Chapter 165:Plans and more Trouble

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After two minutes, Tristen eyes began to feel drowsy, instead of him becoming sober , it seemed like his condition of being tipsy was getting worse. He rubs his eyes continuously to get his drunkenness out of him but nothing worked.

"Hey Lisa, you sure you gave me the right pill?, cause this is only getting worse ".

Lisa moves to him, she cups his cheeks looking at his eyes" give it time it'll work ".

"No I've given you and this damn pill enough time, I'm going home " he says standing up but he staggers and falls down on the leather seat.

"Lisa, what did you do to me!!!" He raises his voice a little in anger

"Shhh, keep your sexy voice down" she motions as she smiles coming close to him .
"Damn, you have no idea how I've wanted this, wanted to see you all vulnerable so I can show you how much you missed me ".

"Call Andrea" Tristen says to the Siri on his phone, but it doesn't reply.

"Nah don't worry about that, your phone's switched off, she's been calling your phone non stop, it pissed me and disturbed me , so I switched it off". She says moving closer to him.

"Don't get any closer!, what the fuck did you do to me?!".

"Oh nothing baby, trust me , I just want you to rest. I can't let her see you this way, it's gonna ruin your relationship".

"I'd rather take that risk by going home to her in this state, than staying here with you here, because that's  going to ruin my relationship with her for sure".

"You don't care about her or my relationship, take me home now!!".

Lisa gets close to him, trying to straddle him but he pushes her off.

She chuckles" love when you try to resist me. You know you can't . I missed you so much Tristen , why don't you just see how much I love you mm?"

She holds him and kisses him but he stands up abruptly" stop .... It.. " he  winces holding his head" I think I'm going to pass out " .

She moves in front of him and gently pushes him on the bed, then gets on top of him , kissing his neck.

"Fuckin stop Lisa" he tries to get her off of him but he was weak .

She continues kissing his neck, trying to get him all hard, she moves down to his pants , squeezing it a little bit to make him hard but didn't get nothing from him, he was soft.

She looks up at him and finds him unconscious" Fuck!!" She hits his body a little bit but he doesn't wake up.

She sits down on the bed looking at the sleeping man angrily.

"Messed up my fucking plan, dick". She tells him and stands up going to the bathroom, then she stops as an idea strikes.

She faces him smiling, then she goes over to him and begins striping his clothes from him, until he was left in his briefs

She manages to place him properly and she puts the duvet on him as he sleeps. Then she takes a shower , and then lies close to him naked, cuddling her self with him.

She brings out her phone and takes photos of them in that intimate position, she makes sure Tristen was holding her close to him so it would look real.

When she was done, she looks at his perfect and smooth face, and kisses him, rubbing his dick to get him hard because she knew he was sexually active but it seemed like it wasn't working tonight.

"Ughhhh" she groans frustratedly then she becomes silent and stares and him " I don't know why Drew hates you so much for him to tell me to do this" she sighs and turns the other way, sleeping off after some minutes.

Author's note

Tristen keeps getting into more trouble.

Xoxo  ❤️ ❤️

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