Chapter 164: Pretty little secret

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Tristen looks at the woman smiling at him and sighs when he sees Lisa.

"Awnn, always not happy to see me, it makes me sad" she says sarcastically.

"What do you want?". His voice gruffy and mean.

"Well I came to wallow in my sorrows just like you're wallowing in yours. Oh yes I heard about your mom, I'm sorry I couldn't come to the funeral, she was such a sweetheart". She tells him in pretence, Chloe never liked her so she didn't care if she died.

He looks at her, his eyes red and his demeanor cold and scary, she got chills in her body " you knew nothing about her ,don't come here giving me fake sympathy. State what you want and get out".

"Always mean as usual, shouldn't you be at home while Andira or whatever her name is, cuddle and breastfeed you?".

"Don't talk about my woman with disrespect Lisa, I don't mind causing a fuckin scene" he warns.

"Of course. Well it's obvious you don't wanna be anywhere around her guessing you're not at home drinking while you have a whole bar at home, so why don't we make this night a special one huh?, just like old times" she tells him caressing his thighs.

He looks at her with a stern and serious face" get your hands off of me, the last thing I wanna do is to fuck you, didn't you get it in your skull when I said we were over?".

"I mean your girlfriend doesn't have to know, it's going to be our little pretty secret " she bites her lips smiling.

"Fuckin cringe " he tells her and stands up trying to walk, but he staggers a little bit and she chuckles.

"Well someone has been drinking a lot tonight ".

"Fuck off" He fires back.

She groans " always stubborn " she stands" I'll take you home" she tries to touch him but he moves back.

"I know how to fully drive, I'm not a child , I clearly don't need you or anyone babysitting me and I can perfectly drive myself home".

"Well this hero is actually going to crash, if he drives drunk and what do you think your girlfriend would do when she sees you drunk?".

"It's none of your business".

"I was told you were a regular here and you sometimes get home drunk, I mean I don't like the fact you're with that girl because clearly you should be with me , but it doesn't mean I don't care about you or your relationship with her. Your mom's dead and the least thing you wanna do is to mess things up with her, let me take you to my place, you chill out and you head home." She clearly lies.

"Why would I trust you?"

"We've known each other way longer than this".

"Much reason I shouldn't trust you".

"Fuckin hell dude, just get fucking sober and go back to your woman ".

"Where's your car parked?".

"I'll show you" she tries to help him but he declines her help.

"I can walk , I'm not fully drunk ".

She rolls her eyes" whatever " she tells him and moves out of the bar.

She drives him, straight to her house.
She opens her door and lets him in

"I wanna throw up Lisa" he groans and she quickly guides him to her room, he does his business there and he comes out feeling all sick.

"I could literally throw up in your kitchen, why your room?".

"I have stuffs I wouldn't want you to mess up".

She hands  him a medicine" here it'll help with the headache and the it'll help keep you sober".

He glances at her smooth palm and then at her suspiciously.

"Take the damn pill" she stretches her hand more and he takes it and drinks water.

Author's note

More and more drama.... Keep voting.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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