Chapter 77: His little girl

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Tristen furrowed his brows seeing Andrea jump around like a little child, clapping and telling him she had won, like he didn't know.

"Better luck next time baby, go on show your dance moves , shake that ass" she said as she laughed hard.

He wasn't finding it funny, he just watched her laugh and cheer him. He wanted to back off but a deal was a deal.

He slowly stood up, and began moving his body slowly, while Andrea cheered him. She had a good song on so it added to his morale, he began moving his rigid body left to right, and after sometime,he softened and moved his arms and body slowly.

Andrea laughed hard as she fell down holding her stomach, this was a funny and cute sight to behold.

She held her phone and took a little video of him , smiling. She loved to see him like this.

Then he stopped " delete the video Andrea" .

"Noo I won't , I promise I won't send it out,it's going to be our videos for us" she sent it to his chat smiling.

She looked up and stood up hugging him" you were per.." she couldn't complete it as she snorted and laughed, while he stared at her not blinking.

"Okay I'm sorry I'm sorry, you we're parfait" she laughed again and hugged him. He couldn't resist smiling and hugging her back.

"Don't tell anyone about this little girl". His voice was serious and mean

Andrea just laughed and promised him ,she won't

"Okay okay let's play again" she said and sat down. Tristen was determined not to loose this time around .

They started again  and he watched her play the puzzle . He looked at her and how she focused on the game. He let her play the game and watched her  concentrate wholly on it. At last she placed the last piece and smiled in satisfaction.

Her eyes lit up when she looked at him smiling, he couldn't help but smile back.

"Mm I see little girl, you did it again".

"Dance with me" she said as she twirled and jumped, letting the music take over. She let the music take over her as she didn't care.

Tristen was mesmerized, watching his little girl dance crazily to the music, not caring at all , and somehow he didn't care if she danced like a crazy woman , he enjoyed every bit of what was going on and he stayed there grinning widely.

Andrea tugged on his hands trying to get him to stand, but he shook his head in disapproval , stayed rooted  , she tugged again and gave the eyes that makes him always fall and finally, he gave in , he allowed her to pull him to his feet and she began to dance with him.

He was awkward at first but soon he loosened up  and move with her, he let the music take over and soon he began laughing  and twirling with her.

Their body moved together in sync . Tristen couldn't remember when last he was in this mood. He glanced down at Drea who continued swaying and moving her body, his face was filled with softness for her,he wanted to protect her at all cost , seeing how happy she is all the time, he just wanted to make sure it stayed that way.

Then the music stopped  and they looked at each other's faces. Faces flushed and their hearts pounding.
They stood there for a minute not sure of what to do, until she finally broke the silence.

"This was great, you were great" she smiled sincerely.

"Mhm" he just nodded , tucking in strands of hair behind her ear, unable to say what he was feeling.

"The food is ready, let's go eat" she led him to her dinning, she dished his food  and he began digging in.

She looked at him smirked " you're really hungry and tired".

"Yes Andrea and it's all thanks to you" he replied nog looking at her.

"Complain all you want, I have not seen you like this before and I love this side of you, don't hide it from me okay".

"You're quite the crazy one ".

"You get to see that because I'm free with you now".


"Take it easy " she smiled seeing how quick he ate his food

"You've drained me Jacqueline, I need strength ".

"It's Andrea ".

" Jacqueline too".

She shook her head and continued eating.

Soon they were done , and it was time for Tristen to leave as it was late.

"Tomorrow is going to make it a month, we started this stuff, you need to teach me more ".

"It's not my fault, you've been busy" she said as she walked him to the door.

"Find out how you'd make it work, you're the little teacher here".

She sighed "okay I'll call you tomorrow, okay and no more work , it's going to be you now".

"Mm that's more like it". He stepped out .

"I'll see you tomorrow then,"  she gave him a quick smile, she didn't want the night to end , she enjoyed every bit of her day.

He took her hands, guiding her to him, looking at her, he caressed her cheeks and then he leaned in and gave her a gentle and soft kiss , full of feeling ,  Drea held him closing her eyes savoring the moment and not wanting to let him go.

. She brought him close and kissed his forehead.

"Go home safe , and email me when you're home".

He nodded at her smiling , he turned not looking back, went to his vehicle and drove off.

Andrea feeling so happy, couldn't sleep. As usual she called her feisty bodyguard and told her everything but didn't show her videos of him dancing.

Author's note

Another completeddddd... Keep voting loves

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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