Chapter 55: Opulence and Glamour

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Andrea woke up immediately to her alarm. She got out of bed immediately and began preparing.

She took her outfit out of her closet and laid them on her bed , she went into the tub and had a hot shower.

She came out with her dressing gown ready to dress up when she heard a knock.

"Your package is here " Fuego said and left.

"Package?, I didn't order anything" she went to the door and saw two people.

"We're here for your make over ma'am".

"Make over? , I'm sorry you've got the wrong address".

"No they don't, " Tristen came out with his shorts and singlets .

"Huh,  I don't understand" she asked confused.

"They are here to prepare you for the party, so take them to your room and let them begin".

"I have my attire".

"That won't be needed. I ordered a new outfit,so you're wearing that"

He said this, turned and left for his room.

She looked back at the visitors and chuckled nervously.

"Please come in " she let them in . They thanked her and moved towards her bedroom.

They made her up like she was a celebrity. Made sure everything was given to her.

She felt honored but she also felt he was doing too much seeing she's just a personal assistant. But on a second thought she decided to go on with it, seeing the kind of party they were to attend to.

Her make up was flawless, her lipstick carefully applied. Her hair was smoothed into a sleek updo, with two curly strands of hair Infront of her hair making her look beautiful.

She wore a floor length , deep rich blue satin gown that highlighted her curves and perfectly fitted to her body.

She wore her heels and was ready. She took deep breaths as she admired her reflection in the mirror . She was satisfied with what she saw and thanked her makeup artist.

Finally, she couldn't believe it took her almost an hour to get ready.

They bowed and left . Then a knock came and she walked towards the door and opened it.

Fuego saw her and couldn't speak. She was so different.

"How do I look" she asked smiling.

"Damn amateur"

"I'll take that as a positive answer"

He chuckled " go on  now , he's waiting ".

"You look good too, Mr huge guy".

He wore a black tuxedo and his hair swept back neatly. He was looking handsome with his green eyes.

He turned back at her "I know" he winked at her and left, with Andrea  chuckling.

She took in one last breath , glanced in the mirror, took her blue clutch and left the room.

She came out and met with Tristen.

He was dressed in a tailored tuxedo , his hair perfectly done and coiffed and his expensive shoes shinning brightly. It was like he grew taller with his beautiful but dangerous deep grey eyes feasted on her. He was looking devilishly handsome.

Tristen saw Andrea and was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe the person standing in front of him was actually Andrea, his little girl.

His lips parted ,as his face softened seeing her smile coming towards him
She was effortlessly beautiful , walking elegantly towards him not taking her big prominent eyes off him.

She approached him "you look handsome" she said this slowly and it enticed him.

"Thank you". He looked at her and down at her feet " you look really beautiful tonight, Andrea" he just had to admit it , he couldn't hide it again .

"Why , thank you" she smiled at him.

He brought out a beautiful diamond necklace and held it in front of her "here have this , your neck looks bare".

She gasped seeing the jewelry. She turned around and Tristen carefully put it around her neck.

She grazed her fingers on it as she turned to him smiling " thank you so much, I love it".

He took her hands and they both walked to their car, a black sleek sedan, he got the door for her and she slowly entered and settled on the expensive leather seats and the car pulled away.

Minutes later, they arrived at an estate . The driveway beautified with trees. She could see the lights of the party through the window and the sound of music coming from the house.

Her heart started to race as she took in deep breaths. Tristen noticed and held her hands.

"You'll be okay , stick to me and you'll be fine".

It was like she heard what she wanted to hear all night, she sighed deeply and nodded.

He nodded and led her to the door , and a valet took their keys. The door man checked their names on the guest lists, when he confirmed their names were there, he greeted them with a bow , opening the door, guiding them to a world of wealth and glamour.

Andrea was amazed by the beauty of the place . Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling reflecting lights . The table were set with rich fine materials and beautiful silverware . The windows offered a great view of the lights.

The room was filled with people dressed in their finest attire, people from the wealthiest members of the city.

The women dressed in exquisite designer gowns while the men dressed in suits .

Fuego had already gone to get himself a drink . Tristen noticed her uneasiness and led her to the bar where the waiter offered them flutes of champagne.

"This would calm your nerves" .

She took a sip and breathed in and out before nodding. "Thanks".

"Just stick to me and you'll be fine"

"Of course".

"Mr Tristen, I'm so glad you could make it" Mr Jean came to him , giving him a handshake.

"Wouldn't miss it . Happy birthday to you ".

"Thank you " he turned to Andrea.

"You look so beautiful tonight, I'm glad you made it, "he tooked her hands and kissed her knuckles again and this riled Tristen up.

"Thank you sir , I wouldn't miss it. Happy birthday to you".

"Thank you and please do enjoy the party, and Mr Tristen, you can come say hi to guests ".

"Of course, give me a minute".

He smiled and left them. Tristen quickly pulled a white cloth, took Andrea's knuckles and cleaned the part Mr Jean kissed.

Andrea laughed at what he was doing.

"He has a damn wife Andrea, he shouldn't be running after you".

She laughed" don't mind what he did, it's nothing ".

"Stay close to me okay?".

"Sure . Thank you" she looked at him as she said these words sincerely.

He held her face and caressed it before going back to his drink.

"Come on , let's go greet guests he guided her towards the party and the met people. Andrea was able to talk freely seeing Tristen beside her and she was thankful for that.

Author's note

Okay okay okay, this chapter was a good one .. I did enjoy it.... See you in the next one.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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