Chapter 106 : Message

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Been weeks since the incident occured and Tristen never let Drea leave his sight for too long, he made sure she was comfortable and provided her with what she wanted.

The thought of seeing her wince in pain alone scared the shit out of him.

They grew closer but there was an unspoken stuff  between them. They couldn't tell each other how they Felt for each other .

Each time one gets the opportunity, something comes up and prevents it.

Tristen comes  home feeling down and dejected . He sees Andrea sitting down on the sofa sleeping calmy

He smiles weakly, sits down and kisses her forehead before laying on her lap.

She notices, and opens her eyes slowly and met him holding her hands tightly .

She yawn and asks him" what's wrong, you're back so early".

He sighs , not saying a word.

"How did the meeting go?" She asks as she felt odd.

He shakes his head" I lost the deal Andrea". He says quietly.

"Oh Tristen" she rubs his head ,bends down and kisses it. "I'm sorry".

"It's fine, I couldn't stay at the office".

She smiles "I'm glad you're home".

"Is it okay if I stayed here?" He looks at her innocently like a little boy.

"Of course " she kisses him " I missed you so yha you can stay".

He smiles and relaxed more while she strokes his head till he fell asleep.

Later that evening, he goes to his study while Andrea was in her room.

She got a text from Dan. She narrows her eyes reading his message.

Dan : I need you Drea.

She sits up as she replies immediately as she knew this was odd of Dan

Andrea: Are you okay Dan ? What's wrong.

Dan:   I'm not, I'm going to end it...

She widens her eyes , then narrows it and types back.
Andrea: where are you ?

Dan:  red brunch ..

Andrea: I'll be there, don't do anything stupid .

She hung up , hurrying out of the house. She meets noona .

"Where are you going in such a rush dear?".

"I'll be right back noona, tell Tristen I went out, I took the car and I'm safe okay " she says as she kisses her cheeks and rushes out not waiting for her to speak.

Noona looks at her confused before going over to continue with her work.

She goes to the garage , takes her car and begins driving to the location.

She had never seen Dan in this situation before , so she knew for him to say this to her then something was definitely up.

She gets to the location and goes into the restaurant. She sees him , drunk and wasted his hair all messed  up.

She goes to him and taps him gently, he turns ,his eyes red with eye bags . Her face softens and she gives him a warm hug which he returns immediately, holding her tightly. She keeps calm and sooths him.

After some time she sits and looks at him intently " what's wrong Dan, why are you like this?".

"She left Drea, she left me" he says as he gulps his drink, squeezing his face as it burns his throat.

"You shouldn't be ,this way. Get yourself together Dan you'll be fine".


Tristen walks out, going to the living room he still couldn't find Andrea.

He approaches noona, he kisses her cheeks" where's Andrea noona?".

"Oh , she told me to tell you she left. Seems it was something serious, seeing she was in a hurry".

He furrows his brows, bringing out his phone, he calls her leaving noona where she was.

He tries her phone and it doesn't go and he got scared once more, he ran out and sees she took his car and fortunately it had a gps tracker in there . So got into his Lambo and drove off , following the tracker.

Author's note

Soo guysss, I know I have been away for a while now, I traveled and studies here is really hectic but I'll try as much as possible to update as soon as I get the slightest chance.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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