Chapter 167: Change

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Fuego comes inside Tristen's Mansion immediately after getting a call from Andrea.

"Hey what's up, where is he?" He approaches Andrea who comes out to meet him.

She sighs, turning around and then meeting him, "upstairs I think" she folds her arm " I don't feel like talking to him right now".

"When did he come in?". He asks as they both sit down.

"This morning?" She sighs tiredly "Honestly Mr huge guy, I'm tired, this is the worst, I mean he gets tipsy but he has never been away from home ".

He sighs deeply " what the hell is wrong with you dude?" he mutters to himself.

"I get it okay?, we all miss her and she was his mom, but he should focus on himself, I know it's not gonna be easy but he has to, because there are lots of people depending on him right now. We need to think of a way to get that bastard back for what he's done, not to think of multiple ways to get my boyfriend back on track ".

"Andrea " Tristen voice sounded and they both turned to look at him.

Fuego stands up and goes to meet him, stretching out his arm" What the hell man?" He says angrily " we've been searching for you , thought something bad had happened to you or your bastard of a father took you but clearly you were enjoying yourself and leaving people that love you in pain ".

"Fuego....". Tristen tries to talk....

"Two months now , two months since Mrs Chloe died and you have disobeyed her, have you even thought of how everyone must be going through?, you think you're the only that loved her?, she was my mom too , I love her just like I love my real mom, and it hurt me deeply seeing her buried without her seeing us grow, but she wanted us to be happy, it's not easy but I'm trying to fulfill her wish even if I know it's not gon be easy at all but at least I'm trying, but what are you doing huh?, you go out almost every day , drinking, staying late at night and coming back the next day. Have you actually thought of your nonna?, have you visited her?, she's been asking of you but we'll always give her reasons. You're not alone man and yet you don't want to accept it ."

Tristen tries to speak but Fuego interrupts again" Get your shit together Tristen, we have better things to worry and think about, instead of thinking of ways we'd make you see that this isn't what Chloe wants". He says and turns moving to Andrea, he caresses her shoulders softly and she mouths a thank you, he nods and leaves.

"Well that was a speech" Tristen says.

Andrea shakes her head, sighing and proceeds to move but he holds her hands softly.

"Look love, I'm really sorry okay, I don't want my stupid act to ruin us. I promise this is the last, I won't get drunk anymore or become the rude guy I was .

"I really don't have anything to say right now".

He draws her closely, holding her waist softly " I don't want you to be mad at me please ".

"I don't know if I am, because I don't blame you for doing this but you'll have to stop at some point?, "

"I know, I promise I'll stop" she caresses her face softly, leaning towards her lips

"I hope so " she tells him and leaves.

He groans , pressing his lips tightly.

Author's note

Keep voting loves.

Xoxo ❤️ ❤️

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