Chapter 46: Worst Nightmare

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Tristen noticed Drea had left the study immediately he answered the call. He chuckled and decided to go downstairs to find her.

He changed to a simple black top and a grey sweatpants with his black slides.

He heard laughter coming from the kitchen and he decided to check it out.

He went towards there and saw Andrea and his noona laughing while the snacks were in the oven.

He didn't say a word rather he relaxed on the wall  watching them both talk like they've known themselves for a long time.

Andrea looked up and saw him.

"Oh sir , you here".

"You ran away".

Drea chuckled nervously " oh no I needed air".

"Let's go, you shouldn't be here ".

"Um we're almost done making your spring rolls".

"You're not allowed here little girl".

"Let her help bunny, we are almost done ".

Andrea snorted as she heard noona called Tristen bunny.

"Noonaaaaaa" Tristen whined like  a little boy. "No one is supposed to know you call me that".

"Oh I'm sorry bunny" she repeated the same thing and Andrea laughed so hard.

Tristen held her by the hands and took her out of the kitchen while she kept laughing with noona smiling behind them.

They got to the study and he closed the door behind them.

"I don't want a word of this to anyone Andrea".

Andrea laughed " sorry what word? Oh oh you mean bunny?" And she laughed again.

"It's not funny".he watched her hold her chest laughing.

Normally ,this was a cute name . But she didn't expect him to be called bunny seeing how cold and rude he acts .

And seeing him react to the name when noona called it in front of her made it funnier.

"I mean the name is cute" she chuckled.

"Don't call me that, and no one should hear about it".


"Cause I said so"

"Okay bunny" she lowered her voice when she said bunny.

"What did you say?"

"Mm? Nothing boss"  he replied him as she sat down smiling bringing her laptop forward to begin working.

After some minutes noona brought his snacks to him. He thanked her and she left.

After hours of working, It was late in the night as they were done with what they needed to do .

It suddenly started Raining seriously. Tristen cursed as he stared outside and back at Drea.

"I'll call the driver to pick you up"

She nodded and  packed her office documents ready to leave when Tristen got a call.

"Hello my boy" Drew called him the name he usually calls him when he was a child.

Tristen gritted his teeth as he heard his father's voice. He remembered how his mom cried and he wished he could kill him.

"Where the fuck are you , ". He said angrily. Andrea stopped as she turned to know what went wrong.

"Now language my son, that's not the way to speak to your father you haven't heard from in 8 years now".

"Don't fucking call me that, you're not my father and I'll never be your son, what the hell do you want ".

" I want to say hi, I'm sure you must have heard  the conversation between your mother and I . I must say she missed me seeing the way she broke down hearing my voice ".

"I'll be the happiest person if you were to be in prison for the rest of your life, my mom went through so much because of you, you abandoned us , you fucking tried to rape my mom".

Andrea gasped hearing this, Chloe didn't tell her the side of the story .

"But you came in and ruined the fun, you asshole. I was about to put my shaft in her tight..."

Tristen roared with anger, he threw things away angrily while Drew laughed .

"I'll fucking kill you, I'll kill you if you ever try to touch my mom".

"No Tristen, I will kill you. I didn't spend all 8 years of my life not planning on the best way to get you and your mother back for what you put me through. Just you wait and see , I'm just getting started. You haven't seen the worst of it all". His voice had all the Revenge and hate .

"I hate you, I fucking hate you ".

Drew laughed wickedly" see you soon son" he hung up the phone.

Tristen roared in anger, he threw everything he could lay his hands on.

Andrea went to him immediately and tried to hold him but he was too furious to listen to her .

"Mr Angel please stop , you're injured".
She noticed blood dripping from his hands.

He kept throwing things shouting. Andrea didn't know a way to stop him so she did the only thing that came to her mind.

She began throwing things as well, shouting just like he was .

He noticed what she was doing, he stopped and stared at her.

She looked at him and walked up to him " what's the problem" she tried to touch him but he moved back.

"You need to leave now , Andrea. Your work here is done ".

"I can't leave you like this, you're angry".

"Exactly the reason you need to leave I might do something to hurt you".

"I can't leave you sir, you need someone".

"Fuckingggg leaveeeee . I don't need you or anyone . Just fuck off and leave me alone" he shouted in her face.

Drea was hurt but she knew he didn't mean it .
"No I'm not leaving you like this".

He scoffed and ran his fingers through his hair roughly. He laughed as he sat down.

Andrea came close to him and tried to touch him. He removed her hands immediately and went down stairs with Andrea following him behind.

Author's note

Ughhh I hate Drew so much.... Poor Tristen. His worst nightmare is coming back again. Anywayssss watch out for the rest.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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