you later tonight okay?".. seven right?

"Sure sure okay then see you soon "I smiled. And then he left .

Tristen's pov

I didn't want to think much on whatever my mom said . I decided to forget about what she said but I was bent on keeping her safe because my mom went through a lot to see me succeed.

Still out of this world , Fuego came up to me " I have scheduled the meeting for 7pm tonight sir it's at the El royale restaurant ". He informed me as I snapped out of my thoughts.

Nick was one of my business partners and we needed to discuss on certain things about our company.

We need more heads and ideas in our company and how to make more profit in the company here in NYC

I had  been concentrating more on other companies in other states and countries and I lost focus on this company and we were backsliding .

Workers here were fucking lazy and we haven't been making much profits.. I'm going to fucking dismiss some of them

Fuego has been disguising himself recently and giving me names of workers messing around with the company because I haven't been there to check it out .

I needed to see Andrea again . We need people like her and some other persons.

Looking at her she'd make a good employee .I need to make time to meet her and discuss about it.

Author's pov

It was 6:50 when Andrea noticed she was late for her dinner date

"Shitt"she cursed as she packed all her stuff and ran out of the office ,went to where her car was parked and drove right to her apartment to freshen up .

She didn't want to look so bad for the date night she had with Dan .

"Well hello to you too" Elosie said as Andrea ran pass her without saying anything to her .

"I'm sorry El I'm late for my date with Dan ,the guy I told you about I didn't know when I lost track of time."

Andrea shouted in the bathroom.she had a quick shower and went to her closet to get some clothes to try on .

"What time are you supposed to meet"? Elosie said as she walked to the room..she had gotten better but Andrea wanted her to stay more .

"Seven?"Andrea said .

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