Chapter 27: Revenge

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Author's pov

" Drea are you sure this is still a good Idea at least let your boss know ".

Andrea was already calling her office the next day,to tell them she  was unwell replied " I have already promised Mr Rayshon I'd meet him today and I can't work when I have things to prepare for tomorrow besides I don't want Lucinda to know she's a blabbermouth.

Elosie groaned" ughhhh fine , fine but please be careful".

" I will I just have to ....hello?" The office picked her call so she had to end Eloise's call.

"I'm sorry I can't make it to work today I'm feeling sick".

Lucinda knowing she was just pretending decided to play on with her .

"What's wrong with you Andrea"

" I have a fever so I won't make it to work I'm sorry I'll make sure to be present and deal with unfinished businesses once I'm better"

"Alright then take care of yourself ".

Andrea narrowed her brows "um okay thanks " she replied and hung up
She was surprised at Lucinda's words ,she had never  been nice to her and here she was telling her to take care of her self. She shrugged her shoulders and decided not to think of it.

She called Eloise and told her the story she gave believable and she was allowed to stay home.

Eloise wished her good luck and they hung up.

She hurriedly made breakfast, went out to buy more groceries to stock up her house, she hated when anything was in small quantity at her home.

On her way back she got a message and saw the venue they were meeting. It was a restaurant. " I mean this is better than meeting at his home right?", She thought to herself.

She got home and began with everything and ideas she was going to add to what Rayshon was going to say.

After hours, of studying, eating, sleeping and repeating the same thing , she finally came to a conclusion and was satisfied with the ideas she came up with , she smiled to herself and decided to have a short nap, before she would prepare for her meeting with Rayshon.

At 6pm her alarm rang and she quickly got ready , she knew it was not a date but at least she didn't want to dress casual for it.

She did her simple make her , strengthened her hair and curled the ends of her hair, she wore a  knee length black gown part of which hugged her body from her upper body down to her hip which looked good and beautiful , and her black heel to match with her attire, she wore her perfume ,  her accessories and got ready, she looked at the mirror once more and was satisfied with what she saw, she didn't dress sexy but moderate , she didn't want him to have a misconception of her .

She got into her car and drove off to the restaurant she was to meet Mr Rayshon.

Rayshon was already  in the restaurant he made a reservation for waiting for her . He had ordered a bottle of wine as he was going through his phone while some documents were placed on his table.

After some time, Andrea came in and was guided to where he was , he looked up and saw Andrea and smiled , standing up and hugging her as he welcomed her.

"You look good, please sit down" she smiled to him as she took he sit.

He called for the waiter and placed their order on the food, and began with the little meeting.

He heard her ideas and noticed she was an intelligent lady, and he was happy he had to sit with her, he suggested some things as well which was combined to her ideas before the food was brought and placed on their table.

Meanwhile at the office, Lucinda found a great time to tell Tristen about Andrea's meeting with Rayshon.

As they were rounding up ready to leave the office she went up to his office and knocked at his door. She waited until she heard a go in order and she went in.

Tristen looked up , saw her and continued with what he was doing.

"What do you want". His tone cold as usual.

" I came to give you the reports of today concerning our department."

"Same as always, nothing new , you can leave " he told her not looking away from his work, he was pretty stressed and didn't want this right now.

"Andrea called and saw she couldn't make it cause she was sick."

"Okay so what's my problem, she can come in when she feels better"  Tristen didn't want to always feel like he's giving her attention.

"I don't think she told the truth boss" this time she got the attention she was looking for as Tristen stopped what he was doing and slowly looked up to her .

"What do you mean by that"

"I over heard Mr Rayshon and Andrea talking of how how they would meet today , so I think that was the reason she called in sick today ".

Tristen thought of the other day Rayshon introduced himself to Andrea, how he held her her hands and smiled at her and Tristen was slowly loosing it . He clenched his fists  trying to control himself.

"Where did they go to." His tone was so cold and husky, Lucinda felt so scared but she managed to reply him.

"I don't know,the venue wasn't given but she said they were going to meet later tonight".

"Leave now", Tristen was trying so hard to keep his cool.

"Do you want me to".

"Are you fucking dumb?, I said leave getout" he shouted and Lucinda quickly left . Lucinda was overjoyed as she knew the state her boss in , Andrea was going get what was coming for her as she was the reason her friend was fired and still hasn't gotten a well paid job , this was the least she could do for her, she smirked as she left his office.

Author's note

Poor Andrea's going to face the wrath of Tristen💔.. anyways babiess keep voting and thank y'all for the support

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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