Chapter 90: Hurt

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"wow so you two are finally dating?" Andrea was on a phone with Eloise as she came inside from where she went to.

"Yes girl and it's not fake dating this time, it's real" Eloise mocked.

"Mm I see what you did there" Andrea laughs " you know I think we are finally connecting, yunno".


"Yha he is so open to me now and tells me stuffs, he's less cold and less rude. He's actually a very sweet person if you get to know him".

"Yha yha yha I know, you're in love , we get it".

"Don't start okay?".

"I know you're in love with him , you just don't wanna accept it, the way you talk about him says it all".

Andrea groans " ughh I don't know what I feel okay,I really don't it's like I'm...." She spots an unfamiliar car in the house. Squinting her eyes she decides to cut the call " um El I'll talk to you later okay?".

"Yha yha , try and avoid the situation".

"I love you" she says and hangs up.

It was late ,and she knew he didn't accept visitors by the time of the night so she wondered who that was.

She gets into the house and sees Fuego.

"Hi Mr huge guy".

"Amateur" he says not looking at her and continues with his work.

"I saw a car parked outside and I kinda know it's not ours, or did you get a new ride".

"Nah uh, that's not us, he has a visitor".

"Oh uh who?" She didn't care if she was poke nosing or being inquisitive .

"I don't know amateur".

"Where is he?".

"God you ask lots of questions, I think the study, because that's where he receives visitors" he says and leaves immediately to avoid any question from her.

She began going upstairs to the study, an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach as her heart began racing .

She got to the study and what she saw made her heart sink.

There was Lisa sitting on Tristen's lap with her lips close to his. Tristen was trying to get her off but she didn't notice that. All she saw was her body close to him and it made her blood boil.

She decided not to act rashly, feeling a pang of jealousy , she retreats her steps, her mind clouded with so many emotions and thoughts.

Her eyes held hurt as she tries to move but accidentally hits a chair and they both looked towards the noise.

" Andrea" he calls her name softly

He saw the hurt in her eyes and he was filled with regret . Lisa simple smiled still not getting off of him.

"Weren't you taught how to knock before barging into someone?" Lisa asks rudely.

Andrea stammered as her eyes swelled with tears " uh I'm... I didn't know you were with him ".

"You always don't know" she sneers at her.

She looks at Tristen, her eyes holding so many thoughts, then she stormed out .

Lisa turns back at Tristen and tried to get close, but he held her throat tightly, with anger blazing through his eyes.

"Don't. You. Ever. Speak. To . Andrea. Like . that " he says through gritted teeth.

Lisa was gapsing for air as she hits his arm trying to tell him he held her tight and if he was to hold a little bit longer, she would die.

He didn't care if she was dying" Do I make myself clear?" He asks menacingly.

She nods, not being able to speak. He let go of her roughly and she hits the floor , coughing trying to catch her breath.

"Fuck the hell off of this house and my life, I don't want to ever set my eyes on you ever again" he says and runs after Andrea .

Author's note

Dramaaaaaa... Ughhhh the way he held her throat... Keep voting

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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