Chapter 121: Sincerity

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Eloise goes to him "what do you mean she has a pulse ? " .

Tristen tries to talk but sees a doctor, he goes to him " Andrea, has a pulse , I'm sure I felt it ."

"What are you talking about sir?, she's dead , we confirmed it" he asks confused.

Tristen holds his collar in anger" she's not fuckin dead, go take a look at her , she has a pulse, she's alive . So you better go attend to her because if she dies for the second time , I swear you're next" he says while Fuego tries to release the doctor from Tristen's angry grip.

"It's best you go take a look doctor" Fuego says . He didn't believe it but asked him to go for formality sake .

The doctor goes into the room, feels her and sees she actually did have a pulse and she was alive.

He comes out and calls to a nurse, she came hurriedly and they fixed her up with machines to keep her stable.

After some time, he comes out smirking, he approaches them" this is rare , Miss Andrea is alive and she's stable . Mr Tristen was right after all. It's a miracle" he says smiling.

Eloise breaks down , hugging Fuego as she cries happily.

Tristen hugs his mom , as she soothes him smiling " I told her to wake up mama, my girl listened to me " he says as he hugs her tighter. Relief was shown on everyone's face.

Tristen couldn't know where to start from if she actually died." Can we see her now?".

"I'm afraid not , for now" we suggest when she's awake. He says and they all nod.

"Her parents took the next flight home, I told them she was hit by a stay bullet" Eloise tells everyone just in case they were asked.

"Thank you Elosie" Tristen says sincerely.

She gives a quick nod and leaves. She was still mad at Tristen.

" You need to go home and get some rest, change into something probably. You look wasted" Fuego tells him.

" You go get me something to put on, I'm not leaving until she wakes up" Tristen says and sits down .

Fuego sighs, leaving not wanting to indulge him in any further conversation.

He goes outside the hospital , going towards his car , Diego calls out to him

"I'm sorry for your loss Fuego" he says with a hint of sadness.

Fuego smirks " she's not dead Diego".

"Don't fuck with me Fuego, I was there when..."

"She has a pulse, Tristen got in there, did his magic somehow, called to her and she listened, she's stable and would be awake soon".

Diego scoffs "wow, Simons in love with a woman?" He scoffs" she must be something ".

"She is actually, Don't do anything crazy Diego . Let him enjoy this happiness he's got ".

"I'm too busy thinking about how to get him back for leaving the crew, I'm passed that now. " He says as he tries to leave but stops" I'm done with you all, I almost got killed on this fucking operation. Be alert on Drew, Tristen killed his fuckin son , I'm sure he wouldn't let it slide, so we sure as hell aren't safe ".

"Then why are you done with us?, you joined us in this , he's going to come for you"

"When he comes for me , I know how to deal with him". he says and begins moving towards his car.

"Mama and papa misses you, you should come for dinner sometime and keep the hard and prodigal son aside , it fucking doesn't you" Fuego says calmy.

Diego face softens as he heard these words , he looks over his shoulder, then goes into his car, zooming off.

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