Chapter 34: Party

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Author's pov

"So which of these are you gonna put on for tonight" Eloise said as she held different clothes up for Drea.

Drea sat in her closet with her dressing gown and her bonnet sipping tea , she looked like she was in no mood for parties.

"Come on Drea when will you learn to be actually funn"

Drea gasped " I am fun El".

"When did you party last"

Drea thought hard but couldn't find any answers so she kept calm.

"You see it's been like forever and you just got yourself the coolest job in the whole world and a very  expensive house and car  with a good pay , speaking of which when are you moving in".

Drea groaned "I don't know okay soon maybe next week , I just need to get ready and all".

"Fine then but we are going for this party, so which would be okay for you" she asked her showing them to her . " Forget it I'll choose" she said as she picked an attire and motioned Drea to try it on. She took it reluctantly and went to try how it's going to be.

She came out soon dressing in a  short silk purple gown that hugged her body so well showing her curves  , her cleavages were slightly shown making her look really sexy .

El squealed as she came to her " you look hot Drea " Drea rolled her eyes as she sat down.

"Don't gimme those eyes , you need to have fun Drea it's the weekend it's not like you have work tomorrow unless you go to work on Sundays which I know you don't so I need to take my clothes and change immediately" she took hers and left.

Hers was a red really sexy gown , that brought out her slim curves and cleavages so well with strapped hands . She cat walked towards Andrea as she twirled and blew a kiss to her " so tell me how do I look".

"Hot El , you look hot " she said as she admired her.

"Okay okayy let's do the make up"

Drea sat down as Eloise did her make up and made her hair into wavy curls.when she was done she did hers and soon enough they were ready. They got their heels and headed off to the club.

Fuego arrived at the club as he opened the door for Tristen to step in.
The bouncer knew Tristen as a regular so he didn't bother checking him. He simply lowered his head as Tristen nodded as him and went in.

Eloise arrived soon at the club and she got out and strode towards the bouncer.

"How did you know this place , why didn't we go to our normal place".

"Well that's because, this calls for a bigger celebration, so we are clubbing here , ".

"It looks expensive".

"Coming from someone that has her mansion now , we are spending money tonight sweet heart" Eloise said this as she walked towards the bouncer.

She approached him and he used his device to check her . He finished with her and checked Andrea. He motioned them to go in.

"Thanks baby boy " she said sexily as she strode in with Andrea behind her.

Andrea tried her best to keep her composure , she hadn't partied for almost a year and she was feeling nervous about this.

Eloise noticed as she turned to her "  come on Drea loosen up, you're beautiful and fucking sexy be confident. I've seen like tons of guys feasting their eyes on your body , you might actually get laid tonight who knows" she said as she nudged her winking at her.

"I don't think so, don't let me get drunk and I'm not sleeping with any guy here tonight, I'll have fun and that's it ".  Drea went to the bartender. She approached him and he smiled at her .

"What can I get you please?"

" A bottle of champagne please. " Andrea replied.

"Wooo that's my best friend right here " Eloise cheered .

He brought it to her as she sat down with Eloise.

Few minutes having two glasses of the champagne, they decided to dance. Andrea was a little tipsy as she stood up and danced with Eloise, each of them enjoying their company.

Tristen was on his tabe drinking while watching everyone dance , he watched some women winking at him swaying their hips and showing their boobs to get his attention but he just stared there looking at them not making a move to touch them.

A sexy lady came to him as she danced slowly, swaying her hips she settled at his laps .

"Wanna dance baby?" She whispered as she slowly rocked Tristen. He looked at her as she smirked .

"No I'm good"

"Then let's go somewhere else" ,  she said this as she slowly kissed his neck rocking him, Tristen moved his hands to her ass and gave her a little squeeze as she moaned in his ear. She was about to lead him out when Fuego spoke.

"No way , isn't that amateur?" He said as he half laughed.

"Andrea's here?" He asked as he sat up and  let go of the woman .

"Seems she's not such an amateur after all " he smirked as Tristen followed his gaze and saw Andrea.

Andrea wasn't dancing with Eloise this time , he saw her dancing with a guy , he was holding her waist and held her to him as she swayed her hips on him. He was clearly enjoying it and he held her even more.

Tristen unknowingly clenched his fists tightly. He hated how the guy held her and how he whispered something that made her laugh.

"Leave" he said to the woman sitting on her.

"But we were about leaving  , come on  " she tried to lure him as she went down to his dick trying to squeeze it . He held her hands even before she got there and looked at her with the coldest face.

"I said leave , get off of me " he said as he roughly removed her hands. She scoffed as she went out cursing him.

Author's note

How y'all enjoying this so farrr .. I  am  too and I'm bringing more juice...

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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