chapter 11: Job interview

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Eloise's pov

I woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes, I got up washed my mouth and went straight up to the kitchen

"Morning" I greeted Drea as she flipped the pancakes.

" Morning El "she said as she smiled
"How was your night , did you sleep well"? She asked ...God I love this soul ,she has the purest heart, the nicest person I've known ,the kindest I've come in contact with and I was ready to defend her ,I couldn't repay her for all she did to me because even if I try to give the money back she won't accept so it was useless persuading her .

I know of one thing I'll continue to defend her because I found a real sister in someone who isn't blood .

"Mm I did .. did you?" I asked

"Yhup.. breakfast? " She said as she dished the pancakes with syrup and made coffee she makes the best coffee

"Mm thanks..this looks good "I said as I took a bite.

" I want to resume work now , I'm okay as you can see I don't want to keep sitting around doing nothing.. so I called the office and they said I can resume work tomorrow "I informed her

"Oh that's good El I'm happy for you, wait that means you'll no longer stay here?" She asked her face turning pale already.

" You know your place is far from my workplace and besides I don't want to be a burden to you"

" You're not a burden Elosie, your welcomed to stay here any time you like "

"Yeah yeah I know but I do know that you need your privacy so it's okay ..I bet my apartment misses me" I said as I winked at her trying to make her feel better

"I guess so " she smiled " shit it's 7am already I need to get ready for my job interview" she said as she took the last bite of her pancakes and hurried to the room .

" Yha about that, are you quiting your job? You said you were going to tell me how this job interview came about" I said as I took my pancake and followed her to the room.

" When I'm back El I'll tell you" she said as she undressed.

"Noooo you're telling me right now can be doing your stuff and telling me I don't mind sitting on your bathroom floor" I said as I meant it and followed her into the bathroom

She entered the cubicle and I sat down on her neat dried  bathroom floor  she's a neat person,one could even eat there who was I kidding I was eating my pancakes already.

" The dinner was nice" she continued  " I was right after all he has an online job which fetches him the money he has"

"Oh yeah? Why does he work at your workplace any way if he's so wealthy " I asked ,somehow I didn't trust that Dan guy

" He said for the mean time ..he doesn't frequent work always because my boss knows him it's kinda like a family friendship stuff yunno"

"Okay so continue,how did you get the job stuff " I was impatient lol

" I didn't know that Mr Angel guy had a meeting in that same restaurant, and he was staring throughout our dinner"

"Woahhh   serious "? I couldn't believe it

" Yeah so when I bid Dan  goodbye ?he came out and starting accusing me"? I saw the hurt in her tone

" What did he accuse you off" I was getting pissed.

" He said he watched me and my boyfriend,and how I dressed up all hot for him. Then asked why I lied and I was just like the other women he fucks , and bets Dan doesn't know I was literally tell him to fuck me months ago.

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