Chapter 71: Arguments

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"What did you just say??" Elosie came into Drea's house when she heard what happened between Drea and Tristen the previous day.

Drea called to tell Eloise, but she cut the call immediately and drove to her house. She wanted to hear physically when she said those words to her.

"Come on El, you shouldn't have come all the way here, it isn't a big deal".

"Uhh yes it is , your dating your boss, your boss".

"We are fake dating Eloise".

"What does it matter, do you know what you are getting yourself into huh?".

"What do you mean?".

"You're dating someone, who doesn't regard women, well except from his mom, who has been single for almost all his life". Eloise wasn't happy with this decision she made. She didn't want her to have anything to do with him unless he loved her.

"You don't know that El" she tried to defend him.

"Oh and you do?" She came close to her , holding her on her arms" this man doesn't do stuffs like this baby".

"You were the one wanting us to get together, what changed?".

"Only if he loves you, which we both know he doesn't. It's going to hurt you, because I know you have something for him ".

"I don't love him either Eloise, I care for him. I just want to help him see things differently that's all".

She scoffed" see things differently?, Drea you're fucking dating him, you can't tell me you kiss him without feeling anything, you'd definitely feel something sweetheart ".

"Just like you and Fuego right ?".

Eloise chuckled" no don't bring Fuego and I into this okay? This is about you".

"And why can't I huh?".

She raised her voice a little" Because it doesn't matter. I'm a player, things like this won't really hurt me but you?, You have a nice heart and trust me one of you is gonna get hurt and we both know who it is".

"I won't get hurt El, it's fake ,it's not real, it's going to last for a short while, a month or two".

"Fake? Really fake?, Girl you're teaching him so everything you're doing is going to be real. You're going to have to kiss him , you will definitely....." She stopped and furrowed her brows.
"Don't tell me, you're going to have sex with him".

"No we're not gonna have sex,".

"And what did he say about it?".

"He was fine, Eloise please okay?you have to trust me".

"I just hope you know what you are doing ".

"I know".

Eloise stopped for a while, then glanced at her.

"You have feelings for him Andrea ".

"Oh my God Elosie, I don't ,why do you keep saying that?".

"Then you pity him".

"No I don't ".

"It's either you love him or you have pity for him, because tell me why you want to do this ".

"He's my friend, Jesus " she said angrily as she dug her hands on her hair in frustration.

"You just don't realize it"

"There's nothing to realize Elosie "
Eloise bit her lips , nodding her head, She scoffed and sighed,

"I can't do this, yunno what?, Do what you want, I'm not gon stop you, you're an adult after all"  she said this and left to a room .

Andrea sat down in frustration. She didn't want to argue with Eloise , she hated it.

She let her be for some minutes before going to the room she was.

She got there and knocked.
"El, open up please "  she begged her.

Eloise looked at the door and folded her arms " don't come in I'm naked".

"Ughh, you know that's not an excuse"
Eloise didn't reply, so she tried opening the door and it opened.

She saw her on the floor with her arms folded.

She came to her , smiling " naked huh" she sat down beside her .

Eloise rolled her eyes not saying anything or looking at her.

Drea, nudged her smiling " I'm sorry okay?"

"Lemme alone Drea" she replied stubbornly.

She threw her hands at her and hugged her"I'm sorry for yelling at you okay,I hate fighting with you".

Eloise looked at her , then hugged her back " me too, it's okay you can go ahead with fake dating him, but be careful and if he hurts you ? I'll kill him".

Andrea laughed "of course El".

"Okay, so it's the weekend and I promised we'd go shopping, so get dressed".

"I have outfits already ".

" You mean gowns, that you aren't a fan off?, Get dressed, were buying not just clothes but other things as well ".

" Fine, I'll go get ready "she stood up and left.

She freshened up, wore a comfortable outfit and left with Eloise for the mall.

Author's note

Still updating chapters... Do vote please it encourages me.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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