Chapter 17: Pervert

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Author's pov

Eloise had a business meeting she had to attend to , as she was the representative in her office .

"We'll send you the address of the hotel you'll be staying  until the meeting is over it's going to be a two day gathering so be focused, we are counting on you "

"Yes yes boss I have heard you I'll do my best"

"Good , everything will be provided for you , so you'd be comfortable during your stay, call if something comes up ".

"Mhm I hear you boss "

"Alright then , you'll be leaving tonight so you can settle, I'll send the car that would take you straight to the hotel you would be going to ".

" What's the use of the address you're sending to me when I have a cab taking me straight there "  Eloise asked confused.

"So you'd be sure of your destination "

"Oh yha I get it , I'll hang up so I can pack "

"Good luck Eloise "

" Thank you Boss" She said as she hung up and began to pack.

She called Andrea and told her about the urgent meeting and Andrea wished her goodluck.

She packed her things and got ready to leave for the night.

Fuego's pov

My boss called me to attend to Nick as he has some suggestions he was to make concerning his company,

I didn't see how it was going benefit the company but I guess I'm not the boss , he had his reasons so I had to go.

I booked a room to stay , and decided to have a little fun. I called one of my fuck buddies.

I was starting to feel less of a man . I have been working so hard I forgot to feed my desires.

Luckily she was free and decided to meet me at my hotel room .

After talking to Nick I found out that we weren't going to be the only ones  making suggestions and a representative from a company was going to join us.

I got to the hotel and paid for my room , got my room number 132 and I went upstairs immediately ready to unpack and wait until I have someone coming over to satisfy me.

"Yes boss I have arrived the hotel, and it looks like Nick and I won't be the only company making suggestions"

"Yes I do know Fuego ,that's why I called ,but it looks like you were informed already , well anyways I trust you to do the job well and give me a call when the meeting's over , I have other things to do here".

"Yes boss" and I ended the call.

I got my things ready and decided to wait for the next day.

Author's pov

The car dropped Eloise at the hotel she was to stay , she hurriedly walked in as it was already raining seriously.

She paid for her room key and was given room 133 to stay in.

She thanked the receptionist and went to her room.

She took her shower and ordered pizza, chicken wings with cola to go with. She needed to eat something  as she was tired and hungry .

She turned her tv on , watched some shows on the tv, and soon enough she decided to sleep when she suddenly started hearing noise from the room next to her.

She wasn't sure what the noise was so she listened to what she was hearing.

They were moans and groans coming out of the room. She knew for sure this were  moans from sexual pleasure.

People were having sex and they were loud so that prevented her to sleep peacefully.

She used her pillows to cover her ears, hoping they would realize they were making so much noise and calm down but it only grew worse.

"This dude must be really something to get this girl shouting and pleading for more , but they are fucking disturbing my sleep , I have work in the morning " she said to herself and she moved to close her ears more .

The sounds and pleas continued and she was forced to go the room next door.

She knocked on the door but no one answered,they kept with there activity.

"Fuck off" the man inside groaned with anger as she continued knocking

She felt annoyed and continued knocking.

"Open the darn door ,or you keep your fucking voices down I'm trying to get some sleep and you are not helping with your fucking sex sounds"  she yelled angrily.

They continued with their exercise with the woman begging him to delve deeper.

She couldn't take it and knocked harder.

The man inside stopped what he was doing and opened the door.

"Sassy" Fuego said as he smirked seeing her.

"Asshole????" Eloise couldn't believe her neighbor was the rude man she met weeks ago in the store.

"What the fuck are you doing here" Eloise asked annoyed " are you stalking me?".

"Pftt stalking you?, Why  in the world would I want to do  that. You aren't even someone special "

"Fuck you , can you keep it down with your girlfriend I'm trying to get some sleep and you are not helping matters at all, it's either you keep it down or fucking stop what you are doing ".

"Why should I huh sassy,  she's loving every bit of what I'm giving her I told you they loved me and FYI , she's not my girlfriend and she won't actually mind if you join us, she's into hot women like you". He said as he trailed his eyes all over her.

It was then that Eloise noticed her nightie was transparent, she had her panties on but her nipples were clearly making themselves visible.

She immediately covered her body

"Pervert, I told you I'd rather die than let you come anywhere close to me , tell your slut to better keep it down else I'll report you all".

"Have fun sassy ". He said as he closed the door.

"Who was that baby " the woman inside the room questioned.

"It's no one ".  He said as he brought her close and thrusted in her.

She moaned loudly and  he continued until he came .

He paid her off and she left.

He had his bath and settled down to sleep.

Author's note

Loving what's going on between Eloise and yha I know he's actually being an ass... anyways I'll keep y'all posted.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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