Chapter 166: Remember

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The next morning

Tristen groans as he rubs his head, he was woken by a splitting headache.

"Ugh fuck!" He turns and meets the smiley face of Lisa and he jumps up abruptly, eyes widened

"What the fuck I'm I doing here?", he looks down and sees he was half dressed " half dressed, what I'm I doing half dressed in your fuckin place Lisa?"

"There it is, just what I was to see" she mutters as she glances at his early morning hardness.

"What?" He tells her and looks down at where her eyes went to and he quickly cursed, going to where his pants were laid and put them on quickly, he turns to her with his well chiseled and smooth abs with dark eyes , while she bit her lips.

"Why am I undressed ?" He asks in anger and confusion.

"Ugh come on, don't make it look like you're the victim here, look" she stands and let's the sheet fall exposing her naked self" I'm undressed too, so don't feel bad"

Tristen looks away " you're such a cheap lady".

"Oh come on Tristen, when did you begin to look away when you saw my nude self?, you used to love it, tear me and fuck my brains out "

"Well clearly, that not the case anymore, put some damn clothes on "

She sighs and wears a night wear.

"So can you tell me what in God's name is going on?".

"Oh tell me you don't remember what happened last night?".

"The fact I'm asking you what the hell is going on ?, means I don't fucking remember shit."

"So odd of you to forget the hot sex session we had last night " she smiles walking slutly towards him.

He narrows his eyes" what?" He whispers.

"That explains why I'm naked right?, damn you fucked me real hard and good, looks like Andira hasn't been giving you what you what , so I gave it to you " she tries to touch him but he holds her hand squeezing it tightly while she winces.

"Her name is Andrea, and I didn't fuck you" he tells her with gritted teeth and let's go of her hand roughly.

"Really?," she rubs the hand he held tightly " because you said five seconds ago , that you don't remember what happened and now I'm telling you?, you're telling me, so sure you didn't fuck me? How sure are you when you don't even remember how you got here".

"I remember you trying to force yourself on me and then I went blank, I don't remember fucking you , because I didn't " his grey eyes pierced hers with anger.

"You don't know that, you were drunk baby".

"I'm done listening to your crap" he says and gathers his stuff and tries to leave.

"Wonder what your woman would say about this".

He rushes to her with rage, holding her throat" nothing because nothing happened ". He tells her and lets her go.

"Jesus Christ, fine, I wasn't going to tell anyway" she tells him

"Shouldn't have let you touch me or bring me here "he looks at her with disdain and leaves .

Tristen drives through the road reminiscing what happened in Lisa's place. He was drunk quite alright, but not to the point of him fuckin Lisa, and everything was okay until she gave him the pill she claimed was going to help clear his mind.

"Damnit" he hits his his steering wheel. He tries to think through last night to know if something actually happened between both of them but he couldn't remember nothing and he knew deep down he wouldn't hurt Andrea like this.

After sometime he gets to his mansion, he rushes out immediately going inside, the only thing on his mind at that moment was to see Andrea and tell her how sorry he was.

He rushes into his large living room and sees Andrea standing there, still in the clothes he saw her in last night.

He stops, staring at her. She looks at him and a drop of tears falls out from her eyes and his face softens.

"Andrea" he calls out her name softly.

"Why are you doing this to me Tristen" she finally sobs and he rushes to her and holds her but she pushes him away.

"Why are you doing this huh?, where have you been all night, I was sick and worried about you, you wouldn't even answer your damn call, or even reply my fuckin text. Is it so bad for me to care for my boyfriend huh?, I'm I being too clingy ?".

"No love" he tells her , coming close.

"Because if I am I will withdraw " she tells him.

"I don't want you to withdraw from me, ever" he cups her cheeks.

"Then why are you doing this ?, It's affecting me , it hurts me, you leave and come back drunk and now you have started spending the night outside? ".

"I'm deeply sorry Andrea ".

"Where were you and why haven't you been answering my calls, I was fuckin scared something happened to you"

"I passed out in my car and my phone died, I'm really sorry , I promise this wouldn't happen again I swear ".

She cleans her cheeks, go freshen up , she tells him and leaves.

"Andrea " he calls out and she raises her hand as a sign of " not now".

"Fuck!!!" He curses out leaving.

Author's note

Keep voting loves

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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