Chapter 102 : Mine

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Mature contents not suitable for young readers

They used the rest of the hours to talk about what was going on in both of their lives.

They spoke for long hours without getting tired,  played music, danced , watched movies, ate and spoke more.

"Fuego told me about Tristen's Father and his  plans".

"I'm surprised, he hasn't done anything bad. His like a ticking bomb, you won't know when he's going to explode".

"You have to be really careful".

"I know , it's all on low profile now".

She gets up, "anyways I gotta run, it's getting late".

"Yha , we didn't realize " she walked her to the door and found Tristen coming in.

"Looks like your man is home, I better leave you two" she nudges her and Andrea blushes.

He approaches them smirking. He goes to Andrea kissing her on her forehead. He turns towards Eloise.

"Feisty, how are you".

"I'm good jerk,  " she smiles and turns to Andrea "I'll call you okay" .

"Mm okay"

Eloise turns to Tristen " she's happy , you might not be a jerk after all but the name stays" she taps him and leaves.

He turns to Andrea, holding her on her waist, " I missed you Andrea" he says huskily, caressing her silky hair and kissed her hair.

"Me too" she replies honestly.

They both go inside " I'll dish your lunch, go have your shower okay?".

He kisses her lower lip ,kisses her neck " you smell damn good".

"Mm thank you, now run along".

He nods and moves upstairs, while she dishes the food.

After some minutes he comes down putting his usual attire.

"Smells good" he comes to the dinning room.

He sits down majestically and smiles as she dishes his food.

"How did your day go?".

"Nice, not bad . The meeting went well"

"No confusion and stammering? Like you were making sense?" She said trying not to laugh.

"Don't laugh" he says as he smiles "and yes no confusion this time around".

"Okay?" She laughs."I can't believe I got you confused ".

"You did get me confused, wearing that damn deep blue lingerie " and she throws her hard back laughing.

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay I like it" he says. After lunch he excused himself to his study, having some work to do.

She goes to the bathroom to have a warm shower, decided to wash the heat off of her before retiring to her room for the night.

She washes herself slowly, closing her eyes adjusting to the water.

She took a handful of strawberry shampoo to wash her hair.  Then  a figure slowly circles his big strong hands around her waist and draws her closer.

She gasps as she feels him against her. She tries to look back but he stops her.

"Don't move please, let's be this way"  Tristen whispers slowly against her ears and she falls silent.

"I looked for you around and didn't see you".

"How'd you find me here?"

"Your shower " he says and falls silent

He stands and begins washing her hair" my favorite scent".

"Strawberry ".

"Mm strawberry ".

After he was done ,he turns her to face him. Her face was flushed due to the warm water.

He gently pulls her close to him, rubbing her lips. She bits it and he kisses her . He holds her tightly kissing her with everything he had, the love he has .

She responses to him and she kisses him as well , shivers running down her spine.

"Let's do it here , please" he says as he began trailing kisses all over her body making her submit.

She nods and he lifts her and places her against the wall, his mouth on her hard nipple and she moans sexily. The sound that he'd never get tired of hearing.

"I love how responsive,you are to me" he says these words and it drove her crazy. She loves when he says sweet nothings into her ear.

He kept giving kisses on her ,then thrusted deep inside her and she moans loudly, digging her fingers on his back as he began moving in and out of her, growling and cursing.

He puts her down ,turns her around so that her back was facing him and he slams into her once more.

"Oh Fuck Tristen" she whimpers and he held her hair backwards, bringing her close to him than ever and kept thrusting into her.

"Fuck" he growls her he throws his backwards in pleasure before holding her hair and began kissing her neck, holding her tits to add to the pleasure he was giving her.

"You're mine Andrea, mine" he growls deeply as he kept increasing his pace

"Oh Fuck" she curses as she got close .

"Mine" he kept saying and she nods.

" Do you understand?" he says as he smacks her.

"Yes " she whimpers.

He continued the action and soon both came together shaking in ecstasy.

She was no longer embarrassed seeing how close they got

They both caught their breaths , washed off and came out.

"I'm staying here" he says as he kisses he lips softly.

"I'd like that" she smiles at him.

She led him to her soft bed , they laid silently and comfortably, then she looks up and finds his peaceful face asleep.

She goes to him , gives him a kiss on his head and lip " I love you Tristen " she whispers before she drifts off to a deep sleep.

Author's note

So we're done..more stuffs coming up..keep voting

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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